The Gap Between Solo Survivors and SWF

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited November 2018 in General Discussions
The developers want to give more information to the player so a better way to do this is by buffing solo survivors without buffing SWF. Here are my solutions for doing this without being OP.

Having the ability to see your teammates perks, items, add-ons, and offerings.

This would be simple, you can see who the obsession will be (if someone runs a perk that increases your obsession chances) and you can have synergies such as two survivors running BT or We'll Make It and two survivors running leader or Deja vu.

Remove the ability to see the killer's perks, add-ons, and offering. You can still see your teammates perks, items, add-ons, and offerings in the score screen.

This is simple, SWF can communicate directly to their friends about what the killer is running while solo survivors cannot. Preventing this will nerf SWF and close the gap even more.

Have Kindred, ONLY TIER TWO, be built in to the survivor's kit. Kindred tier two ONLY reveals everyone's aura to each other when you're hooked.

This gives solo players information about who's gonna make the safe just like SWF can do. If the survivor closest to the hooked survivor hesitates to make the save, it's reasonable to conclude that the killer is camping and do generators.

Have a totem counter that appears for 10 seconds then quickly disappears when a survivor destroys a totem. Increase the maximum amount of totems in a trial by 5.

Solo survivors will now have proper tracking of totems just like SWF. The increase to totems will counteract the nerf to NOED and make survivors have to waste even more time to remove all totems to counter NOED.

That's all, tell me your opinion on WHY you disagree or agree with me. Btw, I have a meme for the fog travelers who don't tell me WHY they agree or disagree with me.


  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    See this I find is very helpful but only thing I would add is tier one unbreakable should be part of it as well so solo's that get Downed from bt can pick themselves up
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018
    Did the last thread that had that pic get so bad we needed ANOTHER post about it?
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047
    edited November 2018

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms.

    The last thing I want to be reminded of when I'm playing a horror game is how many of my teammates are literally babies.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    This would be pretty good. Then the devs wouldn't need to nerf swf directly because everyone will technically have the same amount of important info.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    It's true, solo players have an awful disadvantage, compared to SWF. I agree on the Kindred 2 and the ability to see the mates' equipment before the start of the trial, while I do not think it is essential to see the number of totems left, especially if this is balanced by doubling them.

    The doubling of the totems is one of the many forms of balancing that I suggested in proposing the Six perks system (, but it seems to me decidedly excessive in this case: one or two more totems, at most.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited November 2018
    Did the last thread that had that pic get so bad we needed ANOTHER post about it?
    Wow, you did one better, you didn't tell me if you agreed or disagreed about my suggestions while not telling me WHY you disagree or agree. You also get bonus points for attempting to derail this thread.

    Now your punishment...

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still. They said because they want it to be as immersive as possible and I believe they have it down.
    On console some people make Party Chats with random groups, I don't mind but I enjoy being alone.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still though... There would be so many angry kids screaming over the mic.

    "STOP FACECAMPING ME YOU ######### NOOB #########!"



    "YOU FARMED ME! #########!"
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I like the ideas. However, in my opinion, it should be Kindred Tier 3. I mean swf survivor can communicate directly to each other if a killer is camping or not, so it's only fair for solo survivors to have the ability to see the aura of killers. Just finding out if a killer is camping by looking at what other survivors are doing isn't the same. If someone gets hit near the hook for example, what then? How are the other two survivors supposed to tell if the killer is chasing the survivor or if he's staying at the hook? I mean sure watching that survivor a bit more will reveal that to you, but it's still time wasted that swf survivors don't have to waste.
    Also, I would add Bond to the base kit as well, at least when survivors are injured. This is another advantage swf survivor definitely have, finding each other to heal.
    Also, I don't mind your changes to the totems, but not as long as NOED exists. That would be an insane buff to NOED, making it pretty much impossible to get rid of all totems in order to prevent NOED from activating. Having to cleanse 10 totems would be ridiculous.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still though... There would be so many angry kids screaming over the mic.




    Dead by Daylight would be a lot better if this was a thing! :lol:
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018
    Nickenzie said:
    Did the last thread that had that pic get so bad we needed ANOTHER post about it?
    Wow, you did one better, you didn't tell me if you agreed or disagreed about my suggestions while not telling me WHY you disagree or agree. You also get bonus points for attempting to derail this thread.

    Now your punishment...

    You falling for that wasnt punishment. Just wanted to see you spam that again in a shoddy defense to nothing XD.
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @altruistic said:
    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Nickenzie said:
    Did the last thread that had that pic get so bad we needed ANOTHER post about it?
    Wow, you did one better, you didn't tell me if you agreed or disagreed about my suggestions while not telling me WHY you disagree or agree. You also get bonus points for attempting to derail this thread.

    Now your punishment...

    You falling for that wasnt punishment. Just wanted to see you soames that again in a shoddy defense to nothing XD.
    I don't comprehend your English, sorry mate.

    Let's stay on topic.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @ad19970 said:

    @altruistic said:
    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    Agreed. I have a lot of fun solo.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @ReneAensland said:

    @ad19970 said:

    @altruistic said:
    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    Agreed. I have a lot of fun solo.

    Good to see. I'm pretty sure many people who played solo survivor are still playing, it's still plenty of fun. However longer queue times of killers can not be ignored, to me it's obvious that one of the next changes needs to be a buff to solo survivors. Also nerf camping, I feel like I'm saying that in every post I make. It's just even as a killer main I'd much rather get gen rushed by a crazy good 4 man swf team than get camped by any killer. Such a frustrating strategy to deal with, yet can be so effective for killers even though it doesn't take any real skill.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still. They said because they want it to be as immersive as possible and I believe they have it down.
    On console some people make Party Chats with random groups, I don't mind but I enjoy being alone.

