Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions


MODS, for the love of God, i think this topic has been mentioned a thousand times already.

are you going to nerf this?


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  • Member Posts: 1,927

    They have said they plan on nerfing it and reworking huntress add ons soon. She'll more than likely be the next one to be looked at in the mid chapter after the next new killer is released.

  • Member Posts: 5,784


  • Member Posts: 160

    i dont get why the full rework? I think the add ons are just reasonable, EXCEPT IRI HEAD. its just and exposed add on. + infantry belt, makes you have 6 chances of exposed attacks, thats too much.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Instant down abilities are a major killjoy in DBD. When I see a killer playing an instant down addon or a cannibal chainsaw spamming I just want to stop playing the game (and often do). Its just not fun to play against at all. Killers come into the match already with way more power than the survivors. To give them an instant down ability just dramatically lessens the chance for fun for the survivors. I do hope they do something about instant downs.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    They'll more than likely be getting rid of the exhaustion add ons as well like they have with clown.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    While I think instadown addons are slightly unfair (especially Huntress's), instadown killers are not because there are obvious play-arounds. In Bubba's case, jungle gyms & holding W/L3 is your best friend. Same thing could be applied to PPhead.

    I also wanted to mention that killers do not come into a match with more power than the survivors. It is absolutely fair game as nobody has made a move yet. Survivors haven't completed a gen & killers haven't landed a hook. Simple as that.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    This is simply not true. Killers absolutely do enter the match with more power than the survivors. They are faster than survivors and have a unique power. It is not fair game at all. The power difference between killers and survivors is beyond ridiculous. The cannibal is an overpowered and unfair killer to play against. No killer should have an instant down ability as their power simply by pressing a button. There is no requirement to having this power. Its just there. It is killers like this (and also toxic players that play killer in a toxic manner) that not only make me want to stop playing the game but also influences my decision on recommending this game to people I know. This game is going to have to go through a lot more changes which involves a major decrease in killer powers (removing instant downs as a start) and a major increase in survivor power.

  • Member Posts: 236

    For what i get he things survivors should be applied to 1v1 killers any killer

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,560

    It's also been said many times that Huntress will have her turn soon, so your question has been addressed many times.

  • Member Posts: 160

    I am hoping so. Because the IRI HEAD is by far the most OP and broken Add on in all of killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    It is absolutely true if the survivors play their cards right. I've seen and played games where the survivors blow gen after gen & have the exit gates open before the killer even landed a single hit. How do you call that having an upper hand? Not to mention, survivors will always have a teammate to "fall back" on if they screw up, while a killer does not & if they make a single mistake they could potentially lose the whole game without recovery.

    Preaching a killer is OP just because you don't like instadown mechanics (Bubba, Devour Hope, addons) is absurd to me and is the reason why killers always get nerfs they shouldn't. I play survivor all the time & would rather go against a chainsaw spamming Bubba than a Spirit. Wanna know why? Because you can actually play around the Bubba, while Spirit is just one big guessing game since there is no indication that she is phasing. Killers like this are the ones that need the nerfs imo

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    I made it very clear in my response about what I'm talking about.

    How about constructing an argument instead?

  • Member Posts: 314

    No you sounded like you had no idea what you were talking about, actually.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    I still don't see an argument here, just subtle insults.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    "If the survivors play their cards right." And that happens how often in solo que? And that also doesn't happen all the time even in SWF. It is not true in the slightest that the survivor and killer power levels are fair. Instant down abilities ruin this game. They just simply ruin it. They are not fair. They are not fun. You say killers always get the nerfs they shouldn't. It sounds to me you're very bias and just want survivors to have a miserable time in this game. Without people playing survivor, there is no DBD. Killers are not nerfed enough. They have WAY too much power. A killer should NOT under any circumstance be able to instant down a survivor especially with the ability to play perks like dyeing light that make it nearly impossible to do generators under pressure. Your example by the way is not a universal example of every match. You forget that a survivor missing a skill check is going to notify the killer exactly where you are. Survivor should not have to rely on perfection to have a chance at escaping.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    And that happens how often in solo que?

    This happens very often in solo que. Solo que is by no means as good as a SWF, but if you're in high ranks you'll usually get better teammates than not. Sure it isn't 100%, but nothing is ever 100%. You have to look at every match as a whole. If you win 7/10 games, those 3 games don't cancel the fact that you win more than you lose. That's just my 2 cents anyway. If you're in low ranks, I'd understand more of where you're coming from.

    They are not fair.

    They are definitely fair because of the reason I've said multiple times: counterplay. I can agree with your point that maybe they aren't fun to go against, but fair vs fun is a completely different conversation. There are too many instadown things in this game for BHVR to do a full 180 & remove all of it. Therefore, you have to adapt and learn to play against it. I don't see my mind being changed on this.

    It sounds to me you're very bias and just want survivors to have a miserable time in this game.

