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Killer stuck trying to hook when sabotaging

Solyc Member Posts: 17
edited April 2021 in Bug Reporting

Platform: PC - Steam

Description: When I sabatage a hook with the "Sabotage" perk, and de killer is just about to hook a carried survivor, he gets frozen until I fully sabotage it.


  1. Survivor with sabotage perk
  2. Start sabotaging JUST before the killer hooks. Killer presses "hook" (spacebar I think)
  3. Killer gets freezed with the survivor on his shoulder until I finish sabotaging.

I will try to get a screenshot of the exact moment. [Edited to add screenshot]


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1 votes

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  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I've experienced this myself and I really hope this is a bug and not a feature. Survivors shouldn't get any priority on hooking progress.

  • FeryGEN
    FeryGEN Member Posts: 628
  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2021

    Screenshot of the bug.

    The killer is stuck in that position until I finish the sabo.

    I don't do it to bug them, I try so that they hit me to get mettle of man and I give the survivor some seconds to wiggle and escape with my breakout.

  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17

    Doesn't seem priority.

    I mean, if survivor is sabotaging the hook, I think it's ok for the killer not to be able to hook. I like the mechanic.

    BUT what's happening here is that the killer IS STUCK. When he presses spacebar he FROZES util I finish sabotaging.

  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17

    I think it's OK for the killer not being able to hook while sabotaging.

    BUT what's happening here is that the killer gets FROZEN in front of the hook if he tries to hook while sabo. It only happens when he presses the button to hook when the survivor just started sabotaging. Like if both did at the same time but survivor input got first to the server.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Yes I know you can't hook while they sabo. The priority I mean is like the Hatch closing, where the server prioritize the Killer input.

  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17

    Ah ok.

    But if the server recieves both imputs, it will always recieve one before the other (usually killer's imput because he's usullay the host or something like that, I don't really know how it works).

    Sof if it recieves on input first, the server doesen't need to prioritize, right? I really don't understand how that works.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I'm not a game developer but a web developer, the concept of any game using dedicated servers works like this:

    "inputs" or any data works in a bidirectional way, the client can send any information to the server and the server can also send any information to their clients.

    For example: If the "Survivor 1" drops a pallet on their game screen, it sends that information to the Server, then the Server will send this information to the other clients(Survivors and the Killer), and in their screen, they will see the pallet dropping.

    But this is a very basic concept, there's a lot more going on behind the scenes, but this is how it sends and receives data. I think the way they can prioritize the Killer input is by everytime a Survivor send their input(if that input has priorities), the Server will try to wait some milliseconds to see if a Killer will send their input, if it does, it ignores the Survivor input and accepts the Killer one.

    "Survivors shouldn't get any priority on hooking progress." So resuming, even if a Survivor sends their input to start the sabotage interaction, if the Killer pressed the button just a little bit late(needs to be lower than 1 second to make it fair), the Killer input should override that Survivor input and allow the hooking interaction to progress.

  • Solyc
    Solyc Member Posts: 17

    Great explanation.

    Now I understand what you mean, thank you.

    Let's see if the devs can solve this bug.

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    bumping since this just happened to me in 5.1.0