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please move the hatch standoff to the high priority list



  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    @Tsulan No he doesn't bro. I've yet to see a single competent post come from him.

    Second, it's mind-blowing that people believe the hatch mechanic is balanced the way it is. You guys are obviously one-sided in this regard.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    Giche said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    HEY! Guess what happens after that scene?! She tries to jump in, gets GRABBED and carried off to get hooked!! Reality sinks in!
    Do that! It's an actual game mechanic!

    Making you swing is exactly what they want. You don't have to swing, though.
    fake out the survivor and make them think they have enough space to leave, then grab'em!

    No one is forcing you to give up when you screw up as a killer, and open the hatch, or when someone takes the bullet to let someone get the hatch.
    It's not like the game paralyzes the killer once the hatch opens.

    Thanks for describing an hatch stand off.

    It's cancerous, it shouldn't happen, it has to go.

    The survivor entitlement is showing.

    Hey, read on. I asked if you had better ideas.

    I'm hoping for more than "hurr durr the last one alone is totally screwed!" Which shows a lot.

    I hate standoffs, I hate it when survivors camp the gate room, or hatch. 
    At this point it's mind games over the hatch.
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    At this point it's mind games over the hatch.

    Give me an example.

    Because when asked for it before, you answered by describing an hatch standoff.

    There's no mindgames in this situation, only the most stubborn win.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @Giche said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    At this point it's mind games over the hatch.

    Give me an example.

    Because when asked for it before, you answered by describing an hatch standoff.

    There's no mindgames in this situation, only the most stubborn win.


  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    @Giche said:

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    At this point it's mind games over the hatch.

    Give me an example.

    Because when asked for it before, you answered by describing an hatch standoff.

    There's no mindgames in this situation, only the most stubborn win.

    The killer can back up off the hatch then suddenly move forward and grab the survivor as they try to enter.

    The survivor can run off and finish gens scoring big points, and if it goes on enough, screw the killer hard as the killer has to guard both gates and the hatch. The survivor can circle around and see if the killer is still at the hatch and hop in if not.

    You got any ideas that don't boil down to "hurr durr, the last guy is screwed! I'm entitled to that kill!"

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2018

    I reread my original post and I'm pretty sure I was requesting that they move up the priority of sorting this issue out. you all are blowing this out of the water claiming it as "another hatch standoff thread."

    They've said numerous times that they're working on an alternate solution, yet in the meantime they've put out a couple of events, a new killer, some cosmetics, all things that could have been time spent working towards a solution to an unbalanced, broken mechanic.

    If they did nothing but dedicate all of their resources to figuring out and trying alternate end-game mechanics for the next 6 months (an extreme example, calm down all you touchy people out there) I'd be okay with it. But as it stands currently it feels like they don't care about it and are content to just let the killers get the ######### end of the stick when it comes to the last survivor.

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    @sixty4half said:
    Really, this cry baby thread again.  

    From a killer; please stop.  You're embarrassing yourself 

    Why is it embarrassing myself to request the dev's step up and actively work on an end game alternative that they've admitted they want to change instead of continuing to delay it as they've been doing?

    This change is necessary and needs to happen.

  • HP150
    HP150 Member Posts: 455
    edited November 2018

    @SwampGas13 said:
    As a rank one killer Main every month, just hit them and let them Escape. Quit being a baby about somebody getting out of your grasp.

    As a rank one killer Main every month, the developers should be able to fix hatch standoffs. Quit trying to defend a ######### mechanic that the developers themselves have admitted was terrible, one that has been in the game since the times of 20 sec cooldown Sprint Burst with no exhaustion and infinites with no window blockers, no bloodlust, and twice as slow vault speed for killers. One of the very few mechanics that have not had a single balance adjustment since the time of the game's release, over 2 years ago.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
    Meh, you got three kills hit him and move on.
  • Homeslice
    Homeslice Member Posts: 36

    The way I see it is, 1 cap is a bad game, 2 cap is an meh game... breaking even... 3 cap is a win (hence the hatch) and 4 is bonus win.

