anyone else feel like autohaven is too dark?

when i tried to play killer i could barely see anything. people were crouching in my face and i could not see them.
it also made the game worse for me because i'm CB. i couldn't see generator auras or scratch marks barely so it was an easy win for survs. the autohaven maps were trouble for me before but not to this extent.
Yeah a lot of people have said this on here. I'm colourblind and when survivors in prestige cosmetics pass in front of the dark walls I sometimes lose sight of them a little bit because it all kind of blends into one.
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Yeah, this map is way too dark. I can barely see two feet in front of me.
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A lot of the maps are too dark Honestly.
Badham preschool and Yamaoka come to mind.
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yeah everyone complained about it when autohaven first came out, they need to remove the stupid green tint.
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Maybe it's just me but I have never had a darkness problem on maps.
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Autohaven is a shell of it's former self, too many dead zones, way too dark, and now it has the dreaded breakable walls.
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Same :(
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I literally think 90% of the maps are too bright. I dont know if I accidentally messed with some settings, but it literally feels like its noon in the majority of the maps.
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yup it strains my eyes really badly
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Yeah, way too dark.
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Depends on the role I am playing....As a killer, hell yeah. I want high noon in the Arizona desert.
As as survivor....could use a little more shade...throw in some pallets as well please...and I think a window would go nicely over her....but I digress.
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You people seriously need to adjust your monitors/TVs.
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The only map I ever thought was too dark was the lower level in Gideon before the rework.
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Also it depends what the graphical settings you're using.
On Low it looks fine but for other settings some maps become way too dark. Especially Autoheaven realm...
idk but I found that Blackwater swamp maps are too bright. These are too foggy than any map in the game since 4.5.0 patch.
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Yeah, Autohaven is wayyy too dark.
I play console and can't exactly change the brightness easily, so I hope they either give us settings or alter the map.
It's either maps are very bright and everything is extremely easy to see, or they're way too dark and you can't see crap. We need better atmosphere imo.
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They went from being my absolute favorite maps to being some of my most hated outdoor ones. Literal trash now. I mean it's literally a junkyard.
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Yes make changes not available to many people because of design issues. I use a custom version of the “details” nvidea filter and people stand out like neon lights on every map.
Is it a huge advantage? Absolutely. But hey the devs said it’s legal so whatever.
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Yeah, autohaven is terrible for brightness. I went against a Ghostface who was basically invisible.
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I still don't understand this. Autohaven is super bright for me, and tremendously brighter than the map used to be. People also complain about the color tint and it's much less than it used to be as well, I really don't get it.
The only thing I've noticed is most people who say it is too dark are people on console, so there might be something to that.
For me if anything it's too bright; I think the monotone color pallet just makes it seem darker maybe; and on LCD's it looks worse than on IPS? Idk I really am reaching here because it's absolutely 100% fine for me, if anything it's too bright in parts I can't hide any trapper traps because of it.
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Nope, on PS4 whatever you do Autohaven will be too dark. And by “too dark” I mean you can’t see black things like Ghostface or a dark-clothes survivor working on a gen. You just see black spots.
Can’t be our TVs if the problem is only with one map.
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It's dark as a cave on my PC, but on my TV it's fine.
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Well Autohaven is the only realm with the green filter. Maybe your color settings are causing it? I'm also playing on ps4 and Autohaven is very bright for me. I don't exactly crank my brightness either.
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Yeah this is the only map where I get spunned because survivors are super hard to see when they're in a tile. P3 claudettes are just literal walking shadows on this map
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No it's not. But Ormond is too bright. My blendie can hide from the big bad killer :(
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i hate it when i get a discordance proc on a gen, walk up to it but cant see anyone, and then all of a sudden a shadow starts sprinting away from right in front of me.
guess that claudette has been there the entire time. cool.
for real though, especially with the graphic settings on Ultra, new maps are WAY too hard to see on.
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Very few options with my Xbox and TV. The greenies are way too dark now, can't see any surv in dark clothes, lose them easily.
Could use some more settings on consoles.
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The tint to the maps are just an ugly green is all I'll say
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Sometimes I can't even see the pallet properly whenever I get that map. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's extremely dark and needs a little bit of light. At first I thought it was just mah TV brightness settings until I watched a couple of YT videos of people playing at that map. I suggest they make some changes and brighten it up a little :P