Billy d tier now

I dont know what was being thought when he was nerfed I literally had to play m1 billy the only time I used my chainsaw was to move because every other time I used it a grand ma with crutches could get faster than his saw now like why. And to think that wraiths base speed without the addons is going to be a bit slower than Billy. Like he is what 185% wraith is going to be 160%
(Just me mourning over my Billy days :(
First time playing him since nerf
Really? D tier? I wonder if you say that because you used his insta saw add ons all the time. Overheat mechanic was unnecessary, but he didn’t get gutted.
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My favorite letter.
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I did agree with the over heat
I dislike that you could spam it with no draw back
mechanic but why the charge addons I can start a rev go make popcorn and be about half
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dude I am sorry... as Billy main in the past it is the dumbest comment I have ever seen!
A truly good Billy charges his saw to 99% behind the back and waits for survivors to do dumb stuff (flicks, 360, etc). A good Billy would always take engravings which slow chainsaw even more but give you some hot speed.
The addon nerfs were necessary and help to get rid of people who played him only for the unfair instasaw that could have been pulled off by even a rank 20 killer.
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I guess I am pretty bad at Billy I'm just mourning at his nerf maybe I will change my mind
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If you want to learn him still find some old videos of ZubatLeL when he plays Hillbilly, he does it mostly without addons or only with engravings so he would be close to now. But playing only with insta is something that will decrease your skill
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First of all, Billy moves at 230% while Wraith with the buff will move at around 150%, MUCH faster than Wraith.
Second of all, nothing about his chainsaw changed other than the addition of overheating
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You’re joking right? The only actual nerf he got was removal of his charge time addons ( which had to happen)
Overheat is unnoticeable unless you overuse your chainsaw in bad spots
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The issue isn't the over heat I haven't over heated yet but its finding a practical time to use it to down every time I've down someone I've seen 5 situations where bubba can do the same but easier
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He's still A tier or at very worst top of B tier, what
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I am a terrible Billy player with only three perk slots at Yellow quality running ZERO add ons and I got 4 chainsaw landings in a match today.
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Disagree he's still A Tier
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He is A tier. This must be why be is dodo status :D
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he's still good, just unfun to play
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billy is a B tier killer at best,period. The overheat IS UNNECESSARY and his bugged FOV is the worst thing they did to him. You will never run into a good billy because no new player can play him,and only hardcore billy players that plays him exclusively are good. If they wanna keep the overheat they should buff the cooldown and buff all his addons without giving him any instasaw,and of course they should give him back HIS BUGGED FOV ASAP like mcclean said he was gonna do. Honestly it will be good if a MOD gives an answer because it’s unfair towards us that wasted so much time and money on him
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Despite all the people claiming that Billy is still A tier, he's like a unicorn now. You hear about people playing him, but you never get matched against one.
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The point of bubba is that it IS easier, the difference is that billy has so much more map pressure with his high mobility.
I'm not a regular billy main so other things I can't really say things about but that's the gist of him, I see other streamers / friends play him fine so I guess just "git gud"? No offense, but with most these "pls buff"/rant posts I just see a lack of skill, not that I'm any better though haha.
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This sounds like you have relied on his Chargetime-Add Ons a lot.
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people just don't play him because oni feels so much better, he's really just a chore to play now
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This is because of people who have no idea what they're talking about and maybe play Billy once in a while for a daily, win against trash survivors and then say he's still A tier.
People don't understand that it doesn't really matter that you can move quickly around the map (assuming you don't get an indoor map) if you can't down people fast enough; that's why he's an extinct killer.
Billy has WAY less lethality without good charge time add-ons (and not that joke of Mother's Helpers) other than being much less fun and clunky to play, and the Engravings not only double penalize you (longer charge time and more overheat), but the stupid roar also makes easier for survivors to juke him during a curve.
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I just had a match against Billy around 30 minutes ago, who DCd. Was it you?
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Exactly! He used to be the gold standard for balancing. Other killers should have been buffed to be as viable as him.
But now? He's just a m1 killer now.
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Only spark plug because it was just enough to use it effectively at some loops
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No if I'm mad as Billy I'll just chain saw around the map for as long as I can see is I may snipe
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As a double engravings main, no he isn't