Hard tunneling and camping is ruining this game

It’s about time the devs do something about these absurdly unfun and toxic strategies. I played 6 games today so far and in every single one I have gotten face camped on first hook until I die except for one game where I got I hooked while being face camped and the killer proceeded to non stop tunnel me even when I stunned him 3 times during the chase. The even more frustrating part is in 3 of those games before I got face camped I was able to get 3 gens done and loop the killer for quite a bit but still de pipped because the killer decided to face camp me and apparently doing 3 gens and stalling the killer isn’t considered playing well by the devs. I really don’t understand why the devs have allowed this kind of behavior to continue for so long when it is the most complained about thing in the entire game. Something needs to be done or more people are going to quit playing the game.
I know right, we've been complaining about this since day 1 - that's why it's in TOTAL DECLINE.
Just check out these graphs over the lifetime of the game!
This game is totally dying
BTW... I'm joking in case you haven't figured out. But you folks need to stop this "it's killing the game" argument because if camping and tunneling was going to kill this game, it would of done so by now.
It peaks as new content comes out or they have a free weekend, then it drops down to it's average of between 20k to 40k depending on what region is playing.
I'll leave everybody else to explain all the reasons why you need to GET GUD
BTW, so you can't accuse me of doctoring the picture, here's the source.https://steamcharts.com/app/381210#All
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I'm not arguing, being tunneled and face camped is not fun, but really what do you want them to do? They have tried a lot of different things already. Perks, killer powers, hurt you in ranking up. The fact is that short of making it impossible for the killer to get anywhere near the hook until the survivor is unhooked anyone who want to play that way will. It sucks but really nothing anyone can do about it.
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Haven't you posted this same topic like 20 times by now?
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git gud?
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lol 30-45k people isn't good for a game with 15 million registered users...
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He only has 14 posts to be fair. As all they are is whining, believe it's time he just gives up and finds another game
We have too many people who have no business in this game and he looks like one of them.
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I never said it’s killing the game, I said its ruining the game and there is a difference. Camping and hard tunneling ruins the game for a lot of people but they don’t quit because they still find the game fun when they are not tunneled and camped. Also almost everyone I have recommended this game to has refused to play it because of these issues. They refuse to even try it because they have heard about face camping and hard tunneling and are disgusted that it is in the game so they don’t want to try it. So many more people would not only try the game for the first time but a lot of players that quit would also come back if these issues were addressed. It benefits almost everyone if camping and hard tunneling are removed yet the devs don’t do anything about it.
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You start out by saying "I didn't say that" but you imply it later in your run-on paragraph about people will not try the game.
You're implying it's going to die.
Dude, given you're post history, the game is already ruined for you. Just move on and stop making yourself miserable because nothing is going to change.
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I’m literally a rank 1 survivor and rank 3 killer that has played this game for almost 2 years and this is the one damn issue I have with the game. Sorry that I want the biggest issue with the game I have sunk hundreds of hours into solved that way I can fully enjoy this game.
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What they could do is make is harder for survivors to de pip that way when I do 3 damn gens and loop the killer only to get face camped when I go down I don’t de pip because the game think I played poorly for some reason.
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I honestly think the emblem system needs a hard rework. I've been hard tunneled and camped, luckily kindred is my crutch perk, and I'm also okay with dying and moving to the next game since I'm capped at 1.2 mil bps HOWEVER it does get to you when it's game after game. That's usually when I hang up my head set and throw on some Stardew Valley
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is not, as is not fun getting paired with a sweaty 4 man either, or just a 4 man with enough eficiency, or just good enough survivors in general who dont make 3 mistakes per second-. the unfun goes both ways.
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And I sunk literally 19 thousand battles (I know because i can pull up my old battle logs) into a game that I realized far too late I was not enjoying and used to rage at. I've been out of it for years now and have been made a better man. Your time sunk fallacy is meaningless. As McCote once told us and took flak for "take a break".
I've put over a thousand hours into this game too. Difference is, I accept things aren't going to change and I can't change the behaviors of others - so I just take it as just another challenge to overcome. (especially given that these things CAN be overcome)
If this isn't in a challenge you can deal then you really should just walk away and find another game. There's no shame in it. Not everybody likes Monster Hunter, Sekiro, or Dark Souls. I certainly can't expect everybody to handle the challenges of DBD either.
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If anything is killing the game then it's the lack of killers
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Hard tunneling and camping is the only way a killer can actually win at the highest level a play. Tournaments prove this. Fix all of these things and the game becomes far better.
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You do know that's only steam users.
There are far more players on consoles which we don't have an easy way to gather player data unlike steam.
Still if Steam is not declining in players, then there's no reason to believe a decline is happening on console either.
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yeah but even so a game going on 5 years old with only a max of 45k and 75k peak which was right after gf was released with their 5million registrered users, still imo not a very thriving game there is only 1 real reason pc ports to console, its when the game is dying and they are trying to milk the cash cow.
also maybe if pc and console players can unite and maybe get it so console can access ptb and not listen to the excuses bhvr has those stats could be easier to achieve.
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The game has been out on xbox and playstation since 2017.
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Not sure what standards you have, but top 20 ain't anything to sneeze at. 🤷♂️
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Not sure but from the looks of that graph it appears that DBD has had the same numbers as about a year ago. It's undeniable that the game has grown, but BHVR can't retain the many of the new players that try DBD out. I wouldn't say it's dying, but it's definitely not growing as much as it could.
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If anything is killing the game then it's the lack of killers
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Why is it the game is always dying because of toxic strategies that KILLERS use?
