We're going to live Forever was over buffed

Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

For as common of a perk it is to take, which shouldn't really be a thing because that means survivors could afford to waste a perk slot on it and still escape easily (brings "balance" into question) but now, slugging is worthless, more than before. There are no killer perks that give such a large speed boost in such a niece area (not a 100% pick-up/drop/hooking, nothing like that.)

I don't believe it's faviortisium from the devs, simply lack of actual game knoolage.

I propose its dropped from 100% (which reduces the time to heal someone from dying to injured from 16 to 8 seconds, this is without the slugged survivor recovery.) To a 25%, to bring it in line with other action speed changes that killer get offered from perks. Up to 25% from Fire-Up, 20% from Brutal Strength, 15% from Bamboozle.

While there are Killer perks they can give 40% or 50%, there is after all only 1 killer, not 4. So in reality, the downed to injured heal time as it currently is can be further reduced from 8 seconds to less than 4 seconds (healing is done in charges per second, if each survivor heals for 2 per second, it'll only take around 3 seconds to bring them up.)

The overall problem is that, with certain builds, survivors can heal tank at exit gates and escape. Kinda like what happened with old Freddy.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Fire up is only 20% at max, maybe some day we will see 25 but for now it only finds itself in meme builds

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Im sorry... it does what?

    Did devs just got a brainfart?

    Its a we are going to ive forever on slugs without need of unhooking...

    Did they lost their minds?

    I wanted to return to this game after a break... but i don't want to deal with soulguard + we are going to live forever squads...

    It was a cancer already, but now they don't need a specialised build for that and they have wider window to do that already...

    No, thank you.

    Devs are dumb.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    I've been hit by soul guard maybe like 3 times in the past month of playing. It's hardly a big deal. Unbreakable is what actually gets used most of the time. WGLF soul guard that is, I've had a survivor actually use it normally maybe once or twice I never even noticed really.

    WGLF is basically just we'll make it but active all the time and only on slugged people, it still takes time to pick them up, and quite often by the time they reach them, they have already mostly recovered anyways. If a survivor is on them too fast, they were probably in the area and infectious fright hit them, or the killer saw them and is now getting a free new target.

    It's not that bad; it can be VERY good mind you I want to make that clear it's far from bad and can clutch games sometimes- but mostly people use it for the blood points more than the effect.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    You really dont know what i am talking about... do you?

    Killer attack cooldown is 3 seconds.

    With wglf survivors can pick each other in 4 seconds (if both are picking up).

    Soulguard lasts 8 seconds, which is enough (if you have 200% healing speed) to heal each other while killer is hitting healers.

    Healed survivor can tank a hit for next 8 seconds, while healing with another one, who has 4 more seconds of soulguard the downed survivor.

    In short, 3 survivors can hold the killer infinitely. Earlier it required medkits and when they run out, there was a problem for survivors, but now...

    Now it's almost like the old sabo, where killer can't do anything, unless it's killer with power that downs survivors, or he has StBfL...

    So yeah... this perk is still meh (almost 0 buff value) for low lvl players, but is insane for swf on higher skills...

    So yeah... devs got a brainfart...

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    And the chances into running 10k hours nurse main are low as well... does that make nurse ok? Well, no, if played almost perfectly she is uncounterable.

    Thats the problem with this buff, it can be broken if used properly by swf, while giving no value for normal games.

    It's such a f*ck off buff, from the devs that its just dumb.

    BE actually did something amazing, they buffed a perk in such a way, that it is straghtforward broken in specific scenario, while also almost useless in any other case.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Lmao, how is this ever a problem? I've never played a single game and even if I did by now it'd be 1 of 1000 matches....

    If you nerfed the heal speed which they added so the perk actually had some (albeit minor) use, then by your logic need BBQ so it only works once per hook or something. - by the way I'm not advocating that... I'm just stating an equivelant.

    I wish people would stop quoting it's 4 Vs 1. Its that number for a reason. Drop it to 3vs1 and your odds are almost 0 and drop it to 2vs1 and there is no game. The killer is faster and can remove players from the game for a reason!

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    It needs another effect that will be useful more often, while not being broken in specific scenario...

    Lets say that it gives 5% faster healing for each stack.

  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    I can't imagine a life whereas I'm quaking in fear out of "WGLF and soul guard squads", you guys ok?

    It sounds to me like you're super afraid of a meme scenario that requires at least a 3 man to work out properly, WGLF is still kind of a joke perk I rarely see ran around and most def don't want a build that depends on others, why most perks that keeps the engines of gen doing and looping are personal self pick ups/unhooks/healing and wiggling out (ds)

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Ther Killer perks you mentioned (Fire up, Bamboozle, and Brutal strength) apply reductions to action durations while WGLF is an increase to speed. To accurately compare both, you should convert both to the same base. In that case, WGLF can be described as "while picking survivors on the ground, reduces healing time by 50%".