    Immersive?  Pls bro
    Nobody will force you to use voice comms, you can always mute specific players or even disable it completely, but it's a necessary step for swf balance

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:
    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still though... There would be so many angry kids screaming over the mic.




    That's why a clever man has introduced the mute ability 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    ad19970 said:

    @altruistic said:
    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    Camping will always be a thing as long as looping is so powerful 
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Master said:
    ad19970 said:

    @altruistic said:

    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    Camping will always be a thing as long as looping is so powerful 

    I don't see how the one has anything to do with the other. Looping is just a way for survivors to survive longer, what the hell are they going to do otherwise?
    While camping is just standing in front of the hook just to get a kill the easiest way possible. Killers can still just play the game normally, but survivors can't just ignore looping. It's what buys their team time and lets them survive for longer. Obviously there are a few maps that have too many safe pallets and not enough mindgameable pallets, but that's just flawed map design. Thanks to the pallet density nerf, I feel like killers definitely seem more powerful now, even M1 killers, even though they can still struggle quite a bit.
    Also looping a killer for quite some time takes some skill, camping doesn't. Not at all.
    If killers need any help against long looping, it's finally nerfing gen rush so that killers have a bit more time to deal with survivors. However before they nerf gen rush they need to nerf camping.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    @Master said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:

    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still. They said because they want it to be as immersive as possible and I believe they have it down.

    On console some people make Party Chats with random groups, I don't mind but I enjoy being alone.

    Immersive?  Pls bro
    Nobody will force you to use voice comms, you can always mute specific players or even disable it completely, but it's a necessary step for swf balance

    Do you really think voice comms is necessary? I mean I'd like some of the advantages that swf survivors have, but I definitely don't want to play with voice comm with strangers. By giving survivors certain aura reading abilities the devs won't be able to give survivors exactly all the advantages swf survivors have, but it would help close the gap between solo and swf survivors enough I believe. I mean I strongly believe there are a lot of people who don't want to play with voice comms, even once it's introduced to the game. With aura reading abilities, you are making sure that every survivor has the main advantages that swf survivors have now.

  • chefdave12118
    chefdave12118 Member Posts: 193
    I only play solo survivor . Once in a while I play with my buddy. The difference between solo and swf is night and day . Solo is  100% harder. Nothing worse than being 1 hooked or even 2 hooked. Swf ranks are completely boosted for the most part . Getting and staying in red ranks as a solo survivor kind of prooves something. Especially on PC . Ps4 not as much 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:
    ad19970 said:

    @altruistic said:

    Solo play is garbage.  It doesn’t surprise me seeing 3-4 man SWF teams every game of Killer I play.  

    Really? Despite the disadvantages of solo survivor I still find playing solo survivor very enjoyable.You know as long as you don't get camped, but that's on the devs to finally nerf camping. i find you can still do really well even as solo survivor team, but it's a lot harder. It's not only about balancing though, the ranking system can also really screw up the solo survivor experience, since players of very different skill levels can all play at rank 1.

    Camping will always be a thing as long as looping is so powerful 

    I don't see how the one has anything to do with the other. Looping is just a way for survivors to survive longer, what the hell are they going to do otherwise?
    While camping is just standing in front of the hook just to get a kill the easiest way possible. Killers can still just play the game normally, but survivors can't just ignore looping. It's what buys their team time and lets them survive for longer. Obviously there are a few maps that have too many safe pallets and not enough mindgameable pallets, but that's just flawed map design. Thanks to the pallet density nerf, I feel like killers definitely seem more powerful now, even M1 killers, even though they can still struggle quite a bit.
    Also looping a killer for quite some time takes some skill, camping doesn't. Not at all.
    If killers need any help against long looping, it's finally nerfing gen rush so that killers have a bit more time to deal with survivors. However before they nerf gen rush they need to nerf camping.

    Exactly, looping just prolongs the inevitable. Neither is it funned being looped in circles and the survivor not even trying to escape, just abusing the same route over and over again, nor is it time efficient to follow a survivor into the loops.
    additionally, survivors always throw themselves at the hook.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @ad19970 said:

    @Master said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Master said:

    Or they simply give us ingame voice comms. But even then, other games consider the advantage of picking your own premades that big that they introduce separate ranked queues for premades :wink:

    Hell no. It didn't work for Friday the 13th, the developers regretted it.

    Voice comms within the team, not with the killer

    Still. They said because they want it to be as immersive as possible and I believe they have it down.

    On console some people make Party Chats with random groups, I don't mind but I enjoy being alone.

    Immersive?  Pls bro
    Nobody will force you to use voice comms, you can always mute specific players or even disable it completely, but it's a necessary step for swf balance

    Do you really think voice comms is necessary? I mean I'd like some of the advantages that swf survivors have, but I definitely don't want to play with voice comm with strangers. By giving survivors certain aura reading abilities the devs won't be able to give survivors exactly all the advantages swf survivors have, but it would help close the gap between solo and swf survivors enough I believe. I mean I strongly believe there are a lot of people who don't want to play with voice comms, even once it's introduced to the game. With aura reading abilities, you are making sure that every survivor has the main advantages that swf survivors have now.

    Yes I think they are necessary. if you dont want to voice comms with strangers thats fine, there are overwatch players (just an example here) that never use voice comm too. But please dont expect to be able to play competitively then because voice comms simply give you an insane advantage.

    If someone wants to play casually and never use voice comms, thats fine ofc you should be able to completely shut them off or mute specific players, thats a no-brainer