    To think 4 cap is win is just salting yourself. I just hit them, say GG and move on with it honestly. I understand some survivors are mental and still salt even if you get a 2 or 3 cap.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    Just leaving the Hatch in every game with 1+solo and removing with 4swf
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Like @sixty4half @powerbats @SwampGas13 and many others said: 3K is enough, and the hatch is far from being a free escape.
    There are only two real problems. One, when gates are open but the last survivor wants that 2000 so bad that they waste your time looking for it. Second is when the next to last DC-s so the last can get it.
    For the first I'd suggest hatch should give 1000 BP PENALTY instead of 2000 bonus. After all, while not "free", it's often an easier escape.
    For DC: I think if two are dead and the third disconnects, hatch should not spawn at all. Suiciding to give hatch is fine, but dc? That's a big no.
  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    @George_Soros said:
    For DC: I think if two are dead and the third disconnects, hatch should not spawn at all. Suiciding to give hatch is fine, but dc? That's a big no.

    Survivors can't always control when the game is gonna screw them over and drop them for one reason or another. Not every DC is on purpose, and it wouldn't be fair to the other survivors if what you suggested above were to be implemented.

    Again, I'm just asking that the dev's put figuring out an alternate solution to the hatch-escape mechanic at a higher priority than it is currently because as it stands my options are to Slug 2 people, which isnt fun for me or the survivor being slugged, or pray I can hit a survivor twice before they find the hatch and get their god-mode and "just hit them and move on," as so many of you have suggested.

    Neither option is very fun, nor do they feel good. Please move this up on your priority, devs.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @MakoaKeo preferences I guess: I have no problem with slugging (or the fourth escaping), but I get it that you do. Maybe if it required a little longer to jump in, or it would have to be opened, say, 10 seconds it could help. Not sure.
    But I'm sure as hell if the second to last DC-s, that's 99.99999% of the time is an underhanded move to give the last one the hatch. "Not every DC is on purpose" you say, yeah sure but if it happens so conveniently? What are the chances?

  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Rebel_Raven said:

    The killer can back up off the hatch then suddenly move forward and grab the survivor as they try to enter.

    That doesn't work with competent players on both side, peoples would certainly try this at low rank for sure.

    I'm, of course talking about middle to high rank.
    The rank 20 to rank 10 bracket shouldn't be took into account balance wise, since they're theorically still learning the in and out of the game.

    You again described a hatch standoff with others words, that's smell like a bait at this point.

    The survivor can run off and finish gens scoring big points, and if it goes on enough, screw the killer hard as the killer has to guard both gates and the hatch. The survivor can circle around and see if the killer is still at the hatch and hop in if not.

    On that one i can agree, but we both know that nearly no one will do it.
    I'm also for finding a new way to end the match quickly, so everyone can start a new match as soon as possible.

    It just need to be fair for both side.

    Wich isn't at the moment.

    Personally, i think that the first who get to it should have it.

    The killer by closing it.
    The survivor by jumping in.

    Increase the BP gain for escaping with it, to counter balance the fact that it will be "harder" to take it, if it can help survivors to swallow this pill.

    You got any ideas that don't boil down to "hurr durr, the last guy is screwed! I'm entitled to that kill!"

    Repeating this over and over just make you look salty, and entitled for a hatch escape.

    Other things to say than :

    "Huur duur 3 kills is enought don't be so mean and sweaty "


  • Kaelum
    Kaelum Member Posts: 994

    Why is this still being discussed? The devs have already stated that they are not going to do anything with the hatch until AFTER they have reworked the end game. And at that point, there may not even be a hatch. This is a useless thread, as we have no idea what the future holds.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    The hatch mechanic needs to be reworked.
    Standoffs aren't the problem.

    The fact a survivor can escape, because they lost is the actual problem.
    The hatch mechanic needs to be redesigned, so it isn't a clutch escape for doing nothing.

    It's like if a killer chases survivors for 3 minutes in a game, one survivor automatically gets sacrificed, because the killer didn't manage to win the game by playing it.