    A more accurate comparison could be Coulrophobia. It doubles the time to heal (50% penalty to healing speed) while both have situational effects.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    And you're definitely not forgetting that survivors, for a full stack of WGLF need 4 tokens, meaning 4 safe unhooks and/or protection hits, which means they're probably also injured?

    I think it's a great perk, the reason people are running it right now is because of the Empathy challenge in the latest tome, that's literally the only reason.

    It's too Niche of a perk with such a specific way of using it that it doesn't ever need a nerf. Not ever. If you're complaining about it, you should probably try picking up the survivors instead.

  • Woot1234
    Woot1234 Member Posts: 139
    edited March 2021

    This video shows how SWF can make good use of WGLF. If it were me in the game I would have 0k'ed for sure.

    Edit: here is link.


  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    You should be complaining about Unbreakable instead. WGLF is fine because nobody ever bothers to pick slugged survivors up, both killer and survivor so having a perk that makes survivors want to do so is perfect.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I don't think it was buffed enough.

    I want it to effect cages but also be easier to get stacks in general.

    As killer I can get 4 stacks of bbq easily by playing normal.

    As survivor I have to compete with teammates and almost throw to get stacks. I'd prefer it to take 5 stacks of 20% and you get a stack for each gen completed. Or totem cleansed. That way all survivors can benefit, not have to compete for it, and get stacks by playing normally.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    It's fine. Just don't slug after u find they heal real fast

  • ArchFox
    ArchFox Member Posts: 205

    I suggest killers be required to perform the Macarena before hooking a survivor to balance hooking speeds

  • Weeb_H_Toast
    Weeb_H_Toast Member Posts: 195

    Most of you are wrong.

    50% does not equal 100%.

    Soul guard funni

    Unbreakabill OP

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    What’s wrong with WGLF having a passive that isn’t even all that?

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    There's nothing wrong with WGLF or BBQ

    Run them for awesome bloodpoint bonuses and incentivizing healthier game play on both sides!

    This isn't difficult

  • wraithbaby3
    wraithbaby3 Member Posts: 30

    Agree with whatever you said and I also think survivors should be able to down killers, hook and facecamp them. #nerfteabagging

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    1/10 bait post.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    The only killer WGLF has a drastic effect on is probably Twins.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    I think I'm the only one so far who said that Unbreakable is OP. Also everyone is disagreeing with you except for that one person so maybe you should start considering your reasoning for making this thread

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Don't overestimate the value of picking survivors off of the ground. It'll only come into use if a survivor is being slugged very hard, and even then, most killers are going to be territorial around their kill and keep harassing altruistic survivors.

    As scary as 8 seconds sounds, it's really not enough to make a sizable difference. In very few cases will they be able to pull off a heal, and even if they do, they better either have soul guard (*cue laughter*) or already be at a powerful loop.

    Just look at For the People. It's an instant pick up off of the ground, and even in SWFs (with soul guard), it's pretty useless.

    Plus, it's misguided to compare it to killer speed actions as an analogue. Healing takes 16 seconds, a killer vault takes 2. Even an 8 second heal off of the ground isn't particularly useful. Only in slugging situations will you find usage, even during which you have to pray that they don't have infectious (*cue laughter*), and that other survivors can loop decently.

  • Ireansgame
    Ireansgame Member Posts: 3

    Why are you slugging that much? I play both survivor and killer leaning towards killer and it sounds more like you're bad. The game has never rewarded slugging except on fast down killers like Meyers in T3 or the chainsaw killers. Slugging gives the survivors a rather risk free way to save someone, WGLF doesn't affect it if they recovered to 99% that's the difference between an instant pickup an a split second pickup. Even if you 3 or 4 man slug one unbreakable, soul guard, or no mither and you get maybe one hook out of it if the team has good game sense.

    Hooking forces survivors into a big risk, if they go for unhook while injured they will almost guarantee they get downed unless they're outside terror radius, going for it healthy if you are on them they have to stop and take a hit otherwise they get grabbed and without BT tanking a hit you get a trade. That or option 3 they don't go for the unhook and someone gets struggle phase off of first hook or just dies. You get blood points for hooking not slugging.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    WGLF did nothing before its buff. Nothing.

    There's nothing wrong with this perk it was received well when it got a buff.

  • Cristia1V0
    Cristia1V0 Member Posts: 40

    Good the buff is how it should be

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    She is. Mess your ping up with a vpn and have fun slaying survivors.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    That little trick only works if the killer is gullible enough to down the survivors one by one every time

    What you do is play along untill everybody is affected by deep wounds from soul guard and then you focus on a single survivor.