Why is it that there is no such thing as a toxic Survivor strategy?
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There are more toxic killer strategies then toxic survivor strategies and the survivors ones don’t outright prevent you from playing the game.
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Flashlight stunning literally shuts down your ability to act and can be chained. Yet "flashlights are fine, there's counterplay". Despite the fact there is counterplay to both camping and tunneling as well, but that's "scummy". Because: reasons.
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When were you unable to play the game? While you were looping the killer for 3 gens, or when you stunned him 3 times in a later chase?
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Harder to depip? WHAT?!??!!?! A major problem the game has at the moment is boosted players in ranks they don’t belong. New rank reset has caused a lot of issues.... making it even more difficult to depip will only increase the problem. Let’s just have every player at rank 1 and then we delete ranks because it’s 100% useless then.
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They already give the survivors an insane amount of low time to complete gens. If that’s not a counter to face camping and tunneling idk what is. Heck, that gen speed is so good it affects and ruins killers who don’t camp and tunnel.
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"Playing the video game is ruining the video game". Killers wouldn't camp if survivors didn't make it viable, and tunneling would happen far less if killers weren't hit with second chance after second chance that survivors get, for free, or even as a reward for failure, every game.
"Unfun" - It's not the killers job for you to have fun. If you are having fun, the killer is a bot and not doing their job. Accept that fact that sometimes you just lose.
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Incorrect. Please, stop trying. There is no version of this where you have the intellectual or logical high ground. Playing the game within the rules created by the developers isn't toxic. Tunneling isn't against the rules. Neither is camping. Survivors have endless second chances. Use them. Or get good.
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There has been a considerable increase In tunneling and camping but I would say more so tunneling. I have had countless and I will say red rank killers go right back to the hook ignore the one unhooking and tunnel the one off the hook even with borrowed time also ignoring all gens and survivors on them. I am not sure if it is lack of skill ( because this game rewards either way tbh) or they were simply bullied a lot in their life. I know this has always been part of the game but not as prevalent as it is now. I used to really enjoy having good chases and playing the game for more than 3 min( due to either side being toxic). I’m not saying that there aren’t toxic survivors and teams, because that is very much alive and well however what I find sad is that I see so many forum about nerf this perk and nerf that perk of the survivors however it is so rare that a perk is nerfed for killers. Most good killers don’t need any of them to take out a team. And also seeing still upset about the mori I’m sorry I don’t feel bad they were abused and now you have to work for it. Again those that are good don’t have a problem still achieving them. So as I see a few of the killers saying in this post “git gud”. You expect that of the survivors then actually show some skill and play the game.
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That first scenario you described sounds like they were unhooked in front of the killer. AKA - farmed.
That's your team mates fault. Not the killers fault. Put the blame in the right direction.
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much like "PC gaming is dying", this has been a problem from the start and so far the game is only gaining players soooo no
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do you have any comparatieve data to back that up?
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Actually, the playerbase has remained pretty stagnant. It's not gaining, but it's not losing players either. Or rather, more accurately, it's gaining players as fast as it's losing them.
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stagnant since when? and what game isnt, Cyberpunk went downhill fast, warframe is pretty much stagnant, GTA O is stagnant, RD2 is stagnant.
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Stagnant since about early to mid 2017. It has it's dips (it's an easy game to burn out on), and it has it's gains (new content etc), but it always levels out around the same.
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I don’t see any problem with BHVR implementing changes to prevent this. The only people disagreeing are the ones who like to camp and tunnel
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Well that doesn't necessarily speak to the turnover rate of this game. Plus, it's not like there's other alternatives to DBD (other than Dead by Roblox but ...)
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It's probably a bit hyperbolic to say it's "killing" the game, but it's certainly ruining a lot of fun (and very frustrating at that). It should probably incur tougher in-game and bloodpoint/emblem penalties. Bloodpoints should probably be cut down all the way to zero after camping one guy to death and emblems should probably be limited to a safety pip.
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This game is dying cuz there's not enough killers.
Not cuz a killer face camped. If facecamp is killing the game, the game would of died 4-5 years ago.
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It's weird because a few years ago I never encountered tunneling or camping. I noticed it started happening for me in 2018 (and that's when I learned that those terms existed), but still not too common. Now it's rare when a killer doesn't stand infront of the hook, then immediately hook the person again if they just got unhooked. It's definitely killing any fun I used to have
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I think we all know that there's not a lot you can do against a facecamping or tunneling killer (especially solo). You're probably gonna die if the killer does that.
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The solution for bhvr is nerfing DS
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Like it isnt the survivors job to give killers a fun time, meanwhile killers complain about "second chances". Kinda ironic, dont you think?
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What is the counterplay for a solo Q survivor who doesn't run DS who gets farmed from the hook and tunneled?
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If camping and tunneling is problematic then why have the devs not done anything about it? I seriously don't think it's that much of an issue, and it's more so strategies being used by the killer.
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Hope you get actual team players in your next match
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Good luck in that I guess
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Unfortunately that's just what it is. Hopefully the new mmr, when it goes into effect will fix that, I did notice my teammates during the mmr test didn't seem to have their cognitive functions so vegetable based. There isn't a way the devs can balance around people who don't play as a team without breaking it for everyone.
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Gen rush is insane. So killers need to tunnel. 4 survivors makes so fast gens, so killer need to kill half of them before end game. I am playing both of roles and i usually losing gens because i am not camping or tunnelling. So dont blame killer for that.