Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Let's have a licenseless weekend

Member Posts: 3,742
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Let's have a weekend where the licensed killers (not their perks) are turned off. Just to see if it changes anything about the overall game experience people have

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 3,742

    It's what I want to see, tbh: if there's really be more spirits etc, or if the game would get more relaxed.

    LBH: Bubba and Freddy especially have a gameplay that is too easily exploitable, which also lead to their high pickrate. They're iWin buttons. Pig and Ghostface are better balanced, and michael is michael.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Off topic: I keep wondering why Bubba has that high of a killrate. I'm currently taking a break from killer as I got a 2nd gaming setup so I can SWF with my gf. We encountered multiple Bubbas as he seems to be popular since his rework but we have yet to lose against one.

    Yesterday we legitimately made a Bubba give up. He got literally 0 hooks at Azarov's Resting Place. Literally all it takes is a few windows to shut down his power and once he M1s just hold W across the map and see the gens fly.

    Why do people fail against him so often? We also encountered a NOED-Bubba that facecamped first hook. We just rushed the gens and almost had a 3 man escape. The random decided to greed for the 2nd gate instead of coming with us which got them killed.

    On topic: If let's say I were to play killer while licensed killers were disabled I'd probably switch to Stridor Spirit if I want to win and Infectious Hillbilly if I want to instadown and snowball/slug people. Not sure if people liked that more than facing my Bubba or Pyramid Head.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Why even target licensed killers? How are the others you mentioned that are fine gonna do something in that weekend? You're calling Bubba and Freddy "iWin buttons" whilst nurse and spirit are arguably the best 2 killers, who aren't licensed too.. nurse is free too. I do disagree with the iWin buttons, for Bubba. That man has way less potential that Billy imo, if you're good at curving and baiting at loops, you can end chases quickly, and with high mobility makes him a VERY good killer, whilst Bubba fails at loops with good windows without bamboozle, but he doesn't have the same high mobility as Billy so he is a pretty easy but basic killer.

    Freddy can be horrible if you want him to be, but ehh.. he's probably the only licensed killer I really have a problem with, PH got what he needed, Pig is not OP, GF is annoying to reveal but that's really it, and that's it I think.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    I agree with Freddy, but I disagree with Bubba, a good survivor will usually come out on top against a Bubba.

    Also, does Demo fall in the group with Pig and GF?

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Bubba with Bamboozle. He chews through pallets legitimaty faster than any other killer and leaves the entire team with no protection. That wrecks most teams because normally predrop-and-W gives them a minute or two more to work with, but unless the Bubba is going agasint a really good team then it's a pretty easy win.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I don't want to spend a weekend without my babe :(

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Honestly,pretty much all Bamboozle gamers i've went against are extremely easy to predict.

    Vault the window,pretend to loop it ,run to the next loop as the killer bamboozles the window from the first loop and repeat.

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    What, why? That's like the most random thing ever.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I think that's a terrible idea for Survivors.

    All the people who main licensed killers? Why would they play a different killer they don't like? Why not just take the weekend off? Then what happens to queue times when 1/3rd of the killer players aren't logging in? Ridiculous queue times for Survivors. Survivor queue times on the regular are bad enough already due to less and less people willing to play killer, what you are suggesting would just exacerbate an ongoing issue.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    That moment when the best licensed killer is Freddy and thats literally it, the rest are mediocre or bad when compared to Spirit

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    Yes let's block content from people who paid for it

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I think it makes no sense to disable licensed killers, unfortunately you say it because you may already be getting bored of falling into Bubba's hands or eating fake Freddy pallets, If you want that, try the Stadia version, the first time I tried it, there were no license killers or at least I think that.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    And his ability in general: If he's near an unhook (not even talking camping/proxy camping) he can get two downs in one go, even if BT is in play.

    It's broken, and i'd love to see if the general toxicity goes down if people don't have access to their iWin buttons.

    Compromise: Same weekend we bar deathslinger from M&A and Spirit from Stridor use

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    If you want to face more Stridor Spirits and Infectious Nurses/Billys and have fun with being slugged all time, go ahead.

    I may be a Freddy main for now, but you realise that Freddy is not the over the top best killer? Or any of the licensed Killers? That's still Nurse!

    Freddy is picked more often because he's simple to learn and understand! I played him for over 2 years now and when he got his rework, I only needed a few matches to understand many tricks, whereas I needed WEEKS to get used to his pre-rework state and all his many weaknesses and how to use them.

    Bubba promotes boring playstyles (Insidious Basement Bubba) but his power isn't over the top either.

    You think that licensed killers are "pay to win" or auto-win Killers? Let me tell you this: the best survivor perks (except DS) or the best Killer in the game (Nurse) are all FREE lol! But me picking Nurse or UB, DH, Adre, BT etc won't give me a free win either.

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I disagree but only because I wouldn't be able to play Demo

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