Please nerf Noed

Noed is such a ######### and overpowered perk. You can literally play a perfect game and just get ######### at the end because a terrible player is using noed. The perk even got buffed so you only need noed 1 to compensate for being ######### at the game. Noed needs nerfed it completely ruins what start out as fun and enjoyable games
If you played a perfect game, there's no reason to not do the bones
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If you played a perfect game, you wouldn’t get hit so noed wouldn’t effect you
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Does NOED feel bad to get hit by? Yes. Do I realize that NOED isn't an OP perk, yes. Is it my fault for being hit by NOED? Usually.
I don't think NOED is a healthy perk, but I don't think it is overpowered either.
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"Prefect game" from a Survivor point of view would mean, in order: 1) No one is ever downed, thus they can never be hooked, 2) Five generators get repaired, 3) All totems are cleansed, 4) Both Exit Gates are opened, 5) All chests are opened and every Survivor has an item, and 6) All four Survivors make it out out alive without ever having lost a chase and gotten injured.
Clearly you didn't play a "Perfect game" because condition number 3 wasn't meet. You just played a "Very Good" game and got the gens done fast.
The two perks I hate seeing most as Survivor are Franklin's Demise and NOED, and I always try and do my part to prevent NOED by cleansing any totems I come across. I pretty much run Detective's Hunch on every character that has it and if they don't then I'll run Small Game.
NOED is your punishment for focusing on gens and not doing totems when you're winning. When you've got four gens finished and no one has been hooked yet instead of just pounding out gen number five take some time to look around and find as many totems as you can. You don't even need to cleanse them right away if you have a good enough memory and can come back to them later. (I do not have a good memory, so I cleanse them when I find them if I can.) Then when you get that little HEXED status when someone is downed do a sweep of the bones you found and break the one now glowing.
And before you say anything about not being able to do all the totems as a solo player I play solo for the majority of my Survivor games, I, personally, have done all five totems in one game three times and gotten four of them twice. And every game I did so was because we were winning so hard against the Killer it wasn't even funny. I'm talking not even a single down at four gens done not funny. Because I had the time, and I looked for bones. No one was in danger of dying from being hooked unless the Killer facecamped. And if they did facecamp I had Borrowed Time to counter that so I did bones.
The games that NOED actually makes me upset are the ones where it's really close and we barely get the gens done only to be cut down short at the end. And even in those cases I take part of the responsibility that NOED is even a factor because I wasn't good enough to get away from the Killer so I could cleanse the bones.
Does NOED need a bit of a rework? Maybe, it's considered a crutch perk for a reason and it rewards bad gameplay choices on both the Killer and Survivors' parts. Is it overpowered? No, not at all.
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NOED only happens when survivors ignore totems and prioritise generators.
It's there to punish rushing the generators.
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Why is a killer terrible for using NOED? Must be getting big value if people are always this mad about it ;)
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Because its a second chance perk, the only one killers have.
Yet even so, it's not allowed apparently eventhough survivors have more than one second chance perks themselves and all of them happen to stack very well and are meta.
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Except you didn't play a perfect game. Allow me to point out a few things you seem to be overlooking:
- You and your teammates didn't cleanse the Totems. A perfect game includes getting rid of them.
- You and your teammates didn't 99 the last Generator to go back and look for Totems, same as above.
- Chances are nobody brought a map, not one of you out of four.
- Chances are nobody brought a Perk that helps find Totems either, not one of you out of four.
- You and your teammates didn't manage to avoid the Killer in the end game with proper looping/evading.
- Nobody apparently started looking for the now activated NOED and turned it off.
- My guess is some if not all of you booked it toward a gate immediately, i.e. exactly where the Killer assumes.
- Did anyone bring Borrowed Time to grant that person getting unhooked under NOED some protection?
- Did anyone bring Styptic Agent so if wounded and combined with BT you can also have protection?
- Did you consider that Flashlights and other saves till can stun a Killer and put someone downed back on feet?
Do you want me to keep going on? NOED doesn't reward bad Killers, it punishes Survivors who throw the dice and lose the gamble. Just because NOED goes off doesn't mean the Killer magically finds you, downs you, or makes it to a hook. I play half the matches I'm in wounded (which is no different from NOED being active) and do just fine. Hell, I seem to fight damn chainsaws all the time which is like having NOED all match. Why don't you stop complaining about other people, Perks you don't like, and take a good, long look in the mirror and focus on the things YOU can do to mitigate this situation which is giving you a problem. All of us face NOED; I had several matches with it today in fact. I got out alive in 2 out of 3 of them. Why am I different from you?
