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Any plans with hoarder?

If you don’t know, hoarder was a killer perk that was released, and it was bad. They then nerfed it to the point we’re it actually benefits the survivor lol. Is it going to get a buff or is it going to be forgotten?
nobody can give information on what is upcoming, unless it's something we've specifically addressed.
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Tbh I just want the perk to limit the chest items to Brown (or maybe Yellow) and leave the Basement Chest's rarity higher. Would be fun for basement chest guardian Bubba lol.
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I did have that idea already in mind, but having the basement chests have a higher rarity is another downside that’s not necessary. That is unless you’re guarding it with insidious bubba lol
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True true.
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I just wish the twins, and elodie for that matter, to be not terrible in most, if not all regards.
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I wish it exposed survivor for some seconds when they take an item, besides the notification. It would be fun and a true defender of items.