  • serabeth90
    serabeth90 Member Posts: 100

    I think both sides should be in agreement that the hatch mechanic needs a rework. No one is saying the killer should get a "free" kill, but at the same time, is a survivor that hid in a locker most of the game while his teammates got sacrificed entitled to a "free" escape? A lot of survivors complain about slugging too, and say they shouldn't have to be forced to lay there/crawl around for up to 4 minutes while the killer tries to get his 4k. Survivors in this situation will frequently dc if they see you slug and go looking for the fourth survivor.

    This is something that definitely needs fixed, although I'm not sure it needs to be at the top of the list. For now, I think just let it go....if you can go for the 4k, do but if you can't then just let them have the hatch. It's stupid that it has to be that way, but you'll only make yourself angrier if you do a standoff or let it frustrate you.

    I think what needs to be at the top of the list now would be bridging the gap between solo survivors and SWF and buffing certain killers that might be C or D tier up to A or B tier. Once more killers are in a decent place, I think they should consider nerfing nurse a bit, but I don't think she should be nerfed until they have buffed the other killers to a good level. Then once all that is done, looking at ways to give survivors more to do than genrush would be good....then maybe once all that is done, they can look at the hatch standoff :P.

  • MakoaKeo
    MakoaKeo Member Posts: 74

    @serabeth90 said:

    I think what needs to be at the top of the list now would be bridging the gap between solo survivors and SWF and buffing certain killers that might be C or D tier up to A or B tier. Once more killers are in a decent place, I think they should consider nerfing nurse a bit, but I don't think she should be nerfed until they have buffed the other killers to a good level. Then once all that is done, looking at ways to give survivors more to do than genrush would be good....then maybe once all that is done, they can look at the hatch standoff :P.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 

    Just stop, it's not a reward for losing but a reward for doing some of the required objectives or did you forget the lore part of the Entity? The entity feeds on the hope of the survivors, if they have no hope of escaping it can't feed plain and simple.

    If 3 survivors screw up while 1 person does 2 or more gens that person didn't screw up plain and simple, if 1 person hides the entire match it happens rarely. You all need to stop complaining about not getting a free 4th kill.

    Now don't go denying that isn't what this is about when in in fact it is, you want that free 4th kill that you didn't earn because you didn't kill them. You don't deserve that 4th kill unless you earned it by you know killing them plain and simple.

    Also how is it a win for the losing team if 3 of them died, a win is zll 4 survivors get out or did logic change because certain killers want it too?

    If someone gets out they didn't fail hence they get rewarded for getting out, failing would ,mean all 4 get sacrificed, not just 3.I'll give you a quote from an old but great movie.

    " I once told you, Ryan, if only one gets out, it's a victory."

    So no the game isn't rewarding anyone for failure, it's rewarding someone for actually making it out alive. Oh and before you start on the failure part again let me hit you with some logic here.

    If 2 survivors make it out and 2 don't does that mean you as a killer failed or that the 2 that made it out failed because they lived?

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Tsulan said:
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 
    How is three people getting sacrificed and one escaping a "win"? It's a win for the killer, not the survivors.
    And I assume you know those games when three guys are playing terribly, and one basically carries the others on his shoulders, doing two-three gens on his own. How about this guy escaping through the Hatch?
    I agree hatch should be tweaked a little (god, at least there should not be a BP reward for it), but its job is to make hunting the last one down more difficult. 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 

    Just stop, it's not a reward for losing but a reward for doing some of the required objectives or did you forget the lore part of the Entity? The entity feeds on the hope of the survivors, if they have no hope of escaping it can't feed plain and simple.

    If 3 survivors screw up while 1 person does 2 or more gens that person didn't screw up plain and simple, if 1 person hides the entire match it happens rarely. You all need to stop complaining about not getting a free 4th kill.

    Now don't go denying that isn't what this is about when in in fact it is, you want that free 4th kill that you didn't earn because you didn't kill them. You don't deserve that 4th kill unless you earned it by you know killing them plain and simple.

    Also how is it a win for the losing team if 3 of them died, a win is zll 4 survivors get out or did logic change because certain killers want it too?

