stridor spirit, nurse, stridor spirit, nurse, stridor spirit...

This MMR is seriously the most painful form of matchmaking I have played in a long time. Stridor spirit is literally THE most cheesy thing to go against, when that is literally all you play this game becomes the most unfun game I can imagine.
MMR has been disabled for almost 21 hours. If you're having trouble with Spirit, you should look up some guides, maybe play as her so you can understand her better.
20 -
*This comment isn’t about the fun factor of stridor spirit*
What should killers do? Play unviable killers and get dumpstered? This is the culmination of years of balancing the game around players that aren’t good. When the game goes to a state where good players go against good players (MMR), that balance rears its ugly head and people play with what works.
Hopefully the devs will start using stats off of good matchmaking to make their decisions, stats are pointless when there is no real win condition and matchmaking is a complete disaster.
17 -
If people can play killers like Wraith and Trapper at top level no one has an excuse
4 -
...they cant...not at the top 1% dowsey used twins and got destroyed.
and any killer from the top 1% can tell you that only nurse and spirit are good against the top swf. Stop with your survivor bias and actually realize the problem with this game. If you need more proof watch the tourneys where any killer but nurse and spirit lose immediately. Survivors literally have tourney limits like only 2 ds 2 unbreakable OoO is banned entirely and its still a wash for any other killer.
10 -
SBM has been turned off.
I guess you're unlucky because I have seen one or two Spirits and Nurses the past week. I did get Twins twice in a row yesterday tho which was odd.
0 -
Survivor bias? Idk who you are but I almost exclusively play killer. Yeah not the top 1% sure but how many people are the top 1%? Oh yeah only the top 1%
Stop acting like your smart cuz you watched a couple videos
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If people can win against Stridor Spirit and Nurse at top level, then nobody has any reason to complain about them either.
It goes both ways.
14 -
Actually survivor and killer both rank 1 5k hours and have played at pretty high for a while now. The videos just help because i don't feel like writing a paragraph to explain how survivors if the mmr becomes a real thing will literally at the top 1% only face spirit and nurse. This game needs a major rebalance if they wanna enable mmr or itll become stale real quick.
6 -
Look I don't mind spirit, its just stridor AND spirit is so cheese it destroys her form of counter and then all you have is RNG, "maybe she wont be on this side of the pallet".
0 -
Yes the game needs balancing but that doesn't mean weaker killers can't operate at a higher level!
1 -
What do you mean higher level? Because rank 1 goes from potatoes to tourneys. Top 1% you already admitted they couldnt.
3 -
Look i don't mind 4 man swfs. But when they can all stack ds unbreakable have one OoO and just rush gens and get 3 of them out before first hook forcing killers to play either nurse or spirit to win a game at 1% theres a problem. Its uncounterable pretty much for any other killer and cheeses the game to stale at the highest level play.
7 -
Just keep running instead of giving her the chance to mindgame you.
When you run, then either:
- She's standing still (not phasing) and you gained some distance.
- She's phasing to the other side of the pallet and you gained slightly less distance, depending on the route she takes.
The best case-scenario when you run is that you gain some distance. The worst case-scenario is you gain less distance. Both are positives.
When you engage in the mindgame, you can either vault back or stand still.
If you vault back, then either:
- She was standing still (not phasing) and you get hit.
- She was phasing and you're in the same situation as before, but on opposite sides of the pallet.
If you stand still, then either:
- She was also standing still and you're stuck in the same situation until one of you makes a move.
- She was phasing and you get hit.
The best case-scenario when you engage in the mindgame is that you end up in the same situation as when you started. The worst case-scenario is that you get hit. One is neutral at best, the other is negative.
Don't engage, hold Shift+W.
1 -
Your using playing killers at rank 1 and playing killers against "good" survivors as synonymous when they're not.
Players are not playing Wraith and Trapper against "good" survivors.
Players are playing Wraith and Trapper at rank 1.
Referencing people playing Wraith and Trapper and doing well against average (aka bad) survivors is irrelevant. Wraith and Trapper will be losing against good survivors.
8 -
I thought they were nerfing ds whats your point? I literally never play swf so I really cant see where you come from with that to be honest
1 -
But dowsey went against people from his chat who new what perks he was bringing and killer and watched his stream while playing.
0 -
Then you don't really know how the game operates at the high level which is fine. But words of advice,we need either more killers like spirit or nurse not the other way around. Or survivors need some retuning to their objective.
1 -
I wouldn't even recommend Stridor on Spirit unless you struggle with Iron Will. It doesn't function like it says, and simultaneously increases audio range against players not using IW. It only works as a specific counter, and hinders her power everywhere else.
It's just one of those perks that you always have to expect to play against. Sort of like A Nurse's Calling and Nurse, or BBQ & Chili and virtually everyone.
0 -
Yes he did. Doesn't mean hed win on neutral ground though as the counterplay to twins is just to have one person hijack victor and turn Charlotte into a m1 killer for 45 seconds. The medkits helped them a bit but they didn't change everything.
