Killers tunnel for no reason in majority of the games...

Not even joking 3 days straight with exception of few games killers tunneled someone in the match at 5 or 4 gens...
(All Bubbas camp in addition to tunneling. I have yet to see someone playing Bubba who doesnt tunnel first person to death.)
It's not for no reason, it's because they want to win. Same reason why survivors tunnel gens.
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Why do lions go for the young?
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Not really because when they do it i stop playing. Its waste of my time so i usually get them to hook me and move on to hopefully a better game. There is no reason to tunnel at 5 gens...
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many Killers have powerless life and they need to fell powerful in a video game. That’s all
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Lions dont go for the young per se, they go for the weak/secluded animals. Also they hunt animals to live. If you tunnel someone to death at 5 gens it is more of a "small man syndrome".
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It sounds like KYF would be better suited for your needs, instead of ruining the game for everyone else. [shrug]
So you don't play to win?
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Do you play to win, by any chance?
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How about Gens get done too fast without pop ruin corrupt etc
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No, I play to have fun. I never escape if the killer play fair and the other 3 survs have escape. Fair killers don’t deserve 0k
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The killers who tunnel for no reason are the ones who are gonna struggle in the long run
Skillful killers who tunnel will do it because theyre given a REALLY good reason.
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Their fun is your loss. And they are playing fair, because "playing fair" doesn't mean "handicap yourself".
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Excuse my french, I dont mind tunneling if it happens once in a while. I literally have every second game where killer tunnels someone at 5 gens. This is waste of my time, waste of my teams time and you are accusing me of ruining the game? I really hope you quoted wrong person, otherwise you are a lost cause.
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THEY want to win, they dont want YOU to win.
Thats reason enough.
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No, I quoted the right person. I quoted the person who would rather kill themselves on the hook than take one for the team so everyone can escape. I quoted the person who gets everyone else killed (with the possible exception of one hatch escape) because they'd rather get back into the queue than even try to play better.
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per se..... stop equivocation. yes the kill to live and killers tunnel to win. Don't project your inferiority
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There is no such thing as play to win in this game. I want to play interesting games. I dont even have to escape to have good time. i dont have to get 4 kills to have good game. I prefer close games where you dont know how its going to end.
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There's always a perfectly good reason and it's this - In this game, death removes you from the match completely.
Less hands on generators makes the game easier on the killer. Even the WORST SURVIVORS can do gens.
It makes no sense to go after a hard target when there are 3 other hands on gens. You have to get hands out of the game ASAP
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There are better ways to halt gen speed...
One of them is to force survivors to do them together. (would require some changes in game...
Second one could be forcing 1 survivor to die before last gen is done.
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There is no such thing as play to win in this game.
Sure there is.
I want to play interesting games. I dont even have to escape to have good time. i dont have to get 4 kills to have good game.
This is why I said KYF might be better suited for you. You get to have fun with your friends instead of ruining the trial for everyone who's trying to play the game as it is.
I prefer close games where you dont know how its going to end.
You never know how it's going to end unless you take it upon yourself to end it the way you want (for example, suiciding on the hook). The game is unpredictable.
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So then they win.
So you have rewarded the killer for his strategy. He wanted to win, you handed him an easy win on a plate.
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Your thinking process is flawed. Staying on a hook for 2 minutes doesnt make me play better. Realistically it makes me play worse since I dont play the game when i am on the hook.
Doing gens for 4 minutes to then leave through the door with no killer interaction doesnt make me play better. It makes me play worse when killer actually goes for chases.
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Omg this people who come to forum and complain about how someone is playing.. i think you should take a break from dbd and stop crying.. :/
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Learning to counter strategies you have trouble countering does make you play better, though. And death is not a counter, it's literally giving the killer what they want. Working on gens for 4 minutes to win or staying on a hook for 2 minutes to help your team win won't suddenly make you worse in every other aspect of the game.
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If that first person was a Dwight or a Jake, that could have been me. 🙂
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I said it above, there is no such thing as play to win. Why? Game doesnt state when you win. You can escape with 5000 points. You can 4K with 10000 points. There is no difference between 4K with 12 hooks or 4 as far as game is concerned.
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Killer: tunnels a survivor to kill them as quick as possible.
OP: immediately dies on hook, "that'll show him!"
Killer: "well that worked out well, now for the other 3"
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I think people are a bit too quick to shoot tunnelling and camping. You sure it was tunnelling, going to kill this survivor screw everyone else, or it was just the fact they found that survivor first?
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Perhaps, but i also won.
Since I was no longer in a game horrible game and I could go to another game where hopefully they dont repeat it.
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You're literally making it work for them, so why would they stop doing it?
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I am not crying. I just stated how my last 3 days in the game were. If anything everybody who replies to me in this tread is crying.
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Other than you and me, nobody in the thread is complaining, though.
