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Stop giving useless feedback and play the goddamn Trickster

Member Posts: 2,551

We know that devs completely ignore any kind of feedback because they want to stick on their belived data so complaining and not playing the killer won't help by any instance.

It hurts but it's what it has to be done, if there's no data then don't complain that they don't do anything until next month when they get enough data from the 5 Trickster players.

When the massive load of underoerformance comes is when the killer will be buffed.

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  • Member Posts: 2,551

    I have been trying since release, all i got until now is either black pip or lost

  • Member Posts: 266

    The reason folks are de-pipping is because his emblems are borked somehow. Honestly, it's infuriating, and it should be at the highest priority to get fixed. I've seen probably close to a dozen streamers play him and get high scores, yet still de-pip. It's ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 673

    Played for 4 hours, 1 hour was playing for adept (got it after playing literally without power against potatoes), had the worst experience possible despite my huge experience on other killers, including huntress, plague and deathslinger.

    Is that enough to give feedback or should I waste a literal month before saying new killer's power is dogshit?

  • Member Posts: 854

    I've been playing him almost exclusively since Tuesday. So I'm giving it my all. Even when I consistently have hilarious survivors that fumble their way to barely escaping only because of the disadvantage I'm at and still manage to get in their tea bags on the way out and pat their selves on the back about how well they all did in the post game chat.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Driped from rank 2 to 6 started playing bubba back to 2

    Almost like the killer partly reflects your rank

  • Member Posts: 405

    I played for one day on my ps4 and that was enough for me to take another break at the game. I guess nobody picking Trickster is enough data that he is horrible and nobody wants to play as him rn.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    he is weak, I mean, I have gotten somewhat better with him but I am still getting my ass wiped even in matches where I feel I am doing good.

    He can melt unhookers really fast, I will give him that, but that's just one strenght in a sea of weaknesses.

  • Member Posts: 222

    He sucks

    Same speed as huntress takes a lot of time to check generators, and being able to hit survivors....

    AND SAME Wind up to start throwing blades.... maps filled with jungle gyms and TL makes his power totally useless, and you don't even have the speed to M1 survivors fast enought to don't lose 2 gens in every chase.

    Huntress atleast when a survivor jump a window or drop a pallet you insta-damage them, with this guy takes a lot more of your time

  • Member Posts: 974

    I really don't like him. His power takes way too long to just injure or down someone when I find it far faster to just M1 someone. Better off just playing huntress, Cowboy, or Demo. They have range but their power is significantly faster just having to land 1 shot compared to Trickster 6-8 knives.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I played him abit, got his adept a few times but my achievement isn't popping up so I wont touch him. He has nothing good about him power wise and getting survivors take the piss at rank 1 is annoying and just not fun. I'm happy to play any other killer and often play those less seen just because they're fun but I and many other players will not play a push over killer. When I'd rather play every other killer perkless over him with the strongest perks and addons that says enough. Unique style, worst possible execution. BTW if anyone has adept on xbox tag me? Curious if its bugged fully or just slightly buggy

  • Member Posts: 203

    Today I played Trickster all morning and my best result is 1k which I camp. I used to have 2 rank, now 6. If I am not alone and developers see the statistics, you will probably soon he needs to buff.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    This reads as more than "weak" it literally reads as "entirely garbage". Let me explain:

    • He is a 110% Killer. Having to go full M1 based on the map and loops is unacceptable.
    • Having 2 or 3 perks that are mandatory is also completely unacceptable. Not only that but they are 3 of the best perks in the game. Pretty garbage if you ask me.
    • Says nothing about his current strength.

    Why use him over the Plague? He is garbage.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    About the adept: My Fiance had to do the exact same thing. He was trying to get it using his power but he could never get more than 2 kills. He finally got 4 kills by only m1ing against a team that wasn't very good.

    I wasn't really watching so I thought he had used his power some and was worried that he wasn't going to get it because it is literally impossible to get it currently if you use his power too much because of the chaser emblem. But he said he never threw a single knife so... yeah.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    This whole thread confirms my theory that Trickster is just a killer designed to use if you wanna go from red ranks to yellow ranks

  • Member Posts: 1,378
  • Member Posts: 422

    Trickster is what happens when you take Huntress's power, give it the poorly thought out gimmicks of release Legion... and then slap on the unnecessary and crippling limitations of current Legion.

    110 Killers without mobility like Huntress and Deathslinger are already outdated as-is. Having a 110 immobile Killer WITHOUT an effective chase power? You're better off playing Scratched Mirror Myers on Thompson House. At least he's Undetectable.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    i try him fewn time I go back to him

    I like him but he a pain to play with these survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Don't expose them like that

    I-I'm sure he can be good 😢

  • Member Posts: 324

    Personally, I think the best buff for him would be to reduce the windup for his knives. I mean, Slinger has basically zero windup and his ranged attack is much more powerful, so why does trickster have a windup almost as long as huntress?

  • Member Posts: 389

    Because not every player plays "meta" with only Nurse and strong killer. I play him because I think he is cool and I like the chase music, of course he needs buffs, doesnt mean he is unplayable.

    Anyways ruin+undying is mandatory in almost every killer, so is nothing bad about the trickster, is something bad about the gen speed.

  • Member Posts: 378

    His power is laughably bad. Why does he require so many knives for a damage state? Why is there recoil? Why so much windup? Why is there separate aiming for each hand? Why is there laceration decay? Why does main event have even more startup? Why does it force throwing in a slowed down state? Why can't you throw knives after it ends? Why is it "use it or lose it"?

