Why this game is more unbalanced than it needs to be

Timo__R Member Posts: 21

I want to talk about that the Devs keep handling issues with nerfs or buffs for every Killer and survivor the same.

I basically mean that not every buff or nerf should apply to every killer the same, because every change effects every killer differently.

Let´s take something simple like pallets for example, adding more pallets would make this game way more harder for killer like wraith or Trapper as for killer like Huntress or nurse.

Same would apply for survivor, so everyone should know that there are mostly 3 scenarios when playing survivor:

No 1.Playing as 4 man Swf and have it easier if everyone has half a brain.

No 2.Playing solo and experince living hell with what seems like the worst teammates ever who don´t even how to loop and waste everything.

No 3.Playing Partly Swf and have to hope no one of the other random mates don´t ruin this match.

So let´s say we devs reduce the number of pallets for example: No.1 won´t be effect as much as the other, because your mates probably know not to drop every pallet on sight and can communicate where they shouldn´t go when they get chased becasue the pallet there is already broken.

No.2 would make palying alone even more frustrating, u basiclly would need to use certain perks every match otherwise u would be dependent on luck if u can find a pallet which wasn´t used (which is already way to much based on luck)

No.3 would probably as well be way more effected as a 4 man swf, sure u have like 1 other person who could tell u where pallets could be or not but this would still be based on luck as well because someone could have used the pallet there in the meantime.

I hope everybody got what i mean and i was only talking about something simple as pallets and wanted to keep it short.

Pallets aren´t even my issue but i don´t write an whole book about Perks,tiles,maps,hatch,bugs,lags,hitboxes and so on.

If Devs would treat things not as a whole this game would be so much more fair.
