DS nerf is fine except healing yourself let me explain why.

hiken Member Posts: 1,188
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

im agree with DS being nerfed, was needed. but while healing yourself is not, why? because you can get tunneled and try to heal because you have a nice Medkit with fast addons, botany, desperate measures, now there is no reason to bring those medkits in the most important and interesting situations, when the killer wants tu to get out of the game or slugging, so i feel that indirect nerf to fast medkits makes no sense, also healing in most cases just helps the killer becasue you are not doing nothing to progress the game... in fact killers love survivors to waste time healing. Also add grace time for people who started healing me without asking it and deactivating my DS...

Post edited by hiken on


  • Use inner strength, or go somewhere safe and make sure the killer isn’t coming before starting a heal. If you have a medkit and perks as you say it should be quite a fast heal so no worry about being interrupted.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You shouldn't be healing during a chase.

    Only issue I have is not being able to heal others. I play mostly solo, and having people refuse to heal me so they dont lose DS is going to be annoying.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    You're missing the other possibility of the killer leaving so you can heal, take 2 hits and still have DS active.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I thought it wasn't affected by healing yourself. I think it should remove when fully healed, but not if you just started healing.

    So just starting to heal yourself, removes DS?

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611
    edited March 2021

    Have tested yes even a tap. Im assuming its because if your healing your not being tunneled? Idrk.

  • Chatkovski
    Chatkovski Member Posts: 309

    Yes, unfortunately they will answer you: iF yOu cAn hEaL yOuRsElF, iT mEaNs tHaT yOu aRe nOt tUnnEleD.

    Which is obviously wrong, like all actions that can be done quickly (unhook a survivor, finish healing a dying survivor, heal yourself bit by bit during a chase...)

    It's sad, but that's the way the killers are happy because DS will no longer allow the survivors to withstand a huge snowball, which was not the goal of the nerf at all.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723
    edited March 2021

    It kind of makes sense when it comes to healing. But I dislike the deactivation upon unhooking. Again, I get why it deactivates upon both actions. Just don't think that it will take the game in a healthy direction in solo queue- survivors are already pretty selfish in that mode and I definitely do think that the deactivation upon altruistic actions will lead to a lot of survivors wanting to keep DS active as long as possible. They'll let YOU heal them off hook, but you're out of luck if you want the favor returned. Same goes for unhooking.

    While you can reasonably surmise that it might be completely pointless to have DS active in a lot of scenarios, DBD has a big playerbase with, uh, a lot of people who don't necessarily think the whole thing through.

    Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised, but that's the main thing I'm apprehensive about when it comes to the nerf. That, and I do think a lot of survivors will stop running it, which means I'll most likely have to start bringing it regularly just to ensure there is an obsession/discourage tunneling, even if I personally don't feel the need to use it myself (I usually last long enough in a chase for DS to deactivate anyways)

    Edit: Also, if they're trying to take DS fully into the anti-tunnel territory, it needs a BUFF. Right now, DS isn't truly anti tunnel- Spirit, Nurse, Huntress, Deathslinger, etc., all can easily catch you right after the stun is over, depending on the situation. I firmly believe that they should add a few seconds of no scratch marks after a successful stun, just so a real tunneler has to work a little harder to get you out of the game.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i feel like they shouldve made it so if you do a specific action for 3 seconds cuz you might accidentally tap something

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Ohhhh. damn, that is silly. Sometime I try to heal a bit at a time mid chase. Now I guess there is no point doing that. Wow. They should allow you to heal yourself.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,611

    I always suggested it should deactivate on full heal since if you can fully heal ds is probably almost out of time mid chase and out of chase your saying your back in the game when you full heal.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah, I totally agree on that one. Full Heal, then deactivate. Thanks for the info!!

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723
    edited March 2021

    This is also something I agree with. I do hope that they eventually address this. Controller players (especially those on low quality consoles, such as the switch) can VERY easily accidentally tap a gen or a heal when they are trying to perform another action. It isn't much of a problem on PC because you are allowed a few more options when it comes to key binds, but I cannot tell you how many times I accidentally touched the killer shack gen when I was trying to fast vault the window in shack back when I played on Switch. A poorly placed slug can also screw you over- if they're under a pallet (extremely common scenario) and you're trying to throw it down to get away from the killer, you can very easily accidentally start picking up the slug rather than throwing the pallet. So now, you get downed from an unfortunate misinput (again, very easy on a lower quality pc or console on controller) AND your DS just got deactivated.

    BHVR does seem to care about quality of life, so hopefully it does get addressed eventually, but it will probably take a lot of complaining from the community to get their attention on the issue.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    Yeah i really hate that this deactivates it, im going to go after survivors who deactivate it but this is the exception.

