Anyone find MMR killer matches the hardest ever?

I'm trying to figure our exactly WHY my matches were so much harder than non-MMR matches.
I played about 20 Demogorgon games and 20 Pyramid Head games. Neither of which I play particularly often. But nearly every game resulted in very difficult games against not even red rank survivors but all of which were way above my skill level. Almost all games resulted in zero or one kills.
I do have a huge amount of hours playing killer. Does anyone else think hours played heavily influences the matchmaking?
They did say that for Killers you rarely play or have never played, their MMR will not be starting at "zero," so to speak, but will start with an average of your overall Killer MMR. As you play them more, their individual MMR will then go up or down before it settles, based on your performance with them.
So, if you are very good at some Killers, their MMR will play a part in your beginning MMR for the never or rarely played killers in your roster, until those killers also settle into their own MMR.
The reason they're doing it like that is because if you have lot of Killer hours, and a decent MMR on some killers, then you aren't a "new" killer and won't be treated as such on your lesser played killers.
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I wouldn't say hard I would say unfun is the word to describe mine.
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I think Killers would be better off facing bots rather than humans.
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I like to play the killers roughly evenly, so none of them feel left out.
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I had the opposite experience.
I mainly played Spirit, Freddy and Hag before, and got to rank 6, and which point I nearly always got rank 1 survivors and most of my matches were sweaty. This meant I could never play any other killers.
With the trial SBM, I finally faced survivors of my skill level again and didn't have to sweat, not only that, but I tried out Bubba for the first time, was totally ######### with him and couldn't use his chainsaw at all, but it didn't matter because it put me against yellows and browns.
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i've had 3 games, only 1 of which was any fun, the other 2 were sweaty as hell all for most of the survivors to escape, if MMR is going to be a thing then it still definitely needs some tweaking or all that people will see is Nurse Spirit and Freddy
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Less fun that you usually find you mean? What was the difference? My games were mostly fun. I just lost them all.
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My games were 3 minutes at max Survivors pre dropping pallets and 3 gens being done before i could catch a survivor the games i won were with Oni and i only won because of them being greedy to heal. My Twins games were the most unfun games i have played in dead by daylight to date from me downing someone survivors running kicking victor and using strong medkits to revive survivors. I also faced the same survivors multiple games in a row. Point being this system sucks and hopefully the developers realize this isn't the move if not im likely going to become a Survivor Main as the game is just way more enjoyable playing that.
OH don't let me forget seeing the same perks with very little variety.
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Survivor's pairing was fantastic, not even the browns were potatoes. Tried out some killers I never use, swf or solos everyone regardless of rank was playing optimal, never ran out of pallets, and had minimum two gens done by time first chase was finished.
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I don't think it's a matter of tweaking the MMR so that high MMR people don't just see Nurse, Spirit, or Freddy. What they need to do is make more than just those three killers viable at a high MMR. Because unless a killer player is a one-trick with a specific killer and has become a master with them, my general understanding is that those are the three killers even remotely viable against high MMR survivors. So, it's what most high MMR killers are typically playing (and probably how they got to high MMR).
It seems to be a killer design problem more than an MMR problem.
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I had the opposite experience. I have almost 3000 hours mostly on many different killers. I played some killers that I have done well with recently, but I was getting matched with people who had literally just started playing, they didn't seem to have a clue how to play. Playing as survivor was the same thing but the killer was experienced, just the other survivors weren't.
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Some of that might just be luck of the draw as well. What I mean by that is that DbD isn't exactly pulling in, say, Overwatch number of players. So, it's only going to have so many players in each MMR bracket to make even(ish) matches with. As that number dwindles because they're now in a match, it's going to see longer queue times for some, at which point it then opens the range further to make matches.
MMR is always going to have some widely uneven matches. Hell, my team suffers that in Quick Play and Quick Play Classic in Overwatch where some matches, sometimes an entire night worth of matches, end up being complete stomps one way or the other. And those modes use a hidden MMR with a much larger playerbase to draw from.
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Thing is, I was having mostly very balanced games and quick queue times before mmr, there had been ample players to keep that up. But as soon as mmr turned on, i was matching people who haddn't played before. So either everyone I had been playing with previously suddenly dissipated, or the mmr severely misjudged who I should face.
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For me, during the MMR test, It was a WILD ride! I have mained killer for over 1k hours, so it was really jarring when I queued up as Plague (my go-to girl) for a casual match and ended up getting completely destroyed for 5 games in a row by the sweatiest survivor teams I've ever faced. I guess I earned that since she was my best killer with the highest win rate in my roster, so in that sense MMR was working properly, but wasn't fun at all. I even compensated with my best build for her to try and counter those kinds of survivors, but alas, it still wasn't enough, which for the first time ever really spelled out to me how limited her abilities are against good survivors. This made me incredibly melancholy, because I'm of the mindset that "No matter the killer you play, as long as you play them well and have the skills to win, there's nothing that will stop you." Yet here I was, doing my damnedest to compete against these teams, but finding myself woefully restricted/handicapped by her limitations to the point where I couldn't do anything. I was playing my BEST killer... but felt completely helpless. Let that sink in!
Then I decided to play the killer I NEVER play: Hillbilly. Suffice to say it was a ######### joke! The survivors felt less than new... like they couldn't even comprehend the most basic mechanics or objectives of the game, and I dominated them so savagely, that they were DC'ing left and right, or giving me the more Hostile version of "Trash Talk" in the post game chat, So AGAIN, it seems the SBM/MMR was working correctly... But, they definitely didn't have a good time.
Conclusively, To me the SBM/MMR system needs to adjust for the the basic killer players success rate, but also needs to account for their overall losses and Not just "Per Killer", but overall. Otherwise our favorite killers will feel useless due to how often we played them resulting in us facing sweatier opponents, and the killers we never play will simply ruin all new survivors experiences to the point they want to uninstall the damn game. These "Extremes" based on our playtime with certain killers vs others, are incredibly harmful for the game as a whole, and offer no motivation at all to improve our skill levels.
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That's exactly what I found. It's like they were correctly finding really good loopers irrespective of rank - which is good. I just don't know why I was only getting these players when there are plenty of screen shots out there of rank 1 killers playing 3 17-20 ranks. Although it is possible that a terrible rank 1 killer is playing a highly coordinated team of efficient rank 20s, I would not expect it to be particularly common.
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The new MMR system put me against very good players, most of them running full meta perks and a key most games. Very unfun, and I was forced to swap to spirit bc most killers just can't keep up with good players. I hope they dont add this to the game
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Me 2, played as lv 30 legion and matched me with rank 1 bully suqards, for 2 rounds
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Not really "hard" so much as "a miserable slog through the reasons why killers genuinely have to camp and tunnel."
There's nothing hard about my MMR trials, it's just holding W and predropping pallets.
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Hopefully MMR shows the devs the truth about how unbalanced this game really is.
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Unfortunately, that is only one-step to a solution. The other would be BHVR to actually get done what needs to be done to fix the balance, and they obviously move at a speed that makes a snail look like the Flash.
I mean, maybe by the time my 10-year-old enrolls in college?