Don’t kill me for this - but I have a small idea for a fair and reasonable Decisive Strike Buff.

TL:DR at the top here because people seem to be misunderstanding: I’m only advocating for Decisive Strike to stay as it is now, except that it should be usable each time a Survivor gets unhooked. No other changes - make it two-use to make sure hard tunnellers do get punished for hard tunnelling.
The fated Decisive Strike nerf, being inevitable, has finally come. The perk is, after five years of terrorising the Killer role, at long last balanced and not an insta-win button. It now serves its true purpose - anti-tunnel.
But does it serve the anti-tunnel purpose enough? Let’s look at the perk as it is now;
Let’s take a look at that particular dotted point;
- Succeeding or failing the skill check disables Decisive Strike
What this means is that if you hit or if you miss the skill check, you cannot use Decisive Strike ever again for the entirety of the trial.
Sure the perk is anti-tunnel, but is it anti-tunnel enough? I have read discussions, and been made aware of the fact myself, that if a Killer is really and truly tunnelling a Survivor, that Survivor will be killed. There are no two ways about it - they won’t let the Survivor go unless it’s by the Entity’s feral claws, or the team’s competency to protect them to escaping.
A singular Decisive Strike proc won’t stop a Killer from tunnelling their one and only target. They’ll shake it off and get right back to it, they won’t let them go.
So my idea for the buff. And please don’t reduce yourself to “survivor main trash” or whatever petty insults there are to give. I play the game for fun, I play both roles, I use Decisive Strike because I’m oftentimes found first and tunnelled, and I don’t have to fear Decisive Strike as the Killer because I don’t tunnel and the signs it’s still active are extremely obvious. I know there’s been so many out-of-proportion complaints about the nerf, but this isn’t one of them.
Let Decisive Strike activate and be used each time the Survivor is unhooked. If a Killer is really and truly tunnelling a Survivor, should his victim really only get one single time to punish the Killer for it? If the Killer is hard tunnelling, the Survivor will die, so if anything the Killer should be further discouraged from doing it.
Now that Decisive Strike deactivates when you progress the game - repair a generator, heal someone, unhook someone, do bones, etc - and is a true anti-tunnel perk, because if you were really being tunnelled you couldn’t do any of the above, then it should be active every time the Survivor gets unhooked, and usable both times they can be unhooked.
I know, I know, the perk as a topic is a major issue and draws extreme contention, resulting in massive arguments about it. But what do you think about the idea? It won’t punish Killers who don’t actually tunnel - especially now the perk has finally been fixed - and will further punish Killers who actually do.
Edit: wording and some spelling errors.
edit2: People don’t seem to be understanding what I mean.
- The ‘skill check’ DS mentions is the one a Survivor gets when they are getting picked up. You succeed it you escape, you miss it you don’t, and either way you lose DS for the rest of the trial, unless you don’t press the button.
- The current DS deactivates when you interact with ANYTHING. It is nothing to do with skill checks on the thing you interact with - if you touch it, you lose immunity.
- I’m saying DS should be usable for each time the Survivor gets unhooked, rather than being a one and done perk, to fully discourage and punish tunnellers. It is nothing to do with getting a skill check on an interaction. I will add the TL;DR.
I mean, you have a point here. A survivor is technically useless after being unhooked now with DS since if they do anything in that 60 seconds to advance the objective, DS deactivates.
I'll refrain from commenting any further though as I am not a professional on the matter of balancing in this category lol
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Wew, I didn’t expect someone to say those words to the OP of a discussion about DS buffs lol
I hope everyone else is as understanding as you.
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Sorry, I have to kill you for this suggestion. This is entirely dependent on the idea that the survivor will even get a skillcheck during their actions, and negates actions like unhooks, doing bones, or sabotaging. While I like the Idea that it completely nullifies the perk as soon as a survivor succeeds or fails any skillcheck while its active as if they used it, that just means that survivors with it will only do bones (btw, apparently self healing especially with perks like Inner Strength doesn't count against the DS Timer) unhooking and sabotage without fear of repercussions since if the killer downs them during those actions, they'll still have DS available to them. Also there's currently a Bug wherein unhooking doesn't deactivate DS, so you're basically asking to make this bug a "feature".