    If someone gets out they didn't fail hence they get rewarded for getting out, failing would ,mean all 4 get sacrificed, not just 3.I'll give you a quote from an old but great movie.

    " I once told you, Ryan, if only one gets out, it's a victory."

    So no the game isn't rewarding anyone for failure, it's rewarding someone for actually making it out alive. Oh and before you start on the failure part again let me hit you with some logic here.

    If 2 survivors make it out and 2 don't does that mean you as a killer failed or that the 2 that made it out failed because they lived?

    You forget 1 little thing. Once 2 gens are done (which isn't particularly hard for 4 people), the survivors have little interest in completing their only objective if there are only 2 left. They both start searching the hatch instead of doing gens. I can't remember the times I was doing the gen, killer caught me and little timmy escaped the moment I died. Getting a whooping 11k bloodpoints and yelling how ez that was.

    Why are people so adamant on removing any type of pressure from survivors? Why is the killer the only one who feels pressured during the whole match?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around? Being the killer the power role?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    You forget 1 little thing. Once 2 gens are done (which isn't particularly hard for 4 people), the survivors have little interest in completing their only objective if there are only 2 left. They both start searching the hatch instead of doing gens. I can't remember the times I was doing the gen, killer caught me and little timmy escaped the moment I died. Getting a whooping 11k bloodpoints and yelling how ez that was.

    Why are people so adamant on removing any type of pressure from survivors? Why is the killer the only one who feels pressured during the whole match?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around? Being the killer the power role?

    Incorrect, you only remember the bad times you got screwed not the good times where you and the other person worked together. Most of the time if i'm getting chased the other person works on gens and vice versa or we're both doing gens together or separately.

    You keep throwing out non existent arguments to back you up, when the truth of the matter is that the pressure is still on the survivor to actually find the hatch and escape. You'r making up excuses and false arguments to back up a failing argument.

    The killer isn't under any pressure to get that 4th kill, they've already won by getting 3 kills and the only one with pressure is the survivor trying to escape. You just proved my point about wanting that 4th kill despite all the claims to the contrary.

    If they get rid of the hatch does that change anything, no in fact it doesn't that survivor is still under pressure to escape somehow. The killer closes the hatch, well guess what the survivor still has to open the gates and get out.

    Oh it's a high mobility killer like Billy, Nurse, Spirit, Wraith the pressures on the survivor still. Since killers move faster base speed before any special abilities get used. (Nurse is the exception)

    It's time to accept the simple fact, YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO A 4TH KILL !!!!!! All this deflection and constantly changing your argument doesn't change that fact. The survivor did enough to have the hatch spawn and get a chance to get out. They're not guaranteed to make it out.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Tsulan said:
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 

    Just stop, it's not a reward for losing but a reward for doing some of the required objectives or did you forget the lore part of the Entity? The entity feeds on the hope of the survivors, if they have no hope of escaping it can't feed plain and simple.

    If 3 survivors screw up while 1 person does 2 or more gens that person didn't screw up plain and simple, if 1 person hides the entire match it happens rarely. You all need to stop complaining about not getting a free 4th kill.

    Now don't go denying that isn't what this is about when in in fact it is, you want that free 4th kill that you didn't earn because you didn't kill them. You don't deserve that 4th kill unless you earned it by you know killing them plain and simple.

    Also how is it a win for the losing team if 3 of them died, a win is zll 4 survivors get out or did logic change because certain killers want it too?

    If someone gets out they didn't fail hence they get rewarded for getting out, failing would ,mean all 4 get sacrificed, not just 3.I'll give you a quote from an old but great movie.

    " I once told you, Ryan, if only one gets out, it's a victory."

    So no the game isn't rewarding anyone for failure, it's rewarding someone for actually making it out alive. Oh and before you start on the failure part again let me hit you with some logic here.

    If 2 survivors make it out and 2 don't does that mean you as a killer failed or that the 2 that made it out failed because they lived?

