Toxic Bubas

It seems since the last rank reset all the toxic killers have come out the woodwork.
I’ve just finish a match against one such specimen. His actual name was “Toxic”!
He was running surprise surprise; iron grasp, agitation, insidious and BBQ!
after hooking in the basement he proceeded to camp the entrance of the basement. It was a 3 minute match.
There should be a way to permanently ban these people out of the public lobbies. I am a clean player whether survivor or killer. I should not be matched against these absolute pieces of #########.
guarantee some content creator uploaded some toxic ######### inspiring these people.
I don’t see a problem with what he did whatsoever.
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How was it a three minute match if he was camping? Did your team rush the basement?
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Also is there any point in reporting this behaviour as it seems a pointless task.
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It’s boring but camping is a strategy
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If you are not on the hook, do gens and leave. If you are, run Kindred and pray for having smart teammates who let you die. Giving 1K to this kind of killers is one of the most satisfying things, etiher if i'm the one who dies or leaves.
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If he gets a 4k with a basement build its the survivors fault. Do gens and get out. It's boring, but as long as survivors keep rewarding those "dangerous tactics"... well.
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Are you the one who DC
If you are, run better perks lol
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I stayed in actually.
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If you play like this toxic player, why are you even playing the game?
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No they were very pussyfoot about going to the basement, however with insidious what can do... he’s hiding in a corner.
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theres a difference to camping and being toxic tho.
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Please do not report things that are not against the game rules, it wastes the time of the people who deal with the reports.
Camping/slugging are not against the game rules and there are perks in the game to help you deal with this, granted against Bubba BT isn't of the greatest use...but the ability for the team to do gens whilst a killer is camping is still viable.
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But he was just camping no?
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its solo queue, someone’s going to try and save once they see the struggle stage and it just snowballs.
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I think the whole toxic behaviour, which is the point of the post is going over your head.
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Uhhhh, Buddy you can't ban people for playing in a way you don't like.
Also, you're not allowed to name-shame on here, so I suggest you edit this post and delete those screenshots.
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Not going over my head in the slightest. You requested to ban someone for playing a way in which you don't like, and I pointed out that nothing that player did is against the game rules in anyway.
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Everyone plays differently. Do I hate being camped?? Yeah it sucks but it’s a strategy you just have to deal with it.
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People hop on to cause problems, either you gotta put up with it or play another game, every multiplayer vs game has it.
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oooh sassy, jk. All seriousness, you do make a point. While camping and tunnelling playstyle is stupid, perks do counter the way killers play. Perks like deliverance, Unbreakable and DS. What the developers need to do now is design anti-tunnel perks. Then this game will be truly healthy.
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Not gonna lie I’ve done some camping Bubba builds recently . It was a way to let off steam after the usual toxic swf coldwind OoO tbagging players. Sometimes the game gets to you and it becomes a vicious circle of toxicity.
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I like your honesty, but if it hurts so much to play why even bother?
im gonna have a few more matches today and then ply something else for the next couple days. It’s just way too toxic atm.
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Theres no problem what so ever with playing like this. I see it as meming if anything.
Even if that wasn’t their intention, there’s nothing wrong gameplay wise in being toxic.
If you can’t deal with people like this toxic player, why are you even playing the game?
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Because I wanted the bloodpoints but like yourself I was at the point where I was ready to just scrap the game and move on to something else. It was Bubba or nothing.
Some days the toxic squads are consistent and it’s just one troll team after another. Camping Bubba was a way to get even.
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I think there is a difference between camping out of pressure and camping for easy kills, especially with Bubba. not bannable sadly. Nothing to do besides avoiding him all match because Leaving match is not worth it.
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I think the survivor who DCd was toxic, not the killer.
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Why did you report him?
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We need to come up with new ways to get our point across of being fed up with this.
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He baited the whole team in 3min, you can hate the strategy but it's not his fault the team made it so effective 😆
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It is frustrating to be camped and tunnelled but it happens. Dont stress over things that are out of your control. People play how they want, is the job of the killer to kill. If it gets too much then play a different game for a few days or so and then come back. Is what I do when I have been against sweaty killers back to back. The break away helps.
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Both are toxic. In fact, the Killer is literally causing the survivor to disconnect. Hey everyone, survivors get fed up with DBD too.
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I've run this build and encountered it as a survivor. The main counter is to do ignore it and do generators. Even if the killer changes his mind and starts chasing people, he's not gonna do much with those perks.
The killer gets entity displeased, and you get your points. If the sacrificed survivor doesn't disconnect thank him for buying you time.
*With this said, basement Bubbas are precious. They are only protecting their property.
Post edited by swarmofdogs on1 -
Did the other 3 of you rush the basement or did you apply pressure to him by doing gens? If that bubba camps a hook and all the gens around him start popping his options are to change his gameplay or to lose 3 survivors and likely lose pips. I think the bigger issue is that those other 3 survivors won't get much in the BP department either since there were no chases but that's because the emblem system is MEH. And yeah it totally sucks being that guy that got camped but It feels so much worse when I see my whole team funnel themselves down to the basement and reward what he's doing. I'd rather sit there smashing space bar watching the gens pop all around him.
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There is no such thing as a good or nontoxic Bubba. They are the trash dwellers of the Killer roster like Nancy is for Survivor. They are bad, they are toxic, and they most certainly will make at least one person rage.
Also typically they will have NOED so rushing the gens results in them getting another kill or team wipe.
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Ah yes.. my bubba brethren.. we live on in the basement, defending our chests and face camping disgusting survivors who dare to intrude on our peace.
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They are just doing the Lord's work.
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Friend, this game is a generator of toxic people, the dev only give you a pat on the back and wipe their hands so as not to devise an antitoxic gameplay, that's why DbD has never taken off, it is about 6 years old and its average number of players has been from 20 to 50K in all these years, this theme is the same as always.