Lets make a List of NON-OFFENSIVE things blocked by the new chat filter

Hey everyone, lets make a list of NON-OFFENSIVE words/things blocked by the chat filter.
Starting things off, it blocks ng, and i type gg gl ng (good game good luck next game) every match but now it looks like gg gl ##... whhyyy.
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Myers is blocked by the filter.
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this game is dumb
^^ Just a few examples lol
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I know it can have an alternative meaning but general terms used for game mechanics being blocked is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen them do (and I remember the original Freddy nerf...)
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It reminds me of ye olde Lord of the Rings Online, their (optional, to give them credit) filter blocked the word weed, pipeweed is something you craft and use in the game. It also blocked Buckland, a place in the game, "meet me at ******* " was less than helpful.
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"Trying" apparently.
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Literally everything.
Censorship is evil.
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It's also a very good way to maintain your section 230 immunity so you don't get sued.
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I dunno why, but whenever I write "Jin" it's gets censored, I literally couldn't write Yun-Jim's name in chat. It was just me tho, another random that also talked in the chat started saying her name when he saw that I couldn't, and he was just fine (??????)
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I said i wanted trickster to ######### me and it censored that ;-;
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I'd argue behaving as if everything is yours to do with as you see fit, regardless of what the owners want, is worse.
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I had the words 'name' and 'grind' censored. Why?
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There is not a single point in human history where the good guys were the ones censoring speech.
Censorship is evil.
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It's a private platform, not a governmental (or similar) organization. Don't make a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be.
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reddit is blocked
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That one kinda makes sense, to avoid spam.
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You know, i've seen some broad censoring like in Dark Souls 3 where you see a lot of K***hts and C**sen people running around
but this is a whole new level.
With some of the tomfuckery they apparently consider profanity, I don't see why they don't just get rid of postgame chat wholesale and replace it with a GG button.
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face camp
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Insta as in insta down
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Does "instadown" get censored or "instagram"?
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May I ask you guys since I can’t test until later: were words like „myers“ „insta“ or such censored from the beginning or did you actually try to mess around with the filter before?
because the system gets more strict for a user the more one user uses „bad“ terms.
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I tried a few here after my first game today. None of them are blocked for me, currently.
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Very curious implementation. I don't think I've ever seen an adaptive filter before.
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Thanks for the test!
that’s what I expected tbh :)
lol at the „baby“ comment randomly in between
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That would be true but irrelevant. I would argue that going into a pre-school and beating the crap out of children is even worse.
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I really do not understand why it's banned. Is it a thing against obesity or something?
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Not sure if you're joking or not but it's a fairly common sex tag so that one I kind of get.
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It's weird, sometime I say myers and it gets blocked where as other times it'll let me say it
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Crossplay. #########. Crossplay. 💀
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What's sex
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That's fine. I agree, they can do what they want. Doesn't change the fact that censorship is evil.
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I’d rather they didn’t bother with censorship but figure things are different in other countries.
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...cant even say crossplay lol
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Censorship is evil, but as a better explanation of why these systems never work to begin with.
Here are 2 examples. One comes from league of legends. One common thing to prevent is people saying things like the "n-word". There are a lot of obvious reasons why they would want to ban that.
Now, what do you do when instead of calling people that word, people instead call other people "Lucian". You see, Lucian is a character in the game who also happens to be black. The reality there was, everyone KNEW what those players were saying, but they were saying the name of a character in the game.
Now let's bring it back to dbd. What will BHVR do if people start calling people "claudette" or "adam" instead of that word? Because i guarantee you people are going to do that kind of thing.
Another example. A popular acronym in some games is "K-Y-S" which people mean as "#########" so games started banning that phrase. Well now people will instead say "Keep Yourself Safe" a phrase which, by itself, sounds like something nice. But in reality, they are still saying "K-Y-S"
You can't censor speech because the people you are trying to censor will get around it by saying different things that have the same meaning. All it ends up doing is becoming this cycle where you censor words that start to negatively affect regular users. This is why the actual word choice doesn't matter, and what matters is intent. It is also why i don't believe censoring what people say is any good. Give people instead the options to, mute someone. disable chat entirely, being able to avoid playing with certain people, etc. Because you can't actually moderate effectively, when the people you are trying to moderate can just think of clever ways to get around it.
EDIT: While posting this, i actually had to change the K-Y-S because it is censored. But the phrase "Keep Yourself Safe" was not. See what i mean?
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That's the same logic as "laws don't work, because criminals don't care about laws". I don't buy into that.
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Richter. Literally felix’s last name. Like in what context could that ever be used to be derogatory????
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That's not actually true, laws have punishments associated with them and they have hard definitions. There is a reason speech is a protected right in the U.S. Obviously things like, stealing, murder, assault etc. are all objectively wrong and we can have actual proof and evidence that is what happened.
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surprised "baby" isn't censored after what happened last chapter
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And you think bypassing the censor doesn't carry some form of punishment?
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How could BHVR from an objective standpoint without doubt that someone calling someone a "claudette" is actually doing it as a racial slur? Sometimes people call people "meg heads" in the game as well as an insult. You can't moderate that. It's not possible.
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And what about every other case, which can be moderated?
Again, I don't buy into the "We can't solve every problem, so we might as well not solve any problem" thought process.
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Because the problem already has a solution. People can mute, and they can disable chat. Now, instead you create more problems because you censor real words that people use. Hell you literally can't say "myers" right now in the in-game chat, and he is a character in the game. Then you have the problem of multiple languages. Something might be offensive in one language but not another. Offensive speech is also not subjective. Something one person might find offensive another one will not. The reality is, literally any idea that can be conveyed with words will offend some person on this planet somewhere.
On top of all that. Censorship is evil.
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haha this filter sucks
It's like how in lost saga if you try to say one of the heroes' names "shadow assassin" it gives you "shadow ******in"
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I got the word "bennett" from Silent Hill's Cybil Bennett blocked lmao.
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Please, spare me the moral judgements. Base your arguments on objective data, if it's not too much to ask.
Someone already posted themselves using these innocuous (and supposedly censored) words, like Myers. The filter seems to be adaptive.
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I got picked up
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Or they could just say "online interactions not rated" and let people exist
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let people exist
I don't think the penalties are quite that severe that you need to fear for your continued existence.
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LMFAO cringe. It's a video game, boohoo there's a chat filter for the chat almost exclusively used by angry people screaming at each other.
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I had "Kill you" censored, but it didn't censor Kill or You individually but the whole phrase was. The full comment was "Thanks for letting me kill you, ggs" after a nice Yui let me get a sacrifice on my first Trickster game on Midwich.