PC players disrespect Console players, but don't realize what people on console have been through.



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,167

    Enjoyed having you there! I'll probably stream again later tonight.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Wait, how does everyone here know that they're going against PC or console players in the first place? I thought the globe icon just tells you they're on a different platform, not console or PC. So you could be on Xbox, see a globe icon, and that person is on PS4, or play on Steam and the globe icon would be for the weirdo playing on the Windows Store. Correct me if I'm wrong on this.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    I mean,if i see a player with the name "Mori Me Myers" then i'm gonna assume that that's a PC player

  • Ghost_Cola
    Ghost_Cola Member Posts: 7

    For real, the lack of optimisation kills me, playing Ghostieboy & dropping to 3 frames a second when you swing at survivors is brutal.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025


    As a PC player, this is a REALLY good take. Well done.

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    a point about toxicity is you could leave the game and if you don't want to mute stuff, people would just send you messages during your games. Pain in the ass

  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    Most good survivors I play against on PC are console players. Just saiyan

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,223

    How to be disrespect though? It's not like they can see the end game chat.

    And i believe most of the people here don't really mean disrespect towards console players, especially killers. Sure some people here complain how console player sucks, but those posts are just rants and meaningless.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Good post. :)

    The people who hink that consolre players are worse generally just ignore their experiences with bad pc players to form this stereotype.

    The game just harder to play on a controller it does not make the player worse.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566


    I get players called things like ‘Cum Dumpster’ and ‘HEX: Anal’ so I think it’s safe to say they’re on PC lol. I also play with and against a lot of TTV and you can see if they’re on PC or not by them having the chat box. And if I’m really curious I’ll search the persons username followed by ‘Steam’ and if they’re on PC, it brings up their Steam profile. 🙊

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited March 2021

    I'm going to be "that guy".

    I don't mind playing with console players at all. I really don't. That said, I can see a console player playing on a console. Their movements in particular sets them apart. PC players are capable of extremely tight movement, basically turning on a dime or switching directions multiple times rapidly. PC players also have that jerky strafe from tapping ADADADADAD as they move to avoid incoming hits and line up with LoS break while looking behind themselves and maintaining a mostly straight (though a touch jagged) line away from the Killer. In the case that the Killer is console, you can see how they handle tighter parts of loops, basically going wide and swinging into it like a car that is fishtailing or drifting a bit, while PC Killers hug the outline of the collision box as if they were tracing it out, looking around rapidly to keep an eye on things and probably see if a mindgame can be had. PC players have a much higher capability of very specific movement that I often see do well for them. Not always, and sometimes it even makes the Killer target them for being a pain to land a hit on, but it's there. From a casual perspective, it doesn't really amount to much. From a competitive perspective, it does.

    I'm not saying console players are bad. Not at all. I've played with some really good ones, and against some pretty good ones. I honestly respect what they can do with the limitations they are working under. However, those limitations are there, and a PC mustard rice can pretty easily spot it in a crowd. That one Dwight, that one right there, ya, him. No, the other one. Ya, that one. He's playing on console. Ya, the one that Quentin is moonwalking circles around. The Quentin is just a PC showboater, but that Dwight? Ya, he's playing on a controller. A good console player can play around those limitations to do the best with what they have. PC players don't have those limitations, and as a result, don't play around anything. They play through it.

    I guess my point, if I have one (other than to be a bit of a party pooper, but that party wasn't going to poop itself... or was it?) is that I can totally respect the player behind the console. However, I have a peak expectation of what that console player is capable of through the sheer limitation of the console. That peak expectation simply isn't as high as it is for PC. It's NOT a diss on the player, rather what they are playing on. A professional racer is going to race better in a race car than in my neighbors sedan. Mostly cuz I set their sedan on fire. They took my parking space. But you get what I mean.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,919
    edited March 2021
  • mochabam97
    mochabam97 Member Posts: 4

    Thank you! I don't understand why so many people are toxic toward console players. Honestly there are players on both sides who don't know how to properly play or who are toxic. I was a console player for years and recently switched to pc but it shows I'm on console, so I'll get into lobbies sometimes and immediately see things like cOnsOlE pLeB or have people say I won't do gens or save people. It's frustrating how stereotypical people can be.

  • ToxicTears
    ToxicTears Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2021

    I will be honest my only regret cross playing against PC and Xbox players is I cannot receive hate mail from them... Saddens me a bit, when I am gutting people like pigs and hanging them from hooks and I cannot hear them cry about it like PS players. I deserve proper feedback it is not fair :(

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