    Why is the killer the only one who feels pressured during the whole match?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around? Being the killer the power role?
    I've been thinking about that for a long time and i think i got it.
    I've noticed that most people don't mind dying as much as not killing a especific survivor or all 4, and the only reason that comes to my mind is that, as a survivor, it is "expected" to die because the only thing u can do is to escape, while as a killer, since u have the ability to remove survivors from the match u feel frustrated when you can't. So basically it's a personal issue.
    Btw, do you really think that last survivors don't feel pressure when looking for the hatch?
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Vietfox said:
    Tsulan said:
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:
    I said it before. The hatch rewards the losing team with a free undeserved win.
    There is no such mechanism for killers which could get a free kill if they screw up. Why have it for survivors?
    This is the only game that rewards little timmy for failing. 

    Just stop, it's not a reward for losing but a reward for doing some of the required objectives or did you forget the lore part of the Entity? The entity feeds on the hope of the survivors, if they have no hope of escaping it can't feed plain and simple.

    If 3 survivors screw up while 1 person does 2 or more gens that person didn't screw up plain and simple, if 1 person hides the entire match it happens rarely. You all need to stop complaining about not getting a free 4th kill.

    Now don't go denying that isn't what this is about when in in fact it is, you want that free 4th kill that you didn't earn because you didn't kill them. You don't deserve that 4th kill unless you earned it by you know killing them plain and simple.

    Also how is it a win for the losing team if 3 of them died, a win is zll 4 survivors get out or did logic change because certain killers want it too?

    If someone gets out they didn't fail hence they get rewarded for getting out, failing would ,mean all 4 get sacrificed, not just 3.I'll give you a quote from an old but great movie.

    " I once told you, Ryan, if only one gets out, it's a victory."

    So no the game isn't rewarding anyone for failure, it's rewarding someone for actually making it out alive. Oh and before you start on the failure part again let me hit you with some logic here.

    If 2 survivors make it out and 2 don't does that mean you as a killer failed or that the 2 that made it out failed because they lived?

    Why is the killer the only one who feels pressured during the whole match?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around? Being the killer the power role?
    I've been thinking about that for a long time and i think i got it.
    I've noticed that most people don't mind dying as much as not killing a especific survivor or all 4, and the only reason that comes to my mind is that, as a survivor, it is "expected" to die because the only thing u can do is to escape, while as a killer, since u have the ability to remove survivors from the match u feel frustrated when you can't. So basically it's a personal issue.
    Btw, do you really think that last survivors don't feel pressure when looking for the hatch?
    I don't feel pressured as survivor. 
    Like... never.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    You forget 1 little thing. Once 2 gens are done (which isn't particularly hard for 4 people), the survivors have little interest in completing their only objective if there are only 2 left. They both start searching the hatch instead of doing gens. I can't remember the times I was doing the gen, killer caught me and little timmy escaped the moment I died. Getting a whooping 11k bloodpoints and yelling how ez that was.

    Why are people so adamant on removing any type of pressure from survivors? Why is the killer the only one who feels pressured during the whole match?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around? Being the killer the power role?

    Incorrect, you only remember the bad times you got screwed not the good times where you and the other person worked together. Most of the time if i'm getting chased the other person works on gens and vice versa or we're both doing gens together or separately.

    You keep throwing out non existent arguments to back you up, when the truth of the matter is that the pressure is still on the survivor to actually find the hatch and escape. You'r making up excuses and false arguments to back up a failing argument.

    The killer isn't under any pressure to get that 4th kill, they've already won by getting 3 kills and the only one with pressure is the survivor trying to escape. You just proved my point about wanting that 4th kill despite all the claims to the contrary.

    If they get rid of the hatch does that change anything, no in fact it doesn't that survivor is still under pressure to escape somehow. The killer closes the hatch, well guess what the survivor still has to open the gates and get out.

    Oh it's a high mobility killer like Billy, Nurse, Spirit, Wraith the pressures on the survivor still. Since killers move faster base speed before any special abilities get used. (Nurse is the exception)

    It's time to accept the simple fact, YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO A 4TH KILL !!!!!! All this deflection and constantly changing your argument doesn't change that fact. The survivor did enough to have the hatch spawn and get a chance to get out. They're not guaranteed to make it out.

