There's nothing that prevents tunneling off the hook now.

Whether or not you used DS before, the fact someone in your team was carrying it put some pressure on the killer, with the idea that maybe someone had it slotted. Now, with the perk being completely pointless and useless, there's nothing standing in the way especially for higher tier killers. You will get tunneled out of the game within 1 minute of the match. I'm already seeing it happen.

Four matches in a row, 2 Tricksters, 1 Spirit and 1 Nurse, somebody was tunneled out of the game with 5-4 generators left.

And no, Borrowed Time doesn't fix this. Having to rely on other people carrying a perk just so you can play the game, when people literally farmed each other without anything even when the DS anihilation hadn't gone through, that's not going to help in the slightest.

So, the question is now, what are you going to do to allow people to play the game?


  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

    Unfortunately, nothing can be done about tunneling (that wouldn't be blatantly abusable) besides a perk like BT being present. BT gives a survivor a chance to gain enough distance from the killer that if they're actually skilled enough to use it well and mend in time (perhaps use iron will to mend and whatnot then hide), the tunneled survivor can last long enough for 2ish more gens to get done. Yes, this is difficult, but you can't prevent tunneling in any reasonable way as it is a choice made specifically by the killer. My recommendation then is to gen rush HARD, break 3-gens, and other dangerous generators while the killer is doing this. It forces them to either 1. lose the match when 2-3 of the survivors escape or 2. actually start playing the game.

    Do please understand this game isn't meant to ALWAYS have the survivors win. Plus, tunneling might just be to get the low-skilled players out of the lobby for the convenience of the killer. It is preventable by gen rushing this time, taking protection hits, and dividing the weight as a team (part of why SWFs are so popular).

    WARW0LF Member Posts: 200

    it's pretty much a dead perk now, only good for face campers in yellow/green ranks

  • sleepywynd
    sleepywynd Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2021

    Also, tunneling just means you focus on one survivor intentionally. If the same survivor just keeps getting unlucky or runs into the killer a lot, that's not tunneling, that's bad luck or poor gameplay.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464
    edited March 2021

    New DS only inactivates if you do gen or other actions, so if you just got unhooked you should be fine.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    get good it was good that ds got nerf

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Who are you trying to fool? you literally TAP yourself even by mistake (medkit, self care) and DS is gone. Considering how wonky and broken this game is, you will lose DS right away most of the times even when you're actively trying to keep it by doing nothing. After this nerf DS prevents absolutely nothing and is good for nothing.

    The change needs to be either reversed or adjusted to go away only once you're fully healed again.

  • The_Floof
    The_Floof Member Posts: 69

    So that way, only when you are fully healed you are unable to DS? So instead of healing you can go sit on a gen for sixty seconds and just magically keep DS? Nope I love this new method. Either you be greedy and wait the sixty seconds. Or you lose DS by helping teammates keep the game moving. It's honestly a nice fix with this 60 seconds of immunity being removed now that if the survivor does anything to help teammates or reach the goal of the game. :)

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479
    edited March 2021

    It used to. It doesn’t anymore. You just have to tap *anything* for it to disappear which will get triggered in many occasions unintentionally. The game even prioritises using self care if you’re injured over unhooking someone.

    After this nerf DS is completely useless and serves no purpose.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Which, going back to one of my other threads, ties back to the same point: You have 2 options in this game now. You either become a killer main or play SWF. Solo queue is dead now.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    Reading comprehension is important when trying to have a meaningful conversation. In no moment I suggested trying to unhook in this situation.

    I used it as an example to explain why the current DS is not the rework it needs in order to prevent tunnelling. It doesn’t serve the purpose it’s trying to achieve. It simply serves no purpose now.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    It will allow you to stun the killer if you were tunneled off hook and haven't had the chance to heal yourself or start work on a gen.

    If you are constantly running into the issue where you start to self care off hook and then the killer comes back, then learn to move away from the hook before self caring.

