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Menu animations 200% speed

Sometimes animations of different things in menu, like the colored fog on the addon descriptions become very fast, what seems like 200% of the normal speed. I cannot tell how to replicated it, just got it after getting out of a game.
more like a 1000
it seems to normal out after a minute or so
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From what I can tell, they changed the menu animations to be 60fps which looks nice on some actions, but at the same time it also speeds up all of the particle effects on the menus to match the 60fps increase
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It speeds up everything. It even speeds up the loading screen
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I've noticed they smoothed out menu animations which look very polished now. Good job devs, I was actually surprised in a good way by this! :D
But yeah, the only small issue is that for some reason the icons seem to speed up at random. This isn't something that I'm actually bothered with.
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I've noticed the same thing, it seems to happen after I end a match or two, though maybe I only notice it then because it's usually when I start looking at bloodwebs/rift tomes where it's most noticeable.
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That strange thing, with speedup animation happen with me too.
In ver. for ps5.
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It feels super smooth and bloodwebs are super fast, so I'm looking for this bug after every match