    It's funny you say that, because I haven't played more than 1 killer game in weeks. Killer is absolutely miserable to play & that is why the queue times are getting longer. If you haven't noticed, almost every new post on the forums this week has been about queue times. I'd rather chill & play survivor than play as killer on the edge of my seat the whole game. Shouldn't that be the opposite? Just because I'm voicing my opinion on a discussion on killers doesn't mean I'm biased. You don't see me calling you biased, do you?

     Without people playing survivor, there is no DBD

    Without people playing killer, there is no DBD. It's the exact same thing for both sides. There are far less killer players than survivor players.

    Your example by the way is not a universal example of every match

    Humor me with an example then? Not every game goes the same, I'm speaking for the majority.

    You forget that a survivor missing a skill check is going to notify the killer exactly where you are.

    You forgot that a killer chasing a survivor is going to notify all of the other survivors to stick to gens & rush the game to be over. There is pressure on both sides, not just survivor.

    Survivor should not have to rely on perfection to have a chance at escaping

    Survivors have eachother to fall back on, 1 mistake on their end is not enough to end a game. Killers however can only rely on themselves, so 1 mistake from them could potentially do just that. You've made some decent points (even if I don't agree with them) in this discussion, but this just isn't one of them.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    I only care about this game being fun. It only has 1 mode for solo players: ranked and I hate that. It puts all kinds of players into a single mode that has a rank up incentive for some players to play completely different than others. I just want to have fun and I strongly believe this game needs more modes to play. Reverse roles just for fun or simply a non rank mode maybe? Every time you go into a match solo you're taking a risk of who is going to be on your team. I have noticed in my experience that being in red rank or any rank below you still often get people who either just care about doing their ritual/challenge or just want to mess around with the killer. I think the reason why this happens is because there is only 1 solo game mode and nowhere else for players to go that aren't interested in rank.

    The power difference between killers and survivors is not fair in my opinion. We can go back and forth and keep saying the opposite on that but I will not change my mind on this until I see the fruit of change happen in the game itself. The mori change was a start but its only a start. Instant down abilities are not fair. If a killer can achieve their objective in downing and hooking a survivor in a matter of seconds when it takes me over a minute to do a generator by myself that does not feel fair to me. The try hard nature of many killers in this game ruins it for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    I agree that we do need an unranked mode. The matchmaking would be a bit of a nightmare since one gamemode can barely get any players in a decent amount of time but you never know.

    Even though we disagree with eachother on some things, I appreciate you being civil with me throughout this whole ordeal. The forums are meant for debating topics & I love that!

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    But does anyone ever ask the question why the match making sometimes takes long in the current mode and may take long in another one if they add it? I personally know people that quit this game a long time ago due to toxic killers and insanely overpowered abilities and they have never come back. The game needs to have things that attract new people and make them stay. That tunnel or camped experience is not going to be something thats going to make people keep playing. The instant down abilities are also very quickly going to make people not be interested in having to deal with that again. Fun brings people to games. DBD would get a lot of return players if changes were made. I think it would also bring in a lot of new players if the game had more modes and playing survivor was a more fun experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Looks at billy and nurse rework. Reeks of disappointment alienation and failure. Hears huntress is getting changes nervous sweating intensifies. I 'd recommend those who haven't got there huntress cheevos get them soon because if behavior's track record has proven anything they will nerf huntress and rip/mess with her kit that it alienates a large portion of the huntress community. If you think they will find a way to do a clean rework examine the state both billy and nurse are in. From a balance perspective yes they are no longer a problem but after all was said and done billy and nurse are one of the most frustrating killers to play in dbd since there rework bar maybe the twins.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Hope not, that's the only time she is fun to play against

  • Member Posts: 160

    So far, i have no complain on other complains. the exhaustion add ons are seems reasonable. THE IRI HEAD IS WHAT I ONLY COMPLAIN. because if you add with infantry belt, that is 6 chances of exposed hatchets. SIX. it does not even have a nerf like slow reloading, or slower walk. Add more of its BBQ CHILI PERK + long distance hitbox, in the hands of a GOOD PLAYER with a good game sense, even you all have rank 1, a trial can be finished with 1-2 or even nothing gen finished.

    The suggested nerf i am thinking is have the FIRST HATCHET be exposed, the rest are normal. that will make the killer use hatchet more skillfully.

  • Member Posts: 3

    That won't happen, the plot of the game is you are stuck in an endless loop of trials against a killer who has been altered and influenced to kick your ass, the killer is meant to have the upper hand as they are the ones that control the trials, the fact you want pitiful little survivors to be on par with a killer who has been purposefully tweaked in order to fill survivors with hope and then crush it is quite frankly stupid. I don't think the game will ever make survivors as strong as the killer because they were never meant to be.

  • Member Posts: 619

    That's entitled survivor mains for you. I'm a survivor main myself but "Exhaustion Add-ons" was a playstyle. I see no problem but it's too OP for killer. That is not a joke, that's why it's getting nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 1,293
    edited March 2021

    Huntress is going to get the nerf bat to the knees soon just be patient

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    all i want is for iridescent head not to stack with other capacity addons

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