    So to sum it up.
    The killer isn't entitled to a 4k even if he did the perfect match. But survivors are entitled to escape, even if they did nothing for it.

    Thank you sir, that's DbD in a nutshell. 

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Solution, two hatches spawn and only open when the survivor is close withing 16m, killer has a one hit down if they are also within the 16m range, if you get downed you cant jump in for 3 seconds and it will stop any jumping animation to stop those who stand around waiting tbagging near it, survivor finds a hatch first they should win, killer finds the survivor first they should win.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    So to sum it up.
    The killer isn't entitled to a 4k even if he did the perfect match. But survivors are entitled to escape, even if they did nothing for it.

    Thank you sir, that's DbD in a nutshell. 

    Straw Man in a nutshell again.

    The killer isn't entitled to anything ever, neither is the survivor and you keep using entitled when you know for a fact they're not getting a FREE ESCAPE.

    That hatch doesn't guarantee them an escape 100% of the time which means they're not entitled to it.

    The killer didn't have a perfect match because if they had a perfect match not a single gen would be done and thus the hatch wouldn't spawn ever.

    That is in a nutshell is the failure of your entire argument once again, the only entitlements here is you killers wanting that free 4th k and claiming your entitled to it. The other entitlement is from the survivors who want to have a 100% guaranteed escape.

    The only one to blame for a hatch standoff is you as the killer because if you're going to stand there stubbornly going for that 4th kill that's your decision to hold the game hostage not the survivor.

    Because for the amount of time you ego is holding you there you just wasted that time that could be spent in more games earning way more blood points.

    Meanwhile the rest of us want it to be balanced so that both sides have a chance.

    As killers:

    We don't want an easy free 4th kill.
    We realize if we got 3k we've already won the game.
    We realize that the Entity feeds off the survivors hopes of escape and if the hatch wasn't there it couldn't feed.
    We realize that we can be good sports and give the 4th person the hatch if they've played well.
    We realize that there's another human being on the other side that wants to have fun as well.
    We realize that the issue needs to be better balanced but it doesn't have to be all about me me me me and only what benefits me.

    As Survivors:

    We don't want an easy escape, just the chance that we might be able to make it out.
    We realize a hatch standoff can be frustrating but if we've done 2 gens, cleansed totems, or even did more gens/unhooks we shouldn't be screwed over.
    We realize that the Entity feeds of our hopes and when we make a hatch play and fail the Entity feeds off our hope and despair.
    We realize that killer wants to kill us most of the time but we're also not giving you a free kill just because you want a free kill.
    We realize that there needs to be an improvement that benefits both sides and not just our side.

    So both sides need to seriously stop with the entitlement victim mentality here, it's embarrassing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    So to sum it up.
    The killer isn't entitled to a 4k even if he did the perfect match. But survivors are entitled to escape, even if they did nothing for it.

    Thank you sir, that's DbD in a nutshell. 

    Straw Man in a nutshell again.

    The killer isn't entitled to anything ever, neither is the survivor and you keep using entitled when you know for a fact they're not getting a FREE ESCAPE.

    That hatch doesn't guarantee them an escape 100% of the time which means they're not entitled to it.

    The killer didn't have a perfect match because if they had a perfect match not a single gen would be done and thus the hatch wouldn't spawn ever.

    That is in a nutshell is the failure of your entire argument once again, the only entitlements here is you killers wanting that free 4th k and claiming your entitled to it. The other entitlement is from the survivors who want to have a 100% guaranteed escape.

    The only one to blame for a hatch standoff is you as the killer because if you're going to stand there stubbornly going for that 4th kill that's your decision to hold the game hostage not the survivor.

    Because for the amount of time you ego is holding you there you just wasted that time that could be spent in more games earning way more blood points.

    Meanwhile the rest of us want it to be balanced so that both sides have a chance.