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NOED is balanced.
You'd do bones in any good game.
Not fun, but balanced.
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People gotta stop taking the game so seriously. Suppose you do get to endgame with perfect game and then get killed because of noed. You still should've had a fun time and gotten a good amount of blood points. You shouldnt feel entitled to win. Just try and have a fun time
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😂with BT DS dh combo a survivor has 5 health bars after unhooked while killer are not allowed to have a 2 bar attack
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If it was a perfect game, then it would be deactivated, because you and your team cleansed all the totems.
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noed isnt that powerful, it just feels like it is. doing so much and having a great time till noed shows up is an awful feeling
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4 survivors equip Adrenaline: totally fair.
1 killer equips NOED: It's OP and needs to go!
Even when both perks do the same: alter the current health state.
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This is a killer forum, sorry
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Noed is not the same as adrenaline. Noed=keys
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NOED is exactly the same as Adrenaline. Only difference is, that NOED has a counter.
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I think I'm the only one that actually agrees with this post.
I've encouted numerous killers who are just doing poorly at a trial. Then all of sudden gets a 4k from no where.
Yes noed can be easily countered my doing bones.
However, first you have to find all 5, take time to cleanse and for what? The possible chance of them running noed?
If they do have noed and they're bad
= Okay fairs, you've countered it and able to win
If they have noed and they're good
= Hooray you cleansed all the Totems... But oh wait it dosnt matter because the killer has 4 gens left and one survivor is already dead... If only you could of helped and done gens instead of wasting time finding and cleansing totems.
If they don't have noed and they're bad
= Easy win that's all really
If they don't have noed and they're good
= You've just wasted about 2 minutes of your time finding and cleansing totems for a perk they don't even have. Now you've left 5 gens, people already on death hook and the killer has a ton of map pressure...
NOED isn't powerful in terms of its ability.
It's powerful in terms of its uncertainty... If we know they have noed then we know we need to cleanse ALL the totems... If not then it allows us to actually do our goal which is to escape.
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a perfect game includes all totems getting cleansed, shocking news.... it was not a perfect game
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If the killer turns a 0k into a 4k because of NOED, than it wasn't the killer who performed poorly, but the survivors.
It's not like all survivors instantly drop dead once it's activated or something like that.
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NOED is an annoying perk and I think it should be removed but its not op the killer plays with 3 perks for the whole game
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there are a bunch of survivor perks like that. Do they have DS, do they have UB, do they have BT, do they have DH
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So you expect me to just let someone die on hook because they were unlucky enough to be the first hit by noed?
Maybe if they had known the killer had it they would of tred a little more careful.
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Yeah but it don't matter. They could have noed and that's it.
And still manage to get at least one kill. Unless the killer is insanely bad or someone manages to find a random hex during endgame it's over for someone whether it be you or your teammates..
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Just re-read your post and I'm abit confused on what your pointing out?
You're saying noed is as bad as DH and DS?
So it's not like you can't easily counter DH by waiting an extra second when lunging?
So it's not like DS has just had a nerf? Yet you're still complaining about it?
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I think NOED should be nuked and Im a killer main I just like to point out the flaws in peoples logic when they say killers have whatever perk when survivors have like 20 perks that do the same things
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If you only know 3 of their perks by the endgame you should either leave asap, start doing dull or find the dulls then after the last gne check them for noed
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Do bones (it's not to late) or cut your losses and get out.
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So your saying I should instantly assume they have 1 of the however many killer perks they are? Just because I didn't notice one of them?
There are many perks that don't always show as obvious as others.
Some people might now even use one of their perks that well.
Whereas let's compare to DS.
We know from the fact there is an obsession in the game that DS is likely. Its not guaranteed but at least its a hint.
We know someone might have DS based on their behaviour after being unhooked? It's not 100% but its likely if they are not looping or jumping in a locker etc.
These perks have hints and liklihoods of being used.
There is no way you'd know if they had noed unless you're trying that hard to determine a 2% speed bonus lol
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Man why everyone is saying "doing bones" is the way to counter NOED, it's so wrong.
If any survivor immediately cleanses a totem when he sees one, there will probably be at the end one or two totems that are extremely well hidden, making NOED powerful as hell.
You want to be prepared to NOED ? Don't cleanse dull totems, and always remember where they are. If there is NOED, go to these dull totems you saw, you will probably find NOED.
