Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Sincere buyer's remorse

Member Posts: 4
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Having purchased the Twins on launch day I was disappointed. But I felt somewhat justified in supporting the developers of a game. However, after two abysmal chapters in a row I think I'm done purchasing things from this game. No sense throwing good money in after bad.

Patches may come later but I think being burned as often as this is enough of a hint to just stop. Mostly just posting this to vent and to express my sincere displeasure at this chapter.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 785

    Do not give them a single cent, they haven't earned it for a while.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    I'm a new player and was excited about being able to get a new pack right away until I saw that it blows. A ######### killer, no map, and menu aesthetic and music changes that I find garish, out of character for the game, and obnoxious. So basically, one survivor that seems decent and nothing else. Looking back at the other packs I can't imagine how cool it must have been to get some of them.

    The All-Kill pack is the only one I haven't bought, and won't. My advice would be not to give up the game but simply wait a few days to see what the feedback is on each new DLC. Watch a Youtube video or two. You don't have to blindly buy, you can read what others think and see the new stuff for yourself first before making that decision.

    Maybe this is naivete from a newbie but I think that the game is easily worth the asking price, as is much of the DLC (particularly when it's on sale. An average of $2.50 for a new character isn't bad at all). I myself wouldn't bail on a game just because of unimpressive DLC, at least not unless I was already prepared to give up on the game anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    We need more people like you, my friend. A lot of us oldies are getting too cynical. I imagine it must be a double edged sword getting into the game now though. The game is inarguably in the best state it's ever been but the Devs have made many mistakes as of late and long time players are getting very burnt out as a result. There's also a lot of entitlement in the community, I myself am guilty of this. As much as I'm upset with the game right now, I'd be sadder to see it die. DBD is unique, it would be a real loss for it to die. I myself regret very few of my purchases on this game. I will say though, unless your just a naturally very chill person, the game can be genuinely triggering. If your mental health is deteriorating as a result of the game, a break is recommended. If you're new then for now the game will be the best thing since sliced bread to you but eventually things might be unpleasant. No shame in taking breaks if necessary. Anyway, have a nice day and I hope you continue to enjoy the game!

  • The devs have really made me lose all faith as a consumer. It would take a huge sacrifice like say......bulldozing the Badham maps to make me forgive them and start spending more money on the game again.

    Just a thought if any of the devs are reading this.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    Thank you, that's very nice of you to say.

    I've wanted to play this game for years but don't generally enjoy the online experience. I play to relax and have fun, not to compete or win at all costs. The only game I played online to any real extent was GTA V, and that was only with some friends that I had on another forum. I had loads of fun and really miss it. I don't play the game online now because it means playing in public lobbies, and I've found that playing public lobbies in almost any game means at least some needless degree of frustration and stress.

    Still, this game has been calling to me, and a buddy of mine gifted me a Steam copy. I played and fell in love with it immediately. It's far deeper than I was expecting (I didn't know about all the lore, teachable perks, didn't realize that there were roughly 6-7 times as many characters as I thought there would be, etc). It's got a bit of a learning curve, the community uses more acronyms than I can count, and I've had to look things up more times than once. But by and large it's been fun.

    When I talked about wanting to get into the game I was warned that the community was incredibly toxic. I have to admit that it' the very least, highly negative. So many people complain about so many things. The survivors hate the killers. The killers hate the survivors. Survivor builds are laughed at. Killers are all called broken. All perks are criticized. The developers are called lazy and careless. The game is described as bugged. There's a lot of annoyance directed at new players as well as extremely experienced players. People celebrate exploits and get angry at most changes that are made to the game.

    That's not to say that any of this is unique to this place. It's the same as things were on the other forum I mentioned, also a forum for some other games. I've been negative too, bitching about how annoying I find Trickster to be. That stuff doesn't bother me as much I suppose. It's just certain aspects of the game that I wasn't expecting. I had no idea going in that there was this massive reliance on the looping #########, which I hate. I'm not interested in having to memorize certain tiles and lure killers into lengthy chases, it's not fun or compelling to me. I thought that the game was more about sneaking around and being able to get away from the killer if you were simply good enough at unpredictable evasion. I also didn't know that some perks made certain killers really irritating and that I'd sometimes be waiting five or ten minutes to get into a match only for the killer to go straight for me, hook me, and then camp me until I died.

    Can't say that I like that stuff. But I'll adapt. I'm still largely loving the game. I wish that I could be more evenly matched up with other players who are as new as I am (or close enough to it), I wish it felt like the people I played with didn't already have a thousand hours of practice and already have maxed-out meta build characters, but I still largely enjoy it. There's enough content here to keep me really intrigued, and my goal is still to have fun and play casually, not cheaply or competitively, even if it's been hard to find others who share the same philosophy.

    As for the game being balanced, it does largely feel to me that it is. I have as much trouble / success with survivors as I do with killers (I just enjoy the survivor playstyle more). I've seen lots and lots of stories of how crappy a character was when first released, what the game was like before some of the balance it's gotten, etc. It really does feel like a weird time to suddenly find myself getting involved (and spending sixty or seventy bucks on four years' worth of DLC, lol) but, minus the cheap and annoying stuff, I really enjoy the game. I think that there's a lot here TO enjoy. I wish that more players looked at it that way instead of fighting and being irritated about everything.

    As for you, if you don't mind, what DLC do you regret buying?

  • Member Posts: 7

    Don’t worry you’ll buy the next one, too. Why? It will be the next licensed chapter with possibly new maps.

    I’ll be right there with you punching in my credit card number.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2021

    I'm that way with all forms of video games these days. I'm 35 and I've been disappointed enough times that I rarely pre order anything anymore. When the twins chapter came out I just happened to have enough shards for the killer and I didn't even want them. This chapter drops and I still don't want to spend my shards.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited April 2021

    About your sincere buyer's remorse, I sincerely don't care. I know that is harsh, but who is this post aimed at? If you want to talk to the DEV, the Feedback & Suggestions area seems more appropriate for your complaint. Something constructive might help too. Here in the General Discussions area, I can only assume you want other like-minded people to come over and commiserate with you, a regular pity party. I'm sure some will, but it is kind of... well... sad. If you are unhappy with the game, move on. If you are unhappy with your purchases, chalk it up to a learning experience. There are things I regret every day, but I don't choose to burden my friends and family with them. I mean, why would I want to be a downer?

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