    As killers:

    We don't want an easy free 4th kill.
    We realize if we got 3k we've already won the game.
    We realize that the Entity feeds off the survivors hopes of escape and if the hatch wasn't there it couldn't feed.
    We realize that we can be good sports and give the 4th person the hatch if they've played well.
    We realize that there's another human being on the other side that wants to have fun as well.
    We realize that the issue needs to be better balanced but it doesn't have to be all about me me me me and only what benefits me.

    As Survivors:

    We don't want an easy escape, just the chance that we might be able to make it out.
    We realize a hatch standoff can be frustrating but if we've done 2 gens, cleansed totems, or even did more gens/unhooks we shouldn't be screwed over.
    We realize that the Entity feeds of our hopes and when we make a hatch play and fail the Entity feeds off our hope and despair.
    We realize that killer wants to kill us most of the time but we're also not giving you a free kill just because you want a free kill.
    We realize that there needs to be an improvement that benefits both sides and not just our side.

    So both sides need to seriously stop with the entitlement victim mentality here, it's embarrassing.

    Oh I thought we were talking about normal gameplay. Not rank 20 or dev stream matches, where survivors miss literally every single skill check.

    My bad!

    The following are unbiased facts:
    - a gen takes 80 seconds to complete if the survivor works alone, hits only normal skill checks, doesn't uses toolboxes or perks that speed up the repair time.
    - survivors can spend up to 2 minutes on the hook.
    - killer has to track, chase, hit, down, pick up, carry and hook every survivor 3 times which adds up to 12 times with 4 survivors. 
    - all gens can be repaired in 3 minutes. 

    Unless survivors play like potatoes, the killer doesn't has the chance to avoid that they complete 2 gens. Simply because the killer can't be at 4 places at the same time. 

    Oh and you need 2 people for a hatch standoff. Survivor and killer are both equally at fault. You only calling the killer at fault shows how biased the whole comment is.
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @powerbats said:

    Straw Man in a nutshell again.

    The killer isn't entitled to anything ever, neither is the survivor and you keep using entitled when you know for a fact they're not getting a FREE ESCAPE.

    That hatch doesn't guarantee them an escape 100% of the time which means they're not entitled to it.

    The killer didn't have a perfect match because if they had a perfect match not a single gen would be done and thus the hatch wouldn't spawn ever.

    That is in a nutshell is the failure of your entire argument once again, the only entitlements here is you killers wanting that free 4th k and claiming your entitled to it. The other entitlement is from the survivors who want to have a 100% guaranteed escape.

    The only one to blame for a hatch standoff is you as the killer because if you're going to stand there stubbornly going for that 4th kill that's your decision to hold the game hostage not the survivor.

    Because for the amount of time you ego is holding you there you just wasted that time that could be spent in more games earning way more blood points.

    Meanwhile the rest of us want it to be balanced so that both sides have a chance.

    As killers:

    We don't want an easy free 4th kill.
    We realize if we got 3k we've already won the game.
    We realize that the Entity feeds off the survivors hopes of escape and if the hatch wasn't there it couldn't feed.
    We realize that we can be good sports and give the 4th person the hatch if they've played well.
    We realize that there's another human being on the other side that wants to have fun as well.
    We realize that the issue needs to be better balanced but it doesn't have to be all about me me me me and only what benefits me.

    As Survivors:

    We don't want an easy escape, just the chance that we might be able to make it out.
    We realize a hatch standoff can be frustrating but if we've done 2 gens, cleansed totems, or even did more gens/unhooks we shouldn't be screwed over.
    We realize that the Entity feeds of our hopes and when we make a hatch play and fail the Entity feeds off our hope and despair.
    We realize that killer wants to kill us most of the time but we're also not giving you a free kill just because you want a free kill.
    We realize that there needs to be an improvement that benefits both sides and not just our side.

    So both sides need to seriously stop with the entitlement victim mentality here, it's embarrassing.


    'Don't be so stubborn/ mean/ tryhard, do you really NEED to kill them ?"

    Why is the killer the stubborn one in this case ?

    "B...because he can hurt us while the opposite is impossible, mean ! >:'o"

    Is the usual answer AKA no legit answer.

