Matchmaking needs fixing asap

Lothlorien Member Posts: 19
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I've been playing DbD for a few months now, and after the MMR testing, the matchmaking is just... Horrendous. Every game I'm matched with at least two rank 2s, I even had a game against full rank 1s...

I'm a rank 11 killer, so not sure how this falls under any sort of matchmaking sense.

These is no way us newer players can compete with the players that have thousands of hours in game, plus they have voice coms if they're SWF (and most are)...

This is probably why there's an increase on face campers and tunnelers as well....

These are just some random screen shots I made, but lately it's become so common I'm not even trying...

Maybe make it so you can only match with players that are 5 ranks above or below you.

I'd much rather wait a few minutes for a game, than get bullied for the next 10-15.

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