Should borrowed have a fixed 32 meter range instead of tr?

Just played 2 games where borrowed having this woulda helped. One where a ghostface hid behind some rocks near the hook but not right at it so he could just instantly come out of hiding and down the unhooked. And another where a bubba did the classic hide outside of the killer shack with insidious making borrowed useless. Kinda annoying that it gets so hard countered sometimes. Ive had ghostfaces proxycamp the hook before then when someones about to unhook they just go into nightshroud so borrowed doesn't activate. And freddy basically makes the perk useless if he proxycamps by just smacking the unhooker. I know they had this limitation on its first form where it protected both players but now it just seems like a hindrance. Maybe its just me though i always go after the unhooker so i never deal with borrowed that often but playing survivor you see it's weaknesses hard in some scenarios.
Something like a fixed 24m radius would make the perk a lot better
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I think this would be fair, I've wanted that change for a while (I play killer & surv).
It just makes sense to help counter hook camping, also not to mention Freddy getting a free counter to borrowed time simply by existing.
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Yeah im just thinking what if a hag like camps just far enough away or like a huntress or slinger.
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No. Killers using TR alteration to play defensively on the hook is an intended feature.
Even with BT you shouldn't feel safe unhooking in a killer's face. If they REALLY don't want to let you get someone of the hook you shouldn't be able to do it, because the killer defending any objective means they are giving up all map pressure. Ergo, the survivors should never be able to 'overpower' the killer.
Also, BT itself actually causes camping behavior, it doesn't stop it. Ghostfaces, Pigs, ect play less defensively at hooks knowing they can drop TR if they see someone going for it to bypass BT. Killers hard camp rather than doing more interesting things because they know they literally can't stop an unhook unless they are 5 feet away. You want killers to feel like they can safely leave without losing all tempo.
What we honestly need is a nerf to insta-unhooks, not a nerf to camping, so killers don't get punished so bad for leaving the hook and instantly having a BT rescue without getting the free down on the rescuer or being in a new chase by the time it happens, which basically loses you the game at red ranks. If the killer KNEW you CAN'T rescue for 20 seconds, suddenly defensive play would be less necessary but also less rewarded and killers would be far more likely to try to do new chases.
That sounds extreme, but slugging someone basically guarantees the same thing right now: you actually 'heal the survivor' by picking them up and hooking them for the survivor team and lose 20 seconds of incapacitation on the ground if you hook. And it is a BIG reason why killers who don't slug often play very 'campy:' You NEED to make up those 20 seconds you gave to the survivor to make the hook 'worth it.'
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I think having it based on Terror Radius is the better call as it allowed for some counterplay against careless hook-farmers. The killers who do it because they don't know better usually don't understand the game well enough to manipulate it, so it does it's job just fine against the ones who do need to be trained better.
Frankly, there's nothing worse in th is game than people fearlessly unhooking because of borrowed time as the killer is just starting to walk away. It turns the perk into yet another layer of protection instead of the intended anti-tunneler perk. It takes the fear out of the hook and killer and I don't think that's good for the role.
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Unless your a freddy or wraith then you really don't passively care about bt and can kinda just do whatever ya want.
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Definitely. I can't stand when I go in for a clutch rescue with Borrowed Time and the freakin Ghost Face or Pig was in stealth mode and instantly downs them.
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And neither does Wraith, or MnA/Rabbit Myers. Not every perk should be 100 percent effective against every killer IMO
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That would be a pretty big buff. It would basically guarantee a safe unhook every time. Unsure if that would be healthy.
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Borroweds existance is to give the survivor a chance though without being on the ground a second later isnt it? Its a anti camp/tunnel perk and if a killer can just avoid it by playing freddy then its not even giving that survivor a chance but they just die because the killer "outplayed the perk". What by playing freddy?
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I don't see any reason why it shouldn't be a 24 or 32m radius around hook. Just because a Wraith is standing in front of hook cloaked, doesn't mean he's not camping. Or just Freddys whole existence. Wouldn't really be a problem for a killer that doesn't camp and tunnel.
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If they were to make it radius based I think 24-26m would be better.
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Yeah fair. Was just worried since deathslinger and huntress
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Definitely would need extensive testing to better evaluate how it would work.
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Yes, if they were to remove deep wound from it and taking a hit during endurance would require you to heal
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It's as I stated before, not every perk is a 100 percent effective against all killers. It doesn't matter what the perk's purpose is. Just look at Decisive Strike which is anti-tunnel - Pyramid Head hard-counters that one as well.
Making it radius based would just encourage fast-rescues in the face of the killer which many would consider to be unhealthy gameplay as it disempowers the power-role.