As for the idea that it's not truly an anti-tunnel perk because the killer hit with it will still come after you... that's what teammates are for, or at least should be. You hit the tunneling killer with DS, and they should be stepping up to defend you by taking hits and drawing him away from you. Sadly this isn't a perfect world much less the mentality most players take. They'd rather 1 survivor dies early and makes the game harder for the rest than trying to take one for the team. Your death in this circumstance is not on the mechanics of DS or the Killer... It's on your teammates selfishness.
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They SHOULD be useless after being unhooked if they have a perk that makes them invincible. No.
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Neither of you read it, huh?
A) The skill check mentioned is -currently- part of DS. It's not referencing a skill check when doing gens/healing, it's referencing the skill check requirement of triggering DS.
B) This suggestion isn't about letting them do things while DS is up. It's about giving DS, current, highly restrictive DS, the ability to trigger once per unhook, as opposed to once per match.
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Ah, thank you for covering that with them.
The mobile forums, still broken for two years, weren’t letting me make a comment so I couldn’t even do it lmao
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A lot of people here have the habit of reading the title, first two sentences, then commenting. It kinda sucks, but I can’t blame them if there is not a TLDR. (for the people who don’t feel like reading it in its entirety)
edit: typo
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I'm indifferent and disclaimer a killer main 80 / 20 split between survivor / killer but I'm fine with the following if DS were to get changes.
- Even if the skillcheck is failed the perk does not permanently disable until use however missing a skillcheck deactivates it.
To clarify I'm somewhat fine with your suggestion but I feel if it receives any changes the changes should only be very small rather than larger. Your suggestion in my view is quite a big one - What I've suggested tones it down a bit but still gives it more slack since it has such strict rulesets now.
Post edited by Dustin on0 -
lol I told you guys DS was gonna get buffed again. This is just like last time. It will be buffed by Summer I'm sure of it.
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Unfortunately gen tapping is still a thing, so they can technically progress through the game a bit slower. Also there's a toolbox addon that disables skillchecks when repairing with a toolbox, so that's also another way to get around this.
Good idea in paper, but there are ways to get around it sorry :/
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I feel DS is definitely need buff in anti tunnel purpose.
The point of tunneling is to fast remove a survivor early, which DS should get buff in early game, but nerf in late game.
Current DS anti tunnel is pretty weak, as Killer already eat DS, they know you are the only one with no DS left, so they will tunnel you more hard core.
While its remain powerful in late game where there is no thing left to do. Especially you can be fully healed by others and still have DS and body block killer.
I like the idea of DS active once per hook.
In return,DS no more work when Gates are powered.
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People appear to still be misunderstanding what I’m asking for. I am not saying you should keep DS during interactions and lose it when a skill check appears - I am saying Decisive Strike should be usable twice, once for every time the Survivor with the perk gets unhooked, and nothing more than that. I have edited my post to add a list at the bottom and a TL;DR at the top.
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the most stupid idea i ever read, worst part is the fact that you said "small change"
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My bad.
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The problem is that this suggestion would lead to bad playstyles. If you know somebody has DS you can just unhook him unsafely and punish the killer again for aggressive survivor playstyles.
DS is now how it should have been from the beginning.
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No, that won't help vs tunneling besides it's not a healthy way to buff the perk. If your team and you suck, you'll get tunneled even with 2 uses of DS vs survivors like that, killer has enough room to tunnel and vs great survivors 2 uses of DS might become overwhelming.
Far better anti-tunneling buff is to add around 30s of no scratch marks, blood, grunts, etc and possibly a small sprint burt also so that you can get away and hide from the killer = not be tunneled anymore unless you reveal yourself again.
Asking for 2 stuns is asking for more possible anti momentum swings, not more anti tunneling potencial.
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I'm not personally opposed to this change since I don't tunnel and it doesn't sound too strong imo.