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You can call it a victory all you want, but if you want to know why the behavior stays the same, it's because those like you reward it so well. If I give my dog a treat every time she barks at the neighbor, she'll always bark, I can say it's a victory because she stopped barking to eat the treat but all she knows is bark=treat
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If you want to be even more accurate, you can say most killers snowball off hooked survivors. Killers will either tunnel or go after the rescuer.
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they do it i stop playing, which means they win and their method works.
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You have to realise one thing. I dont care what killer wants, because they dont care about what I want. If the killer tunnels/camps early, I am no longer in a match. I am either playing chase simulator for the rest of the game (which isnt so bad if the chase is decent) or gen simulator which is boring.
There is literally nothing to learn from camping. When it comes to tunneling you only learn something if you are being chased and the chase last long time.
I dont understand which portion of it isnt a time waster in your eyes, but in mine it is. I know all the endings of that match.
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I see it as an investment for the future of the game and not screwing over your teammates. You may not care what the killer wants, but the fact that you're giving it to them is why they'll just keep doing it. Why would they feel compelled to change tactics when the one they're using works so well?
Just out of curiosity, what do you consider a "decent chase"?
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I see very little tunneling at mid ranks tbh.
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At red ranks I know for a fact that if I am rescuing someone and I don't take the chase for them, they are going down, because the killer wants to win. Don't be a selfish twat and rescue then hide, your just feeding hook states to the killer, be a grown up and protect your buddy and let THEM get to safety while you use your full health and full hookstates to loop em.
At red ranks, I know for a fact that if I don't do my absolute best to pressure the survivors and threaten them as much as possible with a terrible time, I will lose VERY badly. 1 chase is 3 gens at red ranks unless you are keeping multiple survivors off gens. I do not have TIME to let you 'have fun.' The game is tuned so that killers need to do SOMETHING to keep 3 survivors off gens at all times. That usually means slugging, tunneling someone out early, and generally making things rough for weak survivors.
Or, put it another way: Tunneling is the DEFAULT. It is what is going to happen every game unless you do something. If you aren't doing anything to protect the teammate who is hurt, to get the killer's attention, or otherwise convince them that the fastest way to stop gens from getting done is to do something other than take out the person who is the weak link, who only takes one more hit to down? They aren't going to do something else.
And because this is so vital to winning, saying 'Bluh bluh bluh not fun for the person being tunneled' is selfish and asinine. Know what isn't fun? Throwing the game for yourself because the opponents are bad and aren't protecting each other. The killer's fun is not less valuable than the tunneled survivor's fun, but the tunneled survivor lost the right to complain about what happened to them when they messed up and the killer earned the right to stay in the game, and their team when they refuse to take the chases for em.
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Dbd be like gets tunneled for being an easy kill or gets tunneled for waisting the killers time when they decided to commit to the chase even though all the gens are getting done because they're desperate for a hook/kill.
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So if they tunnel you, they get you out of the game on one hook?
Sounds like a GREAT reason to tunnel.
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did you miss the tutorial? who cares about BP im maxed out.. Survivor wins are escapes and killer wins are kills. Are you simple?
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Long enough so that I can temporary forget that the killer is going to do it 2 more times.
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Dude I can sometimes give the killer 2 free hits and they still tunnel the other dude.
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If they already tunneled me once at 4/5 gens, by what logic would they not do it again...?
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Survivors, in base kit, need the mentality of helping each other out and doing everything you can to survive.
Even when your tunneled and you see one Dwight in locker, one meg head lost in the corner and one Claudette too immersed to save you, YOU STILL STRUGGLE.
Maybe the Claudette has Camaradie, maybe the Meg dropped her key because of Franklins and Dwight could be setting off Red Harring for all you god damn know.
Nope, you just killed yourself and the restmost of your team.
(Your doing a good job so far)
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So an unbalanced chase, then, because you're not supposed to be able to delay the killer that long.
If you (and everyone who shares your mentality of "I'm killing myself on the hook because the killer used a tactic I don't like") didn't feed them kills, they wouldn't do it nearly as much.
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I am not a simpleton. Points dont matter but if all of the survivors have about 10K and killer has 15K the game simply wasnt good. There barely any interaction between the killer and survivors. Or they all died in 2 minutes.
Survivor escaping is not a win in my book. Killer killing everybody isnt necessarily a win either depends on how the game went.
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Or they all killed themselves on the hook, one after the other, because once the first guy does it, there's really no point in sticking around.
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The only reason killers need to tunnel is that they want to. It's a valid strategy. Is it fun to go against? Not usually but plenty of valid strategies survivors use aren't fun for the killer either.
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thats because you grew up thinking 2 player duck duck goose was fun. The game is not about the chase its about surviving. Or as the killer killing by the best means possible. F the chase, don't get caught