What new power would you want a killer to have?

GoobyNugget Member Posts: 698


What new power would you want a killer to have? 38 votes

Gen Regression power
DesarmeGoobyNuggetNathan13MarioBrosMaster 4 votes
Quick injures/downs
Blazelski 1 vote
Mobility power
MadLordJack[Deleted User]Jarolgilgamer 4 votes
New world power (Kinda like dream world)
TapeKnotDimekGeneralVGlamourousLeviathanPixel_BoomBotAggressiveFTWBrequeIlliterateGenocideRK67thog1 10 votes
Hook related power
Disguising power
musstang62TaigaWishIcouldmainKarao_Ke[Deleted User]simpforfelix 6 votes
Team-work related power (Forcing survivors to cooperate)
WarmingEmbrace 1 vote
Opposite of option 7
Jolten9t9missjay 2 votes
Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)
White_OwlFennRaptorrotasCornHubglitchboiExar_NIGHTMARE_ShenshenClownIsUnderratedAfton753 10 votes
Totem related power


  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    A radioactive killer would be nice.

  • Karao_Ke
    Karao_Ke Member Posts: 1,221
    Disguising power

    Considering how DBD is made out of spaghetti code, I don't see this happening although it'd be a real nice idea if the killer could morph into a survivor & trick the others.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    For someone like myself who's watches Avatar the Last Airbender, seeing a killer damage you with a fire based attack would be pretty sick.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985
    Mobility power

    A power to destroy walls and lockers.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    edited April 2021
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    Okay this would be REALLY cool tho.

    Even tho this one wasn't on the list, maybe a killer with the ability to fly around the map to see where survivors are and be able to land on a survivor to get rid of a health state. Flying also gives them good mobility. They'd prob have a 110% speed and a 24m terror radius, but they'd be really fun to play as and against.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271
    edited April 2021
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    I have a prison themed concept in my head for summoning entityblocker-walls to hinder survivor movement or cage them in giant circles made of those walls. ( i know theres something similar in IdV but that guy sucks lol)

    1. Hold and release to summon a line of "walls" for a short period of time.
    2. Those " walls" can also connect/snap to/infected preexisting structures ( walls, boxes, trees etc)
    3. Those "walls" lacerate survivors when closeby and slow thm down in a small aoe. This effect also applies to affected/infected structures
    4. A secondary power will bring up a crude map of the trial, you can summon traps which create large clusters of "walls" in a huge aoe. ( the affected aoe is bigger than the trigger aoe. )The trap behaves like a hag trap but can be disarmend like a beartrap.

    This is of course just a crude framework as i havent thought up concrete numbers or all variables. ( summon/activation delay, duration of walls, etc)

    Edit: Voted Elemental because this wouldnt count as mobile kiler 😂

  • Mobility power

    I want a killer light blight who needs to Mario kart drift at a certain degree and if he runs through you, that's a hit.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    Always wanted a fire controlling killer. We already have fire barrels scattered around the maps he could interact some way.

  • Fenn
    Fenn Member Posts: 33
    Elemental power (Fire, Freezing, etc)

    A killer with freezing power that could freeze pallets in place, and freeze windows, i think that could be really cool.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209
    Mobility power

    I like zoomin