You just have to be careful when addressing tunneling because that's what the killer role is supposed to do if they want to win unfortunately. If you play killer for fun usually (like me) it doesn't matter really, but playing to win is a different story. You're directly affecting their win conditions optimal strategy.
If DS is too strong it turns into "well if I tunnel, I they get too much free time and I probably lose, but if I don't they get too much free time and I still probably lose". You have to keep in mind DS is not just a 5 second stun, its a 5 second stun + heal + whatever time you make after the stun looping and ect. as well as freeing up that time for your entire team. So the stun alone gives your team 20 seconds cumulatively, 15 of which is probably gen time, and any time after that is also more time everyone on your team is benefiting from.
Against a competent team killers don't have the time to 12 hook with current gen times and map/game design unfortunately. Thankfully (I guess?), with matchmaking and ranks being what they are, a lot of teams aren't competent.
A proper solution to tunneling would probably require a rework of the entire hook/death system and the killers objective, which I don't see happening sadly.
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No... it definitely shouldn't.
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OMG not comfy enough with 1 second chance, you want to be able to hit DS 2 times in a match, hilarious.. one of the most absurd things i have read in years.
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It is sad when people dont read the entire post before commenting on it. Now I'm a killer main but I do like to play survivor at times. I dont use DS at all but I do see it does need more changes to be an actual anti tunneling perk.
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It literally is a small change - it’s two uses instead of one and nothing else is changed. It doesn’t affect Killers who don’t tunnel and further punishes those who do. It won’t turn Decisive Strike back to being as broken as day one or whatever.
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I think i'm fine with allowing DS have two uses now with the way it currently works. Maybe with the added condition that it is disabled when the endgame collapse starts or even when all five gens get completed.
Though there is one thing, regardless if it stays at one use or not, that I think should 100% be changed now and that is removing the skill check. It made sense before the change, but now that it actually is an anti-tunnel perk I see no reason for it to stay. Not a big deal since the skill check isn't difficult to hit, but its mainly meant to help newer players playing against newer killers where tunneling seems to be more rampant.
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But that’s what DS does anyway - if the Killer comes back and tries to re-hook the Survivor who just got hooked, that’s their fault, when they could have instead downed and hooked the person who unhooked the other one, spreading out the damage and increasing the pressure on the team. This doesn’t even consider Borrowed Time as a variable.
If the Killer decides to down and immediately re-hook the Survivor that just got saved, and gets DS’d, it’s their fault for doing it, when the rescuer unhooking in the Killer’s face guarantees that they get themselves knocked down unless they have Dead Hard, but even then the Killer can afford to wait one second and still take them down.
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It will still make things worse for killers. Especially vs SWF you most likely won't be able to kill somebody during endgame. It might be ok until the distributed equivalent of like 3 gens has been repaired.
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I mean, yeah. So long as it's not abusable, buff buff away. Make it a ten second stun that activates twice and has no timer, just deactivation conditions. (That's a bit over the top, but the point stands.) It wouldn't solve every problem the game has, but it would make hardcore tunneling way more punished.
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You could just go after the unhooker, or any of the other survivors, instead of chasing someone off the hook.
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The slug pause actually sounds like a good addition to the perk as well. Killers do tend to knock down possible D-Strikes and leave them to bleed and do nothing for a period of time or until they get healed.
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Why do you feel like being hooked should be rewarded in any way? Safe for 60 if being tunneled, but why, if not being tunneled, would a survivor deserve or need 60 free seconds of anything? Get away or get back to game. Trials aren't long enough to need a vacation.
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It isn’t unconditional 60s invulnerability anymore! If you progress the game you lose it. The perk is not meant to innately ######### over Killers, the perk is meant to punish those certain Killers who tunnel Survivors off the hook to death.
If you play smartly you don’t have to worry about Decisive Strike. If you don’t, you get hit once, but then the Survivor has no more chances. Decisive Strike is meant to punish tunnellers, so why does it only work once to protect the Survivor, when there is no more incentive to stop tunnelling after it has been used?
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I'm glad this crutch perk was nerfed every survivor had one