Certain things in this game delete other mechanics. This is nothing new. Hell, look at my grinning Avatar - do you think that guy gives a ######### about Stealth play? No, he deletes it from the game. Nurse doesn't know what a pallet is.
Freddy himself is a mess, nobody will deny that. But let's focus on the killer itself, not the perk that is perfectly fine.
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Its also weird though how any person can actually counter the anti camp perk BY camping. *Insidious intensifies*
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I would agree, but only if we add in some method to deter people from using Borrowed Time needlessly. I don't want to give incentive for reckless unhooking.
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Its weird because borrowed actually gives the person who was reckless unhooked a chance. If someone runs up and unhooks me in the killers face hows that my fault? I should be downed and just die because my teammate screwed me?
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I think it should punish the unhooker in some way if the unhooked survivor is hit. Make it more of a calculated risk. I cannot count the number of times I've watched a dangerous unhook, just to have the unhooker dead hard through the unhooked, just to make them take a hit for them.
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Sure why not.
But i also really want to see a change that lets the survivor with the BT effect lose collision so he can't body block me as the killer from his teammate
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Yah, funny how that works. It's almost as if the devs are trying to make us understand that camping is completely allowed. Especially if the situation might call for it.
People should be just doing the goddamn gens if somebody is camped anyway.
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Yes! BT is a counter perk. the only way a counter perk should be countered is by not doing the thing the perk is specifically designed to counter. (The only way BT should be countered is by not camping)
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No. I don't want unsafe unhooks to be incentivized even more, that just rewards campers and hook vultures. If you know the killer is camping, all the more reason not to unhook in their face.
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Actually the devs have said they want to DISCOURAGE camping as much as possible even though its a strategy. Thats why perks like borrowed and kindred exist. But then we have insidious which outright endorses it and counters them both going against the devs very view of camping.
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I mean at that stage would it be better to remove the TR requirement entirely? Have it proc automatically for all unhooks regardless?
Its only 16 seconds and would be pretty difficult to abuse. By having it work in radius I think it would actually harm stealth killers more by giving info that they're near. An auto proc would mean you couldnt tell (unless you hear TR, obviously).
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If it was going to be radius based, I'd hope it at least receives a hardy cooldown with it or go for their new token based system they put on everything.
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Most anti tunnel anti camp perks don’t work against pyramid head because his power effectively respawns you across the map. Even though he can find the cages I don’t think he is supposed to, which is why they move if he finds them (though he can still game that system by proxy camping it instead of getting too close). So in theory he’s giving up his ability to camp and tunnel off the hook in exchange for not dealing with meta perks. It plays out a bit differently in practice but is a very healthy design instead of the current hook camping that exists now.
For why BT should work in a fixed range, I had a miracle solo Q game against a forever Freddy the other day. We got all the gens done, expending almost every pallet to do so. The last guy got chased in a dead zone and went into the basement.
It took three attempts with literally the entire team tanking hits to get an awake survivor into the basement for a BT save and the cycle of trading was only stopped because of a key and the hatch being right near the basement.
The fact you can’t even trade against a Freddy while the team resets is ridiculous and it applies to killers like Bubba as well. They took away rev camping but somehow still made him 10x better at camping.
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Um current bt actually encourages the killer to proxycamp with a small tr so they can just tunnel the unhooked. Not like facecamp him directly but stay in the area. For isntance a bubba outside of shack waiting for an unhook. Or a ghostface hiding behind some rocks away from the hook. Having it auto proc or based on radius means the unhooked survivor is fine if the killer decided to be a cheeseball. Its also again 16 seconds and the proxycamper can go after the unhooker. Another good example is m and A deathslingers camping like 17 meters away and just shooting the unhooked right after they are unhooked. Maybe im speaking from a solo/killer mixture which is different but this is just my experience from both sides.
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I completely agree. It's a needed change since it makes no sense that some killers can camp/tunnel with no worries, but I wouldn't want people to bumrush the hook. Maybe it could become an exhaustion perk so it would include some risk if the killer decides to go for the unhooker.
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To everyone saying that this would be too great of a buff and that there needs to be some counter nerf to it to compensate what if we gave BT a 60 second cool-down?
BT is deceptively strong. This would at least limit the amount of times someone can save with BT in a certain amount of time.
I'm not sure I like the idea of punishing the unhooker for using it as, in situations like this they may already be trading themselves to save their teammate (Or be expecting to trade) or give them a chance at the very least. That's what I do with it at least. I always try to go for safe unhooks but this perk is literally designed to give someone being camped/tunneled a chance. I see nothing wrong with that.
It's nowhere near as problematic or abusable as DS. Well, like I said if they put a CD on it it really wouldn't be abusable. I also feel like a CD wouldn't hurt it a ton either but would make you be more careful with unhooking, if this is really what killers are complaining about (Instant unhooks and "Unhooking right in front of me").
