DS nerf the best thing ever!

Thank you so much, BHVR for nerfing that perk!
I can hardcore tunnel survivors now without being stunned every time! Easy 4k, tunnel and slug survivors without a slight issue! I love seeing them suffering and having no chance at escaping the game!
Let the tunnel fest begin! Enjoy, my fellow killers! Tunnel them all without a shame now!
Not for tunneling, but to not be punished for chasing and downing someone off a gen, or picking up an unhooker. DS still stuns you if you tunnel someone off the hook.
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If this post doesn’t spell bait then I don’t what does. Proceed with caution fellas & gals.
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It's okay, mate, just play a stealthy killer, wait until that survivors taps the gen the surprise him and hook him again! Easy peasy!
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I know it's a bait but if you're hardtunneling someone, you probably aren't giving them enough time to disable their own DS so you should be eating it as much as before the change.
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Remember when Ruin was changed and goons like you all told killer mains to just adapt and gitgud? Yeah well, time to adapt buddy, you've gotten way to use to being carried by a busted perk and now it's time to actually gitgud.
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this bait doesn't even try to be good. NEXT
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Hmm weird when I look at the new perk it says anti tunnel to me. And also a perk that requires braincells then pre nerf DS that 70% of the time also hit Killers that dont tunnel.
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"I can hardcore tunnel survivors now"
Except you can't. Hardcore tunneling is proxy camping the hook and tunneling the survivor the moment they're unhooked, DS still works against that. If you have every intention of hardcore tunneling survivors can play around that and not attempt to heal or touch gens and they still get DS.
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Run decisive strike…
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These boys are gonna cry and cry and cry and not realise that it's their lack of skill that is the problem
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Crying Like you do in your post about trickster? Can’t be a lack of skill either?
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Uh...no. good try though.