    I'm not gonna bother answering this anymore, too much non-sense and entitlement, it's even creepy at this point.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited November 2018

    @Tsulan said:

    Oh I thought we were talking about normal gameplay. Not rank 20 or dev stream matches, where survivors miss literally every single skill check.

    My bad!

    The following are unbiased facts:

    • a gen takes 80 seconds to complete if the survivor works alone, hits only normal skill checks, doesn't uses toolboxes or perks that speed up the repair time.
    • survivors can spend up to 2 minutes on the hook.
    • killer has to track, chase, hit, down, pick up, carry and hook every survivor 3 times which adds up to 12 times with 4 survivors. 
    • all gens can be repaired in 3 minutes. 

    Unless survivors play like potatoes, the killer doesn't has the chance to avoid that they complete 2 gens. Simply because the killer can't be at 4 places at the same time. 

    Oh and you need 2 people for a hatch standoff. Survivor and killer are both equally at fault. You only calling the killer at fault shows how biased the whole comment is.

    As if on cue here comes the failed arguments again.

    I frequently 3-4k'd and most of the 3k matches were me letting last person get the hatch even carrying them to it. I had quite a few times where they either got no gens done or got only 1 gen done. I kept up good map pressure in those matches and grabbed people off gens etc.

    So yes your bad to compare it like that.

    The following are unbiased facts

    "a gen takes 80 seconds to complete if the survivor works alone, hits only normal skill checks, doesn't uses toolboxes or perks that speed up the repair time."

    **This is only true if they get left alone for 80 whole seconds and sodon't get grabbed off or scared off. There's also the fat that people blow up the gens all the time trying for great skill checks.

    They get scared when the killer comes close, someone else blows the gen up, and if you're letting someone sit there for 80 seconds uninterrupted you're doing something wrong.**

    "survivors can spend up to 2 minutes on the hook."

    Yes they can, but they can also suicide as often happens or go to 2nd stage trying to get off or make people come quicker. There's also the ones that don't kobe get to 2nd stage and then suicide.

    "killer has to track, chase, hit, down, pick up, carry and hook every survivor 3 times which adds up to 12 times with 4 survivors."

    **That's completely and utterly false and you know it. There's the above mentioned failed kobe attempts, the above mentioned suicide attempts, There's also this thing called a Mori where the killer insta gibs a person after 1 hook.

    Then there's Rancor great for a free mori, NOED, Evil Within III with or without Tuft/Tombstone, Chainsaws, Make Your Choice etc.**

    "all gens can be repaired in 3 minutes. "

    So all 4 survivors can be downed in under 3 minutes and this 3 minute gen rush excuse is even accurate now since BNP's got nerfed into the ground. It doesn't happen as much as before due to the nerf.

    "Oh and you need 2 people for a hatch standoff. Survivor and killer are both equally at fault. You only calling the killer at fault shows how biased the whole comment is."

    **The killer is at fault because they can easily just move onto the next match, they can smack the survivor and move on or just move on.

    You have the choice of whether to move or not, the survivor can't just walk away from a standoff and expect to live.**

    You seem to have tall this trouble at rank 1 where so many others don't, but the bottom line is you have to earn that 4th kill.

    If you want that 4th kill than earn it and don't give me the you played perfectly nonsense since if you did not a single gen would be powered let alone 2 to make the hatch spawn. You want that 4th kill then as other killers have said, EARN IT.

    The same is true for the survivor wanting the hatch, EARN IT, neither side should be expecting a free handout here.

    Post edited by powerbats on
  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699

    This game is revolved around Killer so the hatch thing is not bad imo. Three Survivors get killed, one escapes to tell the story, that's the premise at least that's what i believe the premise is. Did the developers actually say they want to change the hatch to something else? If so then they're saying that they want more 4K's so that Killer mains will stop bi**hing.

    Also awhile ago I was able to stop this with Myers although it happened one time. I stood on the hatch before the Survivor did then I tier 3'ed him. I was able to get the down and the pick up. That may have been luck though, i haven't had the opportunity come up to try that again and confirm it as a guaranteed thing.