Sometimes you have no choice but to unhook in front of killer if they're camping :l
Anyways, I'd be on board with this idea though as stealth killers and Freddy can cheat BT very easily which feels bad but idk.. Spine Chill kinda makes stealth killers entire existence invalid so maybe it isn't so bad they get to bypass BT
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So we have a couple killers that are good at camping, so let's punish the rest the 20+ killers because of these edge cases? Really?
Listen, I get it it, it's sucks that certain people hook farm - but put the blame on your dumbass teammates not the killers.
But let me tell you something - you know what will happen if you set it to Radius based? People will get bolder about quick unhooks. Do you know what happen when killers get barraged with fast unhooks? They start getting slower at leaving hooks because they start to anticipate it. If nothing else, you're going to push more killers into camping.
BT is in a good spot right now. It stops all but the most hardcore and only has a problem with a few edge cases that need to be looked into. It gives you a chance against most of the roster without taking away the danger of going for the unhook.
Let me tell you something, setting BT to radius will make getting a last minute sacrifice with the gates open next to impossible in most cases - and if there was ever a time to be justified in camping - that's it right there.
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I think that's on your teammates for rushing into the save without scoping for danger. The killers were strategizing to counter and relying on your team to create that opportunity. Had they baited the the killers (bubba out of insidious/ spotting ghostface) bt would have been viable. It's a situational perk that allows for counter play from both sides given a player's awareness.
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There's really no reason BT shouldn't work based on killer's distance from the hook rather than terror radius. It's really ridiculous with all the random undetectable and oblivious effects that it hasn't been changed yet. And now with the DS change, it's the perfect time to make this change imo.
Though I do also think that if someone has the endurance effect from BT that they should lose their collision so that they can't body block the killer.
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If borrowed time is going to have metres instead of the killer terror radius as the requirements, It should be around 12 to 15 metres
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If you are hitting someone coming off the hook within 15 seconds, you were very close to it or just immediately returning to the hook. It’s that simple, 15 seconds isn’t that long. I’d be happy if it just triggered automatically. I don’t see how that’s “punishing” killers for hitting people they know just came off the hook.
You know how easy it was for me to 1 hook mori with wraith/ghostface/pig/etc before the mori nerf? You just stood nearby, waited for the unhook, uncloaked, smacked them and mori’d them and it ignored both BT and DS. And you can still do that today but off second hook now.
And honestly, if the game is all the way to endgame, exit gates powered, and the killer is relying on facecamping to get their 1 kill; they deserve to lose to BT / DS. They lost the game, they don’t deserve a pity kill. That Freddy got 3 hooks the whole game and 1 of them was a basement hook so he should just get a free kill because he landed 2 M1 attacks?
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I mean allows it to actually have some counterplay to insidious bubba wraith or freddy camping sure.
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Rephrase the question "should stealth killers and freddy be free to camp hooks and avoid BT", there's your answer.
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At least bt you could pull them off unlike old ds. Also could just rework bt so the survivor loses collision for 16 seconds but the collision cancels if they progress their objective.
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Or pig, or t1 meyers, or ghost face, or using perks like Insidious, dark devotion, tinkerer, etc. Not to mention many Add on sthat remove or alter the tr. Bt should 100% be changed.
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- Make it distance related rather than terror radius
- Survivor loses endurance effect if they tap a gen or unhook (like DS)
Good trade. Benefits everyone.
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No, it would make it a little too strong and encourage unsafe rescues. The perk is already pretty effective and would be able to be used even more offensively.
The perk already encourages unsafe rescues for newer players which is very unhealthy.
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As someone who plays Spooky Myers, who has no terror radius, I agree that it should be a set range. If the Killer is within a certain range, whether they have a terror radius or not, Borrowed Time should activate. I think that is only fair and right.
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I absolutely agree with this. There are few things that irritate me in this game, but when I’m basically finishing my hook animation and turn to leave only to hear an unhook.... let’s just say I get quite incentivized to go after the person even if they have Bt/ds. BT teaches very bad habits in this game when it comes to unhooks. One of the most valuable assets survivors have is the sheer amount of time they can be on a hook. Careless, rushed rescues just make a killers job easier in most cases.
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It should get a middleground where it can do its job but not be abused so much. Like people have suggested make it automatic and for 16 seconds the survivor loses collision unless they work on a gen unhook or anything else. (To remove bt into bt) the middleground approach worked with ds kinda. It'd be nice for bt to actually do its job against campers but not be abused as a weapon.
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I’m all for the devs testing things out for the betterment of the game. Hopefully they do more trial runs like they did with blood lust