Post Game Chat: Is it rude to say 'GG' as Killer when you have slaughtered the whole team?
This happened in a match earlier today. I was playing solo queue with (i'm assuming) 3 other random players, and we were obliterated by a Billy. It was so bad that none of the Survivors earned over 10K bloodpoints (and we all de-pipped), while the Killer got around 18K.
In the post game chat, the killer typed 'GG WP'. My response was 'Was it really?' because clearly it wasn't a good game or well played. lol
As a survivor, do you think it's rude when a Killer types out 'GG' when it was a slaughter? As a killer, would you still type of 'GG' when you have dominated? I know that I typically don't post 'GG' in the post game chat if it was a really one-sided trial.
It depends if your the kind of player that only says "gg" when they win.
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GG WP is form of electronic handshake and that you respect your opponent. Many people just say it when they win, which completely loses it's purpose. Either say gg whether it's victory or defeat, or just don't at all.
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But wouldn't saying GG WP after every match dilute it of its purpose too? To me, it would be like adding an exclamation point (!) after every sentence. It would quickly lose its value/meaning.
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I say GG after every game. If they reject the GG, they get roasted.
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I don't think extending a friendly gesture like that is bound to lose its meaning.
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Your definition of gg must've differed from theirs.
If i get all 4 killed, that's generally good to me.
Whether that's rude or not also just depends on the person you're saying it to, but i doubt many would agree if they get stomped quickly.
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I usually don't even say anything unless somebody else says gg to avoid flame. Lots of salty people out there.
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Not at all. I always say GG. However, if you have slaughtered the entire team, it sometimes helps to throw in a specific move or thing they did that you thought was good. I find that takes the edge off a bit.
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yes. That's why you say gg to swf if you slaughtered them
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GG, GGs, GGWP are all respectful ways to give a post-game handshake. I've only taken it poorly when it was from a toxic teabagger flashlight clicker. Don't be a toxic pric% and then say GG, but just because you played well I don't think negates the GGs.
When Ive been dominated and someone wants to get toxic in post game is when they hit GGEZ, and THAT is rude and looking for salt.
GGs? No prob, GGEZ? keep that sheiße somewhere else.
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I say Good Fun, or bow down if they say mean things haven't used that in while even though mean thing still being said.
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I always say "gg gl on next" or if the game was fun "gg wp gl on next"
my responses are usually either "gg u2" or "go fricking stub your toe"
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I feel like if they need an edge taken off, it's not my responsibility to do that for them. It's up to them to remember that it's a video game.
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I've been saying GG or similar things as an almost automatic sort of thing after online matches for almost 2 decades at this point. To me it's quite simply completely foreign to view it as anything else than basic sportsmanship and not anything "deeper" than that.
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I'd rather see a "GG" than "LMAO YOU GUYS ARE SO TRASH"
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GGs are the chat equivalent of a respectful handshake, so no, it ain’t rude at all
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I usually say nothing if it was a one-sided slaughter. I know personally that a GG, even said in respect, really stings when I know it wasn't really a good game.
Frankly, I prefer an honest "OMG, YOU SUCK LOL" to a dishonest "GG". And Saying GG when the game was lopsided is just dishonest.
Say nothing man.
As aside, the last dishonest GG a team who slaughtered me tried to be nice, I understood that. But I told them straight up "No, it wasn't a GG. I got my ass handed to me. I need to get better because evidently I suck" and left.
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Yeah GG is fine GG is a good sportsmanship gesture even if it was a ######### match.
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In fact, let me put it this way
Saying GG out of habit is ######### meaningless man.
If I tell you GG win or lose, I really ######### mean it. If I won and said GG, I felt like you made me work for that win. If I GG on a loss, you did something brilliant that turned the tables on me and you have my respect.
But saying it "just because" Feh... Those are dime a dozen and mean nothing to me.
Say it because you mean it, not because it's "polite"
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That definitely applied in the earlier match. lol What would the WP mean?
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If you slaughtered the team I would only say gg if they say it first.
If you say it first...then yeah I'd say its a bit rude.
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Deep breath, dude. In for count of 3, hold for 2, breathe out. It's just a game.
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Calling "gg wp" after an onesided match is just like rubbing the victory into the face of the other side. In that case the loser should call gg first. Otherwise the winner should just say nothing or a simple "gl next" would do the trick, too.
And from my experience people in most cases only say gg if they win. If they lose it's either insults or silence. There are exceptions, though.
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I just find it helps to personalize that good sportsmanship handshake at the end, so they know I did see something that impressed me. And truth be told, I've always seen something in a match that caught me off guard or was impressive, so I don't have to dig for that or make it up. I've been on the receiving end of a few curb-stompings in my time (I'm sure we all have) and a little courtesy goes a long way. It was just how I was brought up. I don't think you are doing anything wrong in not personalizing it. I merely commented on what I do.
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I'd rather say gg than to be one of those f*ckers that berate the survivor/killer for things beyond their control and have nothing to do with the match (sexuality, race, other bigoted bullsh*t)
If a match truly went that bad on the opposing end I'd probably try to console them and tell them what went wrong in their gameplay interactions with me (which can be perceived as an insult, but at that point that's on them)
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Survivors have no issue saying gg when they escape.
