Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Why is Wraith still affected by flashlights?

Member Posts: 1,514
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Seriously. Time for this to go. He already isn't a great Killer. He doesn't need this disadvantage, especially since flashlights are carried by some of the most toxic survivors.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 24

    Honestly yea. Flashlights aren't exactly uncommon, I run them myself all the time. The timing isn't even hard either, the fact that I can counter like half of his whole schpeel by holding m2 for like a second is pitiful. Windstorm buffs and true invisibility are great, but it's time for lightburn to go for Wraith. Maybe not for Nurse. I never see anyone hit a lightburn on a Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 95

    Because when he first released, people couldn't wrap their head around a killer they couldn't see... and the dev's knew this would be an issue... this game was unlike anything ever created in gaming history... so at the time of it's release it was Hillbilly, Trapper and Wraith... that was it...

    And you'd be surprised how OP people thought Wraith was... He was one of the top end killers when the game first released because he had no terror radius when cloaked and people had a hard time seeing him... also when the game first released, killers were terrifying... like this game was heart attack inducing.

    It took about 6 months before players started to understand how it all worked and yeah, he basically got neutered after that...

    The flashlight thing was a way to give survivors confidence that they could fight back against him at the time... I mean it's a very archaic weakness at this point and honestly, I haven't seen a player flashlight burn a Wraith in years... I dunno know why you're complaining about it because no one ever really does it any more... also, the perk light born prevents all of this and makes killers 100% immune to flashlight burn / blind... if you play Wraith and are so afraid of flashlights, use light born... simple fix.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    I'm not really sure why Lightburn is still in the game. It's such an outdated mechanic. Is it so bully SWFs have another weapon against the two Killers it affects?

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited March 2021

    It's just one of the many things the Devs haven't got round to updating yet, such as FOV tied to perks and not as an option in the menus, Trapper and Myers' powers, exhaustion add-ons, fog offerings, bloodlust etc. It's not there because of SWF groups, no matter how much you want to think the Devs are biased and against you.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I don't mind it being a thing still, it can be circumvented by paying attention to how you position yourself when uncloaking in front of a flashlight wielder.

  • Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2021

    Because I don't like being camped to death by a cloaked Wraith with no way to get unhooked safely. (Edit: Also, the burn effect takes like 2.5 seconds, not 1. You have a better chance of blinding him than burning him.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I just got light burned as nurse immediately before this!

    But yeah, first time ever, and I have like 900 hours of playtime, at least 100 hours of which is Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    They are biased towards SWF, and that means being biased killers. SWF has never and will never be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Well considering the spaghetti code that holds the game together removing the lightburn could break totally unrelated things

  • Member Posts: 708
    edited March 2021

    As a day 1 player, I really don't mind it, on the contrary, I quite like it.

    It adds additional mechanics to the game to counter or combat certain killers or tactics.

    Survivor trying to burn you off the cloak can either be a bad thing or something that will easily grant you a hit on them, depends on how you play around it.

    You should always pay attention to what items survivors have, if it is a flashy, you approach them differently, even baiting them to try and burn you for the free hit.

    Burning any Wraith who are decent at this game is quite challenging and will mostly only work on those who are unaware of you being there.

    Thus, I think it should stay

    Adds depth to a quite simple killer.

  • Member Posts: 408

    It's not a huge deal. Maybe they should make flashlights MORE effective vs nurse Kappa

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    YEah i feel it's definitly time. I mean it made no sense in the first place, since you can do it on Nurse as well, but it's not like they are the same level of power ahah

    So the burn should either be on every killer or on none.

  • Member Posts: 458

    Wow...I respect the survivor who had the guts to try it. I never bother because if you fail, its pretty much a death

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Wraith and Nurse. It’s just nobody knows about (or tries to) Lightburn Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 915

    Wraith main here. It's only really oppressive when it's done by a team. Like if you chase someone and uncloak and someone else is following you with a flashlight and burning you from behind. Or if there are like 3 survivors trying to do it simultaneously. But those teams are very rare.

    If it's only 1 guy trying to burn you, you can try to juke or 360 him while cloaked, don't just run straight lines or stand there. Survivors can't turn or move fast when they shine their flashlight. They usually will have problems following you. This way they will also burn up their flashlight very fast.

    I had some problems with it back then when i was worse especially against bully squads, but now i play a bit more stealthy with Wraith, move and uncloak behind objects and so on. Back then i was just running straight towards them in open areas and hoping they don't see me.

  • Member Posts: 95

    It's only inaccurate to your personal experience. You literally said the exact opposite of what I said, so it just goes to show how messed up perspectives are on this game and why the dev's can't find a balance.

    It's not inaccurate at all, this was generally what people I talked to thought about him... personally I never had an issue but yes, bad players complained he was almost impossible to deal with, not everyone is an elitist like yourself that keeps that kind of company.

    And you even stated yourself people created forum threads about Wraith being unbearable to deal with, they were legit complaints, the people that were complaining just refused to adapt is all.

    But yeah, light burning is a moot point any way, I never see people do it.

  • Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2021

    I'm ok with Lightburn but I do think they should either A: Bring back/rework/upgrade an addon by having it provide lightburn resistance/immunity, or B: buff Lightborn by adding lightburn immunity to it.

    Lightburn can be annoying on Wraith since it can cause weird syncing issues. I haven't tested it recently but I remember Wraith used to not uncloak when lightburnt when dedicated servers came out, which can cause you to be lightburned again when trying to uncloak, trapping you in an endless cycle of being lightburned over and over again.

    Maybe it should just be changed to be a heavy slowdown when being lightburned. Not a stun but you just slow down and you can still uncloak manually during it.

  • Member Posts: 24

    I don't play killer often, but I'd say I have a good 50-60 nurse matches under my belt and not once have I gotten lightburned. People don't even try.

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