BloodWarden NERF!

The game starts we do generators and i loop the Oni for the end of the match UNTIL The end, then before it "Pop up" BloodWarden APPEAR and me and another survivor who did survive we remain stuck here for 1 min waiting for the death to come to us, we can't did nothing about it just nerf this perk please it is too much OP just let it timing less on 30 seconds at least, i am a Dwight main and doing all solo i can't pretend to get killed in this way on the end Like we did make it to become just a little piece of cakes to get eated. i DON'T accept it.
Haha, good April fools joke man, you almost had me
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No, bro it is Real we are on 2 April btw.
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good joke
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Nice one
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These section is full of people who don't care nothing about the truth, you just know only joking and not being serious, you taking this too much chill if you don't want to believe me don't do it you aren't constrained to do it all is alright, everything is alright BHVR wouldn't Nerf it, never.
Post edited by Davidex93 on0 -
Why do you want to nerf an extremely situational perk?
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For that reason.
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99% the doors and it's an easily counterable perk.
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Too bad that when "Blood warden" did pop-up, i was just toward the doors and i don't know what to do i did hide myself back on one of the walls of the exit door, as if i did leave Oni would smashed me.
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And imagine BHVR listening to a dude like this, omg. Imagine that 40% of survivors are like this... imagine
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You imagine that "40%" of survivors are like this but what like this? just say it please.
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You do realise he can see your aura while you're in the gates, right?
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Let me guess, you tried t-bagging the killer at the exit gate, realized you couldn't leave after having your fun, got killed and now you're butthurt.
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I did forget about that, if i would know about it i would tried that is my fault too.
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I don't want to know where you want to go to point me, but i don't are the "typical" person ooh he is too ez i need to t-bagging him because he is just so noob ooh wow, No i am not one of these person maybe you are one of these person, all is possible.
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Maybe I am... Or maybe YOU ARE!
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I just tried out it as a killer more times, i don't are one of these childrens, just try with something else.
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This is a joke, right? It has such an ez counter. And if you get caught with it up, go hide and sneak around for a minute. Then leave, ez
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Nope, bro this isn't a joke why all you thinking this is a joke? there is maybe a race who type more times "Joke" Win?, anyway No it isn't a joke i don't got the oppurtunity to leave the exit door in time so that was just an unlucky match as all of you wanted to hear it okay.
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So you play 20 games a Day and died once because of Bloodwarden? C on man. pls
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I believe many of us think it was a joke or bait post because Blood Warden is so easily countered. As well you can usually determine if the killer has it by their playstyle, especially at end game. Also, throughout the game, you kinda figure out a killers perks, and can kind of determine if he seems to have an endgame build.
Also, if you get to the gates, look and see blood warden, sneak away and hide for a minute.
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Because survivors want automatic wins? Too stupid/greedy to exit?
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It was only a match but it was really a crazy match, put yourself in my shoes, what you would if you was at the exit door and there was a bloodwarden who blocked it for an entire minute and the killer was near?, hide isn't a choice you can do fast.
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I would try to hide next time if it would be possible.
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Certainly, just remember he can see your aura inside the exit gates. So if you noticed BW, run outside the gates and find and area to hide and loop if needed.
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If someone is downed wait til they are hooked before opening the gate... Never open the gate right before someone gets hooked. Leave it 99% until you ARE SURE nobody is down. When you're ready, open it and GO! Easiest counter.
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That's obviously.
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Bloodwarden is a ######### tier perk that doesn't work 90% of the time.
Everybody 99s exit gates now. That's the reason.
Do a quick google search, I'm sure you will understand it pretty quickly.
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You do realize this is an April fools joke and you fell for it right? Like relax it's going to be okay
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My god, how many times i need to say, how much toxic can be people i won't know, that's annoying seeing everytime same *%*%, You really enjoy being so nasty and spastic.
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The best bait ever
keep it up u survivor mains never disappoint
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You can be more nasty possible, and like 200 times same nasty comments, I could not care less.
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Having one bad experience with a perk is not a reason to want it nerfed.
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It's like you get a trauma from that, lmao.
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Trauma? This is a video game.
Like it's been said, Bloodwarden is highly situational. It rarely activates when a killer runs it, and when survivors die to it it's 99% of the time because the survivors screwed up.
Bloodwarden only activates to block the gates once, and the gates have to already be open. Bloodwarden at tier 3 blocks the gates for 1 minute. The EGC lasts for 2 minutes, and whenever a survivor is in the dying state or on the hook the EGC timer slows down. The killer has to hook someone well after the halfway point to guarantee trapping the remaining survivors. By the time the EGC is at or past the halfway point and no one has been hooked, you should be gone. If someone is downed and hasn't been hooked, that's a dead giveaway the killer has Bloodwarden.
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You sure? You new to the DBD community? lol
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If you don't realize that this was a big April fools bait big yikes
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You would change your mind if you play several games as killer with Bloodwarden.
Make this perk kill someone is like win a lottery. Most of the time survivors 99% gates. If they opened gates, you should be lucky enough to down and hook someone. EGC lasts 2 minutes, and 4 minutes if someone downed or hooked. So to make it kill someone you should hook survivor when there is quarter of EGC remaining. At that time survivors can save survivor or suspect you have bloodwarden and escape. So many stars should converge for you to kill someone.
How exactly you want to nerf this god damn useless perk?