    You don't need 6 weeks to figure this out.

  • Member Posts: 2,923

    Dont worry I will use him as my go to farming and afking killer to make sure his kill rate plummets

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    The feedback is useless, when they throw it out the window. As for playing him, I'm done with that doormat. I should've left him at kevel 40

  • Member Posts: 728

    Yeah Im not spending money or shards on Dumpster.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I'd be very curious to see his week 1 kill rate. I've played against quite a few and have yet to see more than 1 kill.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    He got precisely the same issue as plague (M2 injuries not classifying as actual injuries inflicted for the purpose of emblem scoring). Plague has been in the game for quite a while.

    Don't expect a "fix" any time soon and you won't get disappointed.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Plague's sickness breaking survivors also doesn't give survivors a speed boost. So it likely doesn't even register as a hit whereas Trickster injuring survivors with max laceration does give the survivor a speed boost so it's certainly triggering the same thing that a normal hit does.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Would keeping it 8 or even increasing the amount of hits but having it where it's instant down be better to make him different from other ranged killers?

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    What minor changes? That main event is not supposed to use up knives, yet it still does? What meta? His power is still completely useless 99% of the time. The only meta that he has is that m1 is usually faster than using power. If they are listening to feedback, why did they change 1 minor thing over 2 weeks, which is bugged anyway? Why do they keep releasing killers when they are clearly not ready?

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I played a really good Trickster today. At least I think he was good. Dude was hitting shots like crazy when he had an open area. Even with the Iri Add-on that reduces your first hit to 50%, he could down me in INSANE time with borrowed time. Downed me and the person who unhooked me. Despite being really good, I still ran him for 3 gens and we got a 3-man escape. If that guy was playing Huntress, I feel like it'd have been a 4K easily.

  • Member Posts: 176

    I already deranked from rank 3 to rank 9. Doing my part. Guess when I hit rank 15 I just rank up again using spirit.

  • Member Posts: 6

    It doesn't have to be useless feedback. And giving back "useless feedback" is all we have. The idea of "sit down and shut up" is rather fascist of you. Criticism is what SHOULD help the game grow. But it doesn't. Because no one who CAN make the change listens to any good ideas for changes, at least not in any reasonable time. The only thing keeping this game afloat is the lack of real competition. We obviously want the devs to make this game to work, or we would've given up. Sadly, the feeling isn't mutual. The money drive has become all-consuming. They could take a page out of Hello Games' play book and learn a thing or two.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    I think i already gave enough data. Been playing him since release and drop from rank 2 to 5. Best killer for deranking ever 😂

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    ive been constantly struggeling at maintaining my Rank 1 with him. i depip on him more than i ever do on any other killer...

    also, feedback isnt useless.

    they are, however, not immediately jumping into action right away anymore, due to the dilemma that happened after Freddy released - when they nerfed him in week one (uppon requests from the community), even though he was the worst killer in the game even before that.

    so when it comes to balance, they wait ~ half a year before actually making any major changes to new characters, so everyone has had the time to adapt to them and they get a much clearer view on what the problems are.

    however where i will 100% side with you is when we talk about PTBs. those are there to TEST things and then change them accordingly to feedback - in DbD however they seem to be more of a showcase of what is going to come next. and even if they make changes, they are usualy not what anyone asked for.

    though i also can not deny that there are some VERY obvious flaws with the Trickster than, imho, should have been addressed inbetween the PTB and release timespan. most notably the 4.4 m/s movementspeed, that is just laughable.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    BVHR learning from the Freddy disaster would be one thing, however, it's been shown time and time again that their decision making process hasn't improved. We still have the same crap balancing in spite of the extended wait period - so, ultimately, what we have is the same terrible results but with a longer window between patches. If anything, it's gotten WORSE.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Here I've played him for 3 days now want my feed back he is ######### trash 3 days and I've only had one legit 3-4k with him with atleast 10 hooks btw one player was rank 13 what is 5that saying about him

  • Actually its better to not play him. That alone will speak volumes. The business wont care though, they have the money now the killer can rot like all the other discarded killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited April 2021

    I Dropped from rank 2 to 7 in just 2 days of playing him for roughly 13 hours combined, came to the conclusion that I actually do better with him If I just avoid using his power until certain niche situations arise, because using his throwing knives amounts to all hinderances, and little to no advantage much less reward.


    At least now that I'm rank 7, I'm having a blast with the other killers I play since matches are far less sweaty and frustrating, so at least he can be useful as a way to purposely de-rank to the less stressful ranks while having a little fun. I'll play my normal killers until I reach the sweaty ranks again, and then just play Trickster for another 13-ish hours to de-rank.

    Edit: Also OP, There's no better data for the devs to gather than people refusing to buy or play the Trickster. If this chapter goes down as the one least purchased, and with a killer that's the least played (beating out plague) then that's a real hit to them financially. Nothing would motivate them more to make an effort to improve everyone's opinions of the Trickster than the loss of money and reputation due to negative feedback about him. On top of that, If the people who bought him simply don't play him, that cements the message the community is not happy with this chapters release. If I were devs facing down that kind of scrutiny from the community leading to higher ups in the company demanding correction for this problem, I'd get right on it before everyone forgets the Trickster even exists.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • Member Posts: 1,594

    Sorry but

    When a killer gets Nerfed coming out of ptb and not buffed outright at the geckgo.

    It's terrible,

    He needs to be 115% to even stand a chance, 110 is no bueno

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