A Twins rework...

Shooby Member Posts: 226
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'd like to start this post off by saying that the Twins are arguably the most unique and ambitious killer that has been released. The idea that the killer's power is the ability to switch between both of the Twins is very cool, and if tweaked and set in the right direction, could be one of the more fun killers to play, and to play against. However, in their current state, Charlotte and Victor encourage the most bland and unhealthy playstyle the killer role can offer.

Whether you play as the Twins or face the Twins more often, every DbD player is familiar with the camping playstyle that the Twins encourages. Get a hook, get a downed survivor, or any form of pressure against the survivor team, then park the bus as Charlotte or Victor. It is ridiculous that the most effective way to play as the Twins is to camp a single survivor, who's either on a hook or on the ground, till the surviving team crumbles. The worst part about this is, it's realistically the only way to play the Twins. You can't blame the player for leveraging arguably the most poorly designed killer DbD has released.

I'd like some suggestions about how to tweak the Twins to offer more creativity to their playstyle, and facilitate healthier gameplay, in which a single token survivor isn't camped to create false pressure. Personally, I think a good start would be increasing the cooldown for switching control between Charlotte and Victor. Victor's aura reading can be used to instantaneously attack a survivor before they have a chance to crush him. Switching to Victor causes Charlotte to lose her terror radius, which allows and once again, encourages the killer to tunnel off of hook, avoiding Borrowed Time, which is an issue because Charlotte is parked 6 meters away... These are just a few proposals off the top of my head.

There's a plethora of changes that can be made to set the Twins in the right direction. What do you think?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
