Played trickster for like 4 hours and it's been the worst experience ive had in this game

Knives dont hit survivors when they are supposed to
You cant do anything at loops because apparently knives dont have enough speed to hit survivors
Lacefuckyouation disappears almost immediately so if you lose a survivor you can say goodbye to those knives you've landed
Main event hasn't been useful even for once because Im forced to use it immediately (which usually happens when I'm already a few knives away from downing a survivor)
He really feels like an old legion, with an exception that old legion was at least fun to play because of many stabs and speed.
Never have I felt myself so helpless as I felt when playing this killer, even though I had a lot of experience playing huntress or deathslinger
I usually stood to an opinion not to judge things until I've tried them myself and I decided to give "tRiCkStEr" a chance, well, that was a mistake.
You're really losing your grip BHVR, because gameplay wise this chapter is a disappointment. I felt like maybe it would give me some more fun in this game, but no, it only ruined my day and mood for the rest of that day.
Goodbye, I've played this game for almost 5 years and this "chapter" and its atrocious killer was the last straw that broke my spine. Couldn't care less about other changes you also couldn't deliver working properly.
I guess I'll have even more fun playing dota, than this game.
Uninstalling, maybe I'll hang out on these forums to monitor the situation for next mid-chater/chapter, but nothing more for sure.
Worse than playing nurse?
Laceration never should go down. It should be like a ghostface stalking status, where you can expose them from one sec to the other.
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Nurse is like "I'm fighting bugs more than survivors" kind of killer
Trickster is like "I can't intentional lack of thoughtful gamedesign" kind of killer.
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Never have I felt myself so helpless as I felt when playing this killer, even though I had a lot of experience playing huntress or deathslinger
I totally agree with this.
I would be better off just ignoring his power and go for normal hits because it's so extremely clunky and frustrating to use,especially on console
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Like against 4 man deathsquad I'm at least getting hits.
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Already love that name
The Lacefuckyoulation
Gunna just Temporally borrow this while i try out trickster even more,
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Lmao, it would be hilarious if more people used that
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This killer just gets nothing
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I only played two games against him. The first one didn’t even try to use his knives. The second guy used them with pinpoint accuracy downing me in seconds, making me wonder how the hell I’m going to compete against somebody that doesn’t even allow me to get to cover because theres zero cooldown. The jury is still out.
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Honestly I can see why one would after this.
People made it clear there was a problem. Devs pushed it live and ignored literally everyone entirely.
People are incredibly frustrated.
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having been one to reserve my judgement and been excited for his release, and having been someone who really, really, really wanted him to be and hoped he would be good, allow me to say he's dogshit. absolute dogshit. Getting Over It made me less angry, drawing a 6th damage heal vs Dragonic Nouvelle Vouge makes me less angry, learning nurse made me less angry, than playing as him. he's so unbeliavably weak and isn't even fun to back it up.
the midchapter better bring some solid buffs to him or twins, and the 5th anniversary better be at least adequate because this chapter is the biggest letdown i think i've ever had in my life and i play gatcha games in my free time.
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The Twins do not need a buff, believe me. They need a mechanics change but not a buff.
Plus, I don't think any of us really expected him to be A-tier. Based off of how much crap Spirit, Hag, and Freddy get (and who can blame them,) BHVR was probably just afraid to make him too OP. Either way, regardless of how much canine feces he's on par with, I think he's fun. I wish he was 115% and had a handful of buffs, definitely, but he's enjoyable.
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i didn't expect a-tier, i expected something average and fun.
he's neither.
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Well fun is definitely more subjective here. I enjoy him, as do a handful of other peoples. If others don't like him, they have a roster of 20+ other bloodthirsty killers to play.
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Oh look - an airport thread. Eyeroll.
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another killer gone I see survivor q get longer and longer.
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At least Blight and Wraith got fixes. I’ve been enjoying them more.
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I switched on today because someone told me the new challenges were out. This is my last premium pass grind. Once this tier 70'ed...I'm done with this Rift nonsense.
I am usually excited about new DBD DLC, but now I'm so far in the other direction. I haven't even bothered unlocking this chapter, with accumulated shards besides purchasing it.
This doesn't mean my disinterest is caused soley by the release of 'The Trickster'. Whilst I do think the new addition is embarrassing, it goes further than just that: I'm honestly not having fun and haven't for a while.
I still love horror. I still love games. But I'm just drifting away from DBD. I have some good memories, but everything has it's prime shelf-life.
I'll still play, but only occasionally.
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I tried to get his adept for 3 hours before giving up...
Ever since, I've had 7 of them DC against me and I don't blame them at all.
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Remember all those happy clappers who kept going on about how 'gorgeous' the Trickster was and how they were 'simping' for him? Dressing up, doing cosplays? The fan art? All the winking?
It's all so tiresome.
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Wouldn’t be surprised if you came back the next day, many people on these forums who say they leave come back within a week. Sorry you can’t 4K all the time, maybe play him for fun instead of intentionally trying to win.
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Maybe survivors should play for fun too and stop trying to get strong killers nerfed. Play for fun rather than intentionally trying to win
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All my friends have left this game. I almost never play survivor anymore because of it. I really believed in this game, and wanted to see it succeed but after these last few chapters... My faith in it has faltered drastically.
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Don't need a refund if you didn't buy the chapter.
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Trickster is a terrible excuse of an early April fools
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I just can’t get over how insanely difficult AND cumbersome it is to injure or down someone with the power. I genuinely have achieved only ONE hook today in my attempts to get the adept and unlock his perks so that I never EVER have to touch him again.
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The killer mains these days are so unreasonable... How dare they not enjoy getting looped for 2-3 minutes at a time, bullied and tbagged by survivors with new cosmetics.
So entitled, smh /s
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Apparently not being able to 4k every game is the reason I left and not the fact that his power is awful to use, ok buddy, guess you know better.
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I put 6 hours with him. Was able to get some 4k games but his power is just so inconsistent and mostly frustrating. Plus any smart survivor basically hugs killer shack or jungle gyms because it takes such an unreasonable amount of time to get hits.
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Yeah, I felt like I was playing a toy rather than a Killer. This Killer is really bad and in desperate need of buffs.
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I'm the same. Only had one Trickster match yesterday and the killer was having trouble tracking me in a chase. i dont feel I've had enough experience with or against him to make a fair assessment yet.
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Yeah, playing him really feels as fun as trying to learn Nurse.
Which is none. No fun at all.
I saved "Lacefuckyouation" to my notepad BWT.
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I played him a few more games but most killers seem to still be opting for meta perks than using his own. Most players still haven’t figured out how to verse him, which is annoying because the strat against him is obvious: pretty much the same as Legion, split up and fix different gens. He has zero map control. Every round I lost today is because people kept getting zealous with hook saves. Camping/proxy camping is about the only thing he is innately good at.
So, please people: STOP rushing for hook saves. Stay away from him if he is in a chase and LET HIM HOOK. Force him to patrol gens before going for unhooks. Don’t be an idiot!
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Why would you uninstall it now, when the other 23 killers that were there two days ago are still there today?
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Guess you don't see that the reason I deleted the game isn't just because the new killer is bad, but rather because it is pointless to play it if it keeps going the worst direction possible for the last 6 months