    If i see a survivor who got unhooked healing themselves at best i will slug them as they are only trying to recover and it's so dumb that you can heal by other means such as another survivor and not lose DS.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2021

    sometimes i do, but what if i want to get healed while getting tunneled because the killer hates me? never happened to you that the killer wants you so hard out of the game? probably did happen, and u wish u could of healed?... well with a green medkit and fast heal addons is possible especailly if u dedicate a build to do so. inner strenght may or may not help me at all because i would waste the perk anyway if i come out he can grab me and eat ds even while healed due inner strenght, such a waste of a heal.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited March 2021

    the perk deactivate IF i got the heal MAKES WAY MORE SENSE, that just starting to heal myself... that can be coded easily, and is way more fair for survivors aswell, its not others, is doing it by yourself so imo they should add a 2 second grace or something if ANOTHER SURVIVOR TOUCHES ME TO SANBAG ME OR WHATEVER.... because tehre are said survivors.

  • If the killer is tunneling you it’s very unlike you would be able to heal in time. Before you’d go down and be forced to use your DS anyway.

    If you anticipate the killer is going to tunnel and they’ve been doing that to other survivors then just dont heal until you know its safe to do so. Thats really the best thing, run to somewhere safe and then heal. Dont self-care under hook. Or just get someone else to heal you.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    how bad are u to not last at least 8 seconds (considerably less around half the time with addons in the medkit and a green one plus perks ) in a chase while droppping pallets and healing? there are many videos of people doing it, unless its a nurse or spirit its very possible, i did it myself a couple of times, funny builds.

    "dont heal till u feel is safe to do so" did u read? sometimes there is no safe time, sometimes u cant get others to heal you (and if u do, ds is gone, and tahts why i want a grace time of seconds if another survivor touches me when i didnt want it os i can immediately press shift and dont get my DS deactivated), dont get me wrong, im not a self care gamer but i like medkits, are very usefull items and sometimes healing mid chase is the only way to not get out of the game unless u are running a very sweaty try hard build with unbrekable + sprint and still if the killer is in front of you hardly u will escape, the killer can wait a couple of seconds.

  • I dont know I’ve never used 8 second heal builds and honestly that sounds completely busted being able to heal mid chase. I do remember those days from early dbd, it is not balanced.

    If you can heal in 8 seconds then you dont really need DS. If you want DS then dont heal.

    I dont even get why you would need DS if you can heal mid chase? If im being chased and have time to heal to full health then the killer is most certainly not getting me down within the 60 seconds that DS is active.

    Some people always want to have their cake and eat it too. You want to be able to heal to full health mid chase and then still have DS available just im case you go down. Just think how much time that can waste if all 4 survivors play that way. This is why nobody plays the weaker killers because they can’t combat that kind of tomfoolery.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    its not boosted is very expensive to do, you need to dedicate an entire build to do so, 3 perks, Desperate measures, Botany and Resilience... then u have ds, u dont even get the space to run an exhaustion perk but i guess u could get rid of reslience and that 9% extra speed but still, its not boosted at all and not even close to those times, not even close, back in the day you were able to heal during killer cooldown m1 attack, THAT was boosted... not this, especially considering how expensive and dedicated u need to be.

    READ, i said before if i get to heal DS can deactivate, makes more sense, but you dont read just complain, DS is still necessary because i may not be able to get healed, just tunneled hard and i want to use my perks and medkits, because otehrwise why did i bring them?.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    More than healing, all of the above actions described in the nerf do not necessarily signify that you are not being tunneled, save for totems. Gen tapping, trying to use an instaheal, or even just thinking that you're in the clear, only to be viciously pursued by the killer again, are all situations that the nerf assumed meant you are not being tunneled.

    Plus, it failed to address the actual issues with DS, being primarily slugging, it expiring in a long chase, and lockers. Overall this nerf was a poorly-thought out populist ploy to satiate the "DS Bad" mob.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It isn't affected by someone else healing you. That way, you don't get screwed over if someone taps you incidentally.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Oh...okay. Maybe I understood it wrong. So you can get healed and it still works, until you are 100%? Or even after until you perform an action?

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    DS is supposed to stop tunneling, not be a free heal after getting unhooked.

    Once you're not being chased, you should be able to find a chance to heal if you want to. If it lasted through healing, most survivors would just heal in the open or under the hook, like they already do. Why bother with playing when you can use a perk?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    As long as YOU are not the one performing the healing action, you are allowed to be healed to Healthy by someone else without deactivating DS.