    The other ones will either have to stop the cycle to mend or will eventually colapse because their 20 second timer ran out.

    If this really would have worked like you said you would see it all the time. People playing this game really wouldn't pass up a way to cheese the system

    I'm going to assume you never actually had this happen to you and just saw a video of it. Youtubers with their wacky builds have to go in low ranks and play 20 or so matches untill their shenanigans work for them to make a video.

    You shouldn't take the stuff they get away with seriously like 95% of the time.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,295
    edited March 2021

    In all the time I've been playing (Which, granted, isn't too much in comparison to most here), I've seen maybe three survivors, other than myself, use WGLF. And in all the time that I've been running it, I've been able to use it in maybe two matches due to a killer getting a slug and then gallivanting off to the other side of the map.

    I've -never- seen anyone use soul guard.

    So if WGLF, with the added bonus of up to 100% extra BP (Which is what I use it for) is not an appealing pick for survivors, you have pretty much nothing to be afraid of.

  • 4mplitude
    4mplitude Member Posts: 3

    As has been clearly stated within the game, cages ≠ hooks, if no other hook perk can work with cages, it's completely bs to allow we're gonna live forever to work as well. Also I honestly don't see a problem with the perk, coming from someone who's mainly killer, I come across so many awful teammates when I play survivor that seeing good ones as killer is admirable, plus it's basically just the survivors version of barbecue - you hook to get stacks, they unhook to get stacks, the perk is fine as it is

  • idektbh
    idektbh Member Posts: 129

    All I can say to you is that messing ur ping makes every killer boosted, not just huntress. Now there's a reason I didn't answer that thread, so if u want to talk about that properly with people who have the patience u would have to go back there

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    25% still sucks, it needs more benefits lol per gen

    Like just 1% haste

  • Dizzy1096
    Dizzy1096 Member Posts: 918

    “Isn’t even all that”

    Its one of the most powerful anti-slug perks out there, infinitely better than something like buckle up, and therefore its one of the most powerful survivor perks.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Eh not really, I feel you are overvalueing it a bit.

    Wglf will never save you 8 seconds. By the time the killer finished wiping their weapon and walked away 4 seconds already passed that the slug could recover.

    So even if you are right there and the killer doesn't pay any attention at all it saves you 6 seconds. That's best case scenario.

    If the slug has been on the ground for longer then 15 seconds then it saves you like half a second. If they happen to have unbreakabill it's even less valueable

    It's decently effect and can come in clutch but it's nowhere near powerfull.

    Unbreakabill will always be the better anti slug cause it stops what slugs are suppose to do. Getting survivors of gens to come pick their teammate up.

    You still need to abandon your gen to use wglf. Having the time they have to spend reduced by 0.5-6 seconds while noticable is nowhere near most powerfull survivor perk.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    I hadn't been running the perk in awhile, but I thought the purpose of it was making being altruistic more rewarding, not countering slugging. Cause you can counter slugging by not getting hit. Rather just keep the bonus bp for safe unhooks and taking a hit, the rest doesn't do much for me, but thats my opinion.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    BS, you're just a biased killer main. I don't see many people, even survivors complaining against BBQ and actively argue against their point if they do so to pretend anyone that isn't rank 20 complains about BBQ is a complete baby. You're just bad at the game if you think it's an OP perk

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    If bbq lost its BP bonuses it would easily have less than 1/3 of its current users. It's a decent perk but many killers don't actually benefit from the knowledge component of it. You can get almost the exact same knowledge with other perks and with more triggers than strictly hooking. The main killers who would maybe (not even for sure) would be demo, nurse, spirit, freddy, hillbilly, blight, and oni which is about 1/3 of killers.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    You should get a stack for:

    Protection hits (already in the game)

    Safe unhooks (already in the game)

    Pallet and flashlight saves (already in the game)

    Actions that improve a healing slate such as picking up a slugged survivor or healing an injured survivor (not in the game)

    I also think you should get protection stacks for protecting healthy survivors as well.

    For the life of me, I have no clue why they made the emphasis on speeding up picking up slugs but not giving out a stack for it. Really silly.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    the perk legit did nothing before the buff. it gave you 100% more bloodpoints but it didnt affect gameplay. you will never see this perk unless its in a healing build or bp build

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    Giving more bp is not nothing. If you get a build right you can net a lot of bp equal to a successful game even if you get 4k'd. It opens up a secure way to farm the currency needed to unlock literally everything in the game to make builds and experiment without depending on having to win. Less stress, easy farm, and helps you learn they game by adding more to your disposal for testing out.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Who the hell out here complaining about BBQ?? Just hide in a locker