Suggestion - Escaping a match carrying a (completely) unused item with add-ons should keep add-ons

Currently, all add-ons are removed upon escaping.

This is a shame, since sometimes survivors encounter a Killer abusing matches by purposefully going AFK to lower their rank.

Survivors, at no fault of their own, have no choice but to complete the match and leave carrying their (potentially) rare item and add-ons.

Sometimes, Killers are not hostile, or go AFK intermittently, so AFK detection will not suffice.

In the meantime, survivors waste their add-ons on 'throwaway' matches where they weren't needed to begin with.

This suggestion fits a Quality of Life categorization and helps maintain the fairness of matches for survivors who can't control the Killers they are matched with.


  • FizzWare
    FizzWare Member Posts: 9

    There isn't really a way for a Killer to have a reason not to use their add-ons, since they persist for the entire match. Unless all four survivors DC before the killer can do anything, or if the killer is afk the entire match, then they probably used their add-on.

    I mean, why do you think the survivor shouldn't keep their add-on in this situation? Just because you're bitter that the Killer doesn't have any situation where they keep their add-on?

    This isn't a zero-sum game, survivors can have a QoL improvement without the need to buff killers (as letting killers keep their add-ons would be a buff if they've used it at all, which is a lot easier to do than survivor add-ons)

  • FizzWare
    FizzWare Member Posts: 9

    Lets say a huntress bring iri head the survivor will 100% kill themself on first hook or DC its always like that. So saying killer can always use their addon is false.

    No, this is actually false. What do you mean the survivor will 100% kill themselves on first hook or DC? You can't say 100% unless you mean literally 100%...

    Because it will be just like before and survivor will have a ton of addon and no purpose to use BP while killer need to spend BP like crazy to get some addon in my opinion its only fair both side lose the addon after a match.

    The reason I'm saying it is not fair is because the killer has complete power to make a match useless to survivors. Survivors don't actually disconnect that often, or die on first hook on purpose. Meanwhile, it is rather common for a killer to go afk for an entire match. It's even more common if you count times when the killer is just farming or encouraging survivors to do gens etc.

    Meanwhile survivors can't make a match useless to killers

    I think the common ground here is if the killer doesn't perform any attack that would use the add-on, then the killer should keep the add-on too. That's highly dependent on add-ons, of course, but I think that's completely fair.

    I didn't mean to say there are no situations where the killer should keep theirs, rather that the killer is in complete power to make sure their add-on is used - all they have to do is use that attack or do the thing that uses it. Meanwhile a survivor has no point in using a flashlight add-on on a killer that is afk, or sabotage a hook if the killer is afk, or heal a teammate if the killer is afk. For the killer, there's always a survivor that can be hit, or the match is over.

    For DC's, DC penalties cover those cases. Currently there is no penalty for afkillers, which makes the system easy for killers to abuse. If Behaviour doesn't want to penalize the killers who do it, at least don't penalize the survivors who have no choice but to leave and erase their add-ons for no reason.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited March 2021

    I think survivors should keep their add ons, as long as their equipment still has charges.

    For example, if I bring in a brown medkit with a syringe, but the killer is AFK or a bot, or simply I just never had a opportunity to use my syringe, why should I lose it if I never used it? That doesn't makes any sense to me. If the survivor doesn't use their add ons then they should keep them post game tbh.

    Killer add ons are different, and many are extremely powerful, like Myers Tomb Stone and Tuft of hair, infinite tier 3 and the ability to kill any survivor is extremely powerful and if they could re-use their add ons every game then the killer would be busted because they'd just bring their best add ons every game. Their add ons are also not finite and are active for the whole match.

    Survivors items are a usable item and not a passive that modifies their power. as survivors have no power. I'm fine with the add ons being a finite resource but at least let us keep our add ons if we don't actually use them in game.


    I think survivors should keep their add ons if they don't use them in game. So if their item hasn't been depleted they should keep their add ons.