New DLC Killer Idea

I have recently rewatched the leprechaun horror movie franchise and realized that the leprechaun might be a joke series but has lots of interesting abilities and would be a very interesting killer and would really give a lot of choices for the developers on which abilities to put in the game and would have the chance to be one the most unique killers in the game with his height and his ability in the movies to copy peoples sounds and with many more unique abilities this is why leprechaun would be a really good choice for a new dlc killer
that would be hilarious if that got into the game.
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i like your style
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This dude is a genius
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do you guys think this would be a good idea
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sure lmao
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btw it not a joke series because they have like 8 movies
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I would love this so much
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his mori could be him jumping on the survivor with a pogo stick like in that one scene in the first movie
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that would be the best and if after he was jumping on the pogo stick he would shine there shoes