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So what I want you to do right... Load up the game right? Click play killer right? Get NOED right? Play with NOED for a couple matches or days right? Tell me that its OP again.
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NOED also has a likely hood. Does the killer not seem to stressed about gens, if its a trapper, hag or demo are they trapping gates pretty early. If they are in a chase do they wait for the last get to pop before hitting. Do they seem to care about dulls. NOED has plenty of indicators.
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So you've just admitted to giving up on a teammate no matter how well they've done just because they were unlucky and got hit first by noed.
Don't be on my team tyvm
And you say 'do bones..' yet they could spawn anywhere on the map, god forbid its not backwater or you'll be scrambling for days.
Let's say you find it, most likely they are going to be checking on it. So you'll end up getting noed'd yourself..
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'Does the killer seem stressed about gens' you're joking right?
How in the 7 shades of hell are you supposed to know they aren't stressed? Does the killers face just look calm or something? They could be raging like hell and you wouldn't know a single bit.
Trapping gates early? Well if they are near a gate and have okay pressure you might aswell take a few seconds to trap it up? Why wouldn't you, its called using your power to good use.
They could be waiting for DH? And in all my games of dbd I've never seen a killer wait for noed. Especially as the survivor could get to a strong pallet in that time of 'waiting for noed'. If anything it's a stupid idea to do, you're giving the survivor time to get to a safe place.
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This is the best and only way I try use to try and prevent noed. However if you do this, it could spawn at any 1 of the 5 totems. And by end game you might of forgotten 1 of the totems which may end up being the one.
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Is the killer ditching chases to protect their precious gens or do they know if they let it go they can just snowball.
It is a waste of your power to be trapping gates early
Also the whole waiting for noed is when you know a gen is bout to pop weather it be tinkerer, you passed by it. If the survivor makes the pallet in the 5 seconds you wait then they would have made it with the speedboost form getting injured.
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I do bones. That's what I admit.
Going for a rescue against a camping killer with NOED up, is something what a new player with 0 experience would do.
So don't worry, you'll be save from getting paired with me.
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If you had a perfect game and ignored totems thats your fault the perk activated, thats literally what NOED does, punishes you for ignoring the, get this
s i d e o b j e c t i v e
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A nerf I'd be happy with is if the Exposed status hit as soon as the final gen was completed, instead of when the next person is hit.
This would give you some warning and opportunity to find the Hex, instead of baiting a hit expecting to just lose one health state and instead losing both.
People say "do bones" and "It's not too late" but if you're the first person hit it literally is too late and you're #########.
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This 100%.
Every dull totem you cleanse, you reduce a potential KNOWN spawn point for NOED, leaving only the UNKNOWN spawns left.
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Well that might be a bit hyperbolic but yeah, NOED is definitely too strong for its purpose. Cleansing 5 totems to ensure that it doesn't even occur is a bit much to ask, as well.
NOED is meant to be a salvage perk that helps you guarantee a kill after a not-so-great game. Unfortunately, it usually ends up being more than a salvage and becomes a winning strategy. I don't even know if this is able to be nerfed, or just removed from the entire game. I really think that it should only expose survivors who are on death hook and only when the exit gates are opened, not powered. It's ludicrously unfair to die on first hook because of NOED, just as it is ludicrously unfair to have NOED applied when you don't even have an exit gate open. NOED is a salvage, not a win, and you should have to put decent effort into it to get value.
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I think NOED adds an interesting twist to the game, so I kind of enjoy it in a way. Also adds one more hex totem, so that means more points if you cleanse it, they're kind of fun to find actually
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One thing I will say: If all survivors are exposed the moment the fifth generator is done, then they should be warned they are exposed the moment the fifth gen is done. Not when someone goes down.
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Not OP but very unfun to play against.
Think Old Ruin. Same issue.
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If you played a perfect game (despite ignoring totems) you have more than enough time to find the hex totem or escape
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I'll agree that survivors have a few second chance perks that can combine pretty well but c'mon, don't be disingenuous about killers.
You have Undying which is literally Hex: Second Chance.
NOED, Rancor, No Way Out, Blood Warden, and arguably all gen regression perks.
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You can literally be AFK as a survivor and still get the effects of DS, Adrenaline, BT, etc.
Killer? You need to get hooks and be active in the match to have all those perks (except undying) activate or be used at their full capacity. Only NOED rewards bad killers.