0 -
Correct, in most games you see things other than the top tiers at the top level.
But not DBD. A big, existential problem to DBD's existence is top tier and viable are the same. In most games there is a gentle transition and the line between 'comp viable' and 'just mid tier but still if your great you are good.' DBD has a VERY sharp divide and its basically based entirely around killers that ignore every chase mechanic.
Ignore distance mechanics but not loops, like Blight or Huntress? Congrats, you get trashed at loops.
Ignore loops, but not distance mechanics like Clown or Trapper? Congrats, you get trashed cuz of W meta.
Most of the killers just literally do not have the tools to excel in this game no matter how good you are. You can push Trapper to their absolute limit and play them technically flawlessly but even middlingly optimized play beats that because their toolkit has what is called a 'Skill Ceiling:' the limit of what the option can accomplish due to lacking tools to go further. Trapper is very good at shutting down loops but takes so much time to set up and has no mobility options to handle people cheekily just tapping gens and running away, if your opponent does that and does it well they can't win. Not 'You aren't good enough to win, play around it.' There is no playing around, you auto win.
This is because, at its core, DBD is a very 'mathy' game. You can mindgame loops and shave a TON of time off chases, but at the end of the day its all about the time to catch up alongside animation durations vs the time to complete gens.
Like you can literally boil a DBD match to a math equation: C and R. Is R> C? Congrats, killer wins. Is R<C? Survivor wins. Sure, its more complicated than that, but that is the underlying concept of all interactions: Does this move my C down or the survivors R up for killers, and vice versa for survivors.
And right now? The killers outside of Spirit and Nurse just do not have the tools to make a dent in R, or affect C meaningfully. Some of these non-viable killers actually HURT their own stats on average, like Trapper.
So if your not playing at this 'raw numbers boring level' it seems silly, because everyone is viable at a dumb regional tournament after all, forget playing randos in matchmaking. But once you actually take the game seriously, like MMR would force you to do so, the game's just... transparently broken.
A killer will only be viable if they can meaningfully affect C and R in a way survivors can't just say 'no' too, and that is... spirit and nurse, basically. So get used to seeing those two all the time unless they buff other killers or, more ideally, dramatically alter how killer works on the base level so that the killer role as a whole has more control over that equation.
6 -
Its how it should be though. Survivors should be made to suffer the consequences of their own making.
Keep demanding nerfs.
0 -
Can't handle a little challenge hmm? Need to go against the add-on dependent mid-tier killers or else it isn't a fair match?
1 -
But you have to admit there's a big difference between going up against a killer blind and going up against one when you know who they're playing, what perks and add ons they're using and what the players playstyle is. All while watching their stream at the same time so knowing where they are on the map and when they are coming towards you before even hearing a terror radius.
1 -
"play" and "win" are different things.
I too can play wraith against tournament SWF and get expectedly destroyed, so what?
1 -
0 -
If the game is balanced around what you class as 'high play' which is 4 man SWF who have OoO, ds and unbreakable, a solo survivor like me who just wants his WGLF stacks and some fun chases is gonna have a miserable time all the time. do you honestly think that's gonna work with even more of those kinds of killers?
0 -
There are some clear balance issues, although I'm not sure fixing them is as easy as most people assume. If I had my druthers, there are certain Killers who would be weakened rather than trying to bring all the other Killers up to their level. SWF would be broken into its own Que where the Killer has an additional Perk slot opened up to try to offset the 5th Perk (Comms) when facing them. Finally, there needs to be an adjustment to Generators. I think the natural, regression of a kicked Generator or one not being worked needs to be a faster than it is now. I'm not talking about Ruin fast, but fast enough to make it worthwhile to kick Generators and to buy Killers time. I think that unfinished Generators that are not worked again for say thirty seconds start regressing at half the speed Level-1 Ruin provides.
0 -
Which is why the best option is the second one rebalance the survivor objective and times so killers like nurse and spirit can be nerfed and brought more in line with other characters and we can see most of the killers among all ranks.but thatd require to much work probably from bhvr.
0 -
But spirit can SEE the scratch marks? You want me to Shift+W with a spirit? even if she is trying to mindgame at the pallet her phase is fast enough to catch up with me. One of the main reasons I run iron will is to try and counter spirits, because then I can stop running and try and throw her off. Even then smart spirits can STILL get you by looking for grass movement/footsteps.
0 -
Do you know what would happen to the killers that killed you in this scenario? They move up in MMR to play against higher MMR survivors who aren’t just looking for wglf stacks. That’s the beauty of a functional, accurate MMR
0 -
Dowsey did do 200+ 4ks though with Twins. Its just that Twins as he explains have these really bad hard-counter that very hard to outplay as killer which are related to people kidnapping her power for 45 seconds, med-kits/fast healing and lockers. that game was inhouse so they knew they were going against Twins. Pretty sad that Twins can't compete even though it is pretty close. I doubt everyone will get to the highest MMR though.