    There's no issue with the perk, you just can't abuse it for free 60 seconds of immunity.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    I see a lot of people not understanding the post so Id like to chime in real quick

    • with an obsession on the survivor side the killer will be more cautious of DS and as such is less likely to tunnel
    • not many killers run obsession perks and without survivors running it the game often doesnt have an obsession
    • if theres no obsession the killer doesnt need to be cautious and can tunnel freely

    and on top of that DS is now what I believe it should have been all along, an anti-tunnel perk, but the fact that theres no obsession in most games lessens the pressure on the killer as a whole which makes it harder for all the survivors

    (at least thats my understanding of it)

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    It won’t stop any abuse, it will just switch over the abuse. Now, you will be put out of the game immediately and it will especially ruin solo queue even further. Good SWF teams will just coordinate themselves to BT + run away while solos will have nobody to help them, and now they can’t even use DS for at least some backup. You have to realise this affects SWF in a small proportion, and further contributes to the miserable experience of solos even more. And it was already the worst experience you could have in the game by far. Especially in red ranks.

    As far as me and the people I sometimes play with go, we’re sticking to playing killer and the very occasional SWF. Solo is over.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    That is definitely a big part of it. The perk is useless now, and it serves no purpose. Hence nobody will carry it. If nobody’s carrying it, it destroys both the active and passive use of it.

    This will slightly bother decent SWF, but they can still abuse BT or coordinate their use or DS.

    But solo queueing? Unplayable.

  • Soulslayer618
    Soulslayer618 Member Posts: 488

    wouldnt a fix be "theres always an obsession in a match despite perks"?

  • Adidi
    Adidi Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2021

    You won't be able to repair gen in killer's face with small pp build or use it any other offensive way anymore, that is correct. If you are getting really tunneled though ds will work. Stop crying.

    @Soulslayer618 There are a lot of obsession perks, quite strong actually. DS still being the strongest, but if you don't like it anymore just use Blood Pact or For the People...

  • Lily0
    Lily0 Member Posts: 128

    There is this really good perk that makes sure there is always an obsession in the game AND prevents you from being tunneled, it's called Decisive strike

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well, new DS does address being tunneled off of a hook. As long as you bring unbreakable & soul guard with it to prevent slugging. That's pretty much all it does, though.

    Just kidding. DS never addressed tunneling. A 5 second stun is not going to make the killer say "Understandable, have a nice day."

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    That we can agree on. It didn’t really prevent anything. It only made you slightly reluctant to pick up the person who just got unhooked and maybe motivate you to get someone else.

    Now however, that’s gone. And the key aspect about this is, it just does nothing to SWF. The true issue about the people who can really abuse it isn’t addressed at all with this nerf. You think this affects SWF how? you can coordinate everything. BT+ fast healing further away or just use that person as bait while he chases. To then simply safely heal if the killer gives up.

    This was just a pointless blow (once more) to people who play solo.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
    edited March 2021

    Oh no I tunneled that poor fully healed survivor that was working on gens after I hit them twice.

    I guess I deserve that DS at the 59th second

  • and if survivors take DS it creates an obsession. Wow we solved the problem just like that.

  • MsPearston
    MsPearston Member Posts: 2

    The only people who were affected because of the original ds was the tunnelers. If you truly don't tunnel there was no reason to nerf the perk. Its ridiculous that people can't just wait out the 60 seconds. Now the people who get tunneled are suffering. Why is it a problem for people to do gens and heal with ds still active?? Go chase someone else. I'm getting tunneled now and there is nothing I can do about it unless I run around doing nothing like a chicken with my head cut off.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    Otz has a video of him hitting a fully healed survivor twice that was repairing a gen.

    Goes to pick up the survivor only to be hit with DS at 50-59 seconds and he was already in a chase previously with another survivor.

    He absolutely was not tunneling and saying only tunnelers were affected by DS is a lie

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    if you have time to do gens you aren't being tunneled

  • KidDope25
    KidDope25 Member Posts: 117

    How about you....use decisive strike you prevent tunneling? Lmfaooo. Or how about you don’t go down and get defeated by someone better than you? If you got down in the first place then you deserved to be hooked lmao

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    vote up this what I been saying or trying to say in another thread.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this what I think should happen.

    true and not true most of the time when a survivor ds a killer after the stun he go on and tunnel more and most likely will face camp you after being hooked

    so in the end ds never really helped with tunneling anyway it why I never run it anyways because all it does piss the killer off to tunnel you more.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    Maybe this'll encourage smarter plays because they know they aren't invincible.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    U can runaway to a far place and start healing or repairing. If killer down u right after u get off the hook u still can ds his ass. I don't really see what's to complain here. The only change they did is that u can't dance on kille's face right after u get unhooked

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    Maybe you should?

    Tunneling is specifically allowed in the rulebook, as is camping and facecamping.