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I always give a gg wp or gg<3. It's common courtesy and good sportsmanship in a game where people tend to misread your actions due to the game's asymmetric nature.
Salty survivors are gonna salt, but you get a lot more positivity when you give some in return. You catch more flies with honey and all that.
I had a great chat with a team I crushed as trapper the other day. I didn't even feel disingenuous giving them a 'wp', since my Trapper works best against teams that know how to loop optimally.
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I like the electronic handshake comment from above. I say it no matter the game, then respond to what other players decide to talk about/bring up.
Sometimes you get negative emotions. Sometimes you thrash a team, then they want a earnest conversation about perk builds out of actual survey-like curiosity.
I treat each team as a blank slate in each end game chat.
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Again it depends. Had a killer tunnel me out and personally message me gg, my friends however got the entitled killer msgs (it's the same as entitled survivor msgs) "needed ds lol trash" or "only rank 1 cuz of looping"
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That hasn't been my experience. I give and get GG win or lose at least as often as I get silence, and more than I get Salt these days. The nasty folks stick out in our minds more than the polite, so to really have a good feel of it you literally have to track it as a test. I used to think I got more Salt than anything else, so I put it to the test. I was wrong. :)
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Not really, you don't have to write it every single time, but what's important, if you really mean it in a respectful manner rather than just saying it only when you win.
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I am calm. I'm just sick of people doing things out of habit without putting any thought into what they are doing or saying.
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that.
I hate trying to guess what people are thinking. Too many masks and dishonesty out there. I prefer things in the open and literal.
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I say gg wp after all of my matches win or lose, it's just me saying that everyone played well and I hope they enjoyed the game. If people find it aggravating after a tough game I understand but I think most people are just trying to be polite.
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No. It is nice and sportsman like.
If someone takes it as an insult, they just have a soft ego and are waiting on their participation trophy.
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True; I can relate to this. The only thing I can suggest is what works for me:
- I always give a GG or GGWP and/or some compliment. I was brought up this way.
- I don't try to guess what people are thinking. As cold as it sounds, you are all Bots to me. Thus, I'm giving GG to very smart, less predictable Bots. It is unlikely I will meet many of you in the real world. Thus, you are no more real to me than well a Bot or AI. Does that make sense?
- Thinking of you all as Bots while in the game is NOT the same of thinking of you that way here in the Forum. I do make that distinction. Here we are largely nameless, faceless voices quacking in the night that is the internet. Sometimes we get some good conversation, and sometimes not. Here I do see you as people and do my best to interact with you as such.
So your view of people doing things out of habit is fair, and accurate to a point. However, most of us that do give a GG (and/or personalize it) do genuinely feel it is the right thing to do.
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It's supposed to show that you're a polite and considerate person and a good sport, like lining up after a sports match to shake the other teams hand.
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I only say GG when I've killed 2 as killer and I only say it when 2 escaped as Survivor considering that 2 kills the the most balanced a match can be. Anything else just seems insulting to either side.
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The GG part, to me, is like shaking hands after you play a sport. If no one was toxic during the match, I think it's actually extra polite for the winner to say GG first, because it puts everyone on an even plane. If the winner was toxic, then it's rude, because they were disrespectful the whole time you were playing and that cancels any attempt to look respectful after.
The WP part is more complicated. If I played really badly and someone typed GG WP, it would communicate to me that they aren't even paying attention to what they're saying, in which case it's the same as not saying anything.
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I think your second paragraph seals it for me. I accept people thinking of 'GG' as being an electronic handshake and sign of good sportsmanship. Fair enough. But to add a 'WP' to mean Well Played--especially when by any objective standard that game was not well played--feels dishonest and a little scummy.
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I think your second paragraph seals it for me. I accept that 'GG' is used as an electronic handshake and is a sign of good sportsmanship. However, the 'WP' when used to mean Well Played--especially when a match by any objective standard was not well played--feels dishonest and a little scummy. I'm cool with 'GG', no need to add extra with a misplaced 'WP'.
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As long as everyone played, nobody hacked or just acted like a troll all game, it's gg wp, win or lose to me.
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That is not true. I won't say GG after a 3 or 4 man escape unless the killers says it first.
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How rude
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A while ago there was a discussion where someone admitted that they like to send people a gg after they destroyed them as a slugging nurse to trigger them, so even though it was originally meant as a nice thing not everyone is using it this way. But in this case it's probably best to just ignore the person saying it.
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Why would that be rude?
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why would it be?
you just said it was, in your opinion, a good game.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
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Who said it was a good game? As the OP, I certainly didn't think it was.
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It's only rude if that person meant it rudely. Otherwise, the receiver can assume whether it's rude or not, yet not actually know what is meant.
Usually the response a player gives to "GG" says more about whether that player is rude or not, rather than the person saying it.
Basically, if you get "GG'd", it's better to assume it's positive. Trying to see the malice behind it is just a waste of time and energy, and probably just results in you imposing your feelings on the other.
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the person saying "gg" does.
just because YOU might not think of it as a "good game", doesnt mean that everyone shares this opinion.
and given that everyone has a different definition of what a "good game" is, you cant tell others the game was or was not good, as in their eyes this view might differ quite drastically.