0 -
Survivors' game are unfun and I still get instant lobby as killer and I can't get a lobby as survivor even after I spent all my 1m blood points. If it's unfun why don't u play as killer? Killers' queue time is like 5 seconds. Maybe I should main sprit 2, to destroy u survivors better, make your game more unfun, and maybe after all our killer mains be annoying for a enough period of time, then I won't have to wait forever when I want to play survivor?
Be grateful for someone will play with u guys and stop asking for more when u already have too much.
2 -
Yeah I'm talking like top 30% of players. It gets to a point obviously. Like Trapper is gonna bow out before Bubba in terms of not being viable at a higher level but against good (not god tier, just good to pretty good) players, all killers are viable.
0 -
No I'm using playing against good survivors. Instead of assuming I'm mistaken read the words for what they are.
0 -
Yo you didn't have to write an essay, I know this.
I'm talking like top 30% of players say. Every killer can be viable if they are played very well (I'm not talking flawlessly). Of course some killers aren't as strong as others so they will become unviable sooner as you make the percentage smaller (top 25%, top 20%, etc.). Of course some killers will always be more viable than others but every killer is viable to a high extent
0 -
Yeah no Trapper or Wraith is gonna win against tournament SWF. Not my point, funnily enough...
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At this point the only killers survivors want nerfed are spirit and nurse since they’re the only two who need them
0 -
Red rank stridor spirit dced today in my solo q after she was clearly losing. You can still win.
1 -
Your point was that some people play on trapper or wraith on high levels of play, wasn't it?
1 -
My question is to contribute to the discussion of killers more viable for higher tiers: how do we buff low tier killers in consideration of high tier survivors without further hurting your sole queue or low rank survivors?
Like, the only killers we find typically in high ranks is Spirit and Nurse so presumably we would want killers at that level, maybe less as they are quite powerful. But how do we do that without trashing anyone except the high tier survivors? Sounds like someone loses no matter what to me.
0 -
Maybe if the devs didnt botch the sounds for killers every second update they touch sound, or made all killers below the top 5 viable, then maybe you wouldnt only see a small selection of killers by players who want to win?
3 -
You can't, because there are many different games being played, and they vary wildly in difficulty and balance. It is based on what sort of survivors you're getting:
- Solo Queue, where teammates are a complete dice roll that you will lose most of the time. This is where the experience is unbearable for survivors.
- The good SWF that can usually 2+ escape vs very competent killers or 4+ against most killers. Balance here isn't perfect, but is probably at its best.
- The legendary death squad that will beat every killer in this game that isn't the highest caliber nurse/spirit, and even then. This is where the game completely falls apart for the killer.
2 -
So ultimately, to make balancing easier (or even possible) we need to make survivor experiences, SWF or not, the same while also eliminating potential for one of these death squads. What do you believe solo queue would need that may put them on par with SWF?
0 -
All information for free with a quick chat wheel to select call outs. Now they are free to run 4 second chances while also having all aura perks for easy heals and gen coordination.
0 -
But you don't UNDERSTAND. Every match is against a competitive sweat squad SWF/Ruin+Undying high tier killer. I NEED my crutch perks or the game isn't fun.
MMR will be the death of this game. Killers and survivors won't be able to actually try fun builds on characters they like anymore unless they want 3 minute matches. Stacked slowdown only on killer and chase lengthening perks only on survivor.
You think its bad now wait until this MMR is added permanently.
0 -
I don't know how you could elevate solo queue to be on par with SWF without completely breaking the game for the killers in the middle. Survivors, in spite of their lacking communication (assuming solo) have all the tools they need to win, they just choose not to. Yes, you heard me right, they -choose- not to. They don't run the best perks, they don't do gens efficiently (split up, one on a gen each), they waste time on secondary objectives (chests/totems), they save recklessly, don't bother learning tiles/tile linking, etc. The base mechanics need to be reworked, changed, or expanded upon for both killer and survivor in order to add equal opportunity for outplays on both sides.
I don't want to write an essay on ideas I'd have, but the forum is littered with them, and there's a few diamonds there if you're willing to look.
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Yes but not once did I mention too level SWF tourney teams. I just meant against good players
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You can have 3 god tier survivors and they'll lose because one weak link lets them down. That's the problem with solo queue. 1 survivor deciding they want to plunder and hatch escape over 3 who actually focus their objective WILL lose against a decent killer. 3-4 players together are usually on the same wavelength about their objective to that game.
In the rare case I play SWF nowadays I'm not doing it to win. I'm doing it to actually have fun and not feel frustrated.
0 -
remove iron will perk and I will stop using stridor spirit.
0 -
Your wish is granted. Iron Will is removed and now every survivor uses a stronger, non passive meta perk in its place. Monkey paw
I like IW. There arent too many viable perks for stealth builds anymore, devs saw to that.