Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Noed as basekit?

Member Posts: 4,233
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Okay so before you all get mad here me out. Iv played both roles at rank 1 for 4+years and I think it's fair to say people can do gens fast and at endgame you're forced to stay right near the hook if multiple people are alive. While I have never used the perk (except for when it was in the tome) I feel having noed base along side a totem counter could be more interesting. This way survivors know how many totems remain at all times, theres no predicting if the killer has it not to mention the killer is far more likely to chase someone if they dont need to worry about that sprint burst after getting injured. So noed base, totem counter base. Remove the speed boost with noed. Noed now makes exit gates regress instead. Thoughts? Just trying to spice things up at boregame while giving survivors a secondary objective (with a counter) to slightly slow gens but not punish people for still doing them

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 673

    Noed could be basekit if:

    • there was totem counter
    • its power was based on the amount of totems remaining
  • Member Posts: 2,109

    killer should feel scary during EGC

    the fact survivors can just tank a hit and head for the gate without fear is just ridiculous

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    if they going to add a totem counter then add 3 more ######### totems or I'm quitting

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    No need for a counter if theres no use for killer. People should put time to learn maps or look around as they do gens or mid chase. Hexs also make noise...

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Solo queue.

    That's the need for a totem counter. The entirety of solo queue, and the information disparity between SWF and solos.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I am always solo. Doesnt take from the fact you can learn the maps, use your eyes or use items/perks... stop asking for things to be handed to you, survivor is already easy so no totem counters shouldn't exist by default

  • Member Posts: 509


    If this isn’t some sort of joke then damn them 4+ years didn’t teach you much

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Why not make Insidious basekit while you're at it? They're at a similar level of strength, usefulness and playstyle.

  • Member Posts: 509

    You’ve spent the whole game destroying 4 dull totems (you’re already a terrible teammate but it’s about to get worse).

    Are you now going to spend the rest of the game searching for 1 more hoping that a teammate hasn’t already cleansed it. Or are you now going to actually be useful, and then NOED activates anyway because you have no idea if all the totems are done. So all that time wasted is for nothing.

  • Member Posts: 793

    Making NOED base kit is maybe broken, some people think it's a bad perk for some reasons, but 90% of the games where there was NOED, it destroyed survivors. It's a good perk, not the best, from far, but a good perk.

    But sure the moment when survivors did all the gen, yes, it's a desperate moment for the killer. Maybe make opening the gate longer based on how much totems are left ?

    Totems have to serve other thing that just tools for Hexes or points for survivors. The game design team has to find a way to make them a real secondary objective.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I think a weaker Noed could work then have Noed buff up the base effect when you use it

  • Member Posts: 368

    I actually also thought about this before, it would give totems more meaning and add a new objective but they should also make inner strength base kit in return.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    The killer had all game to be scary. The EGC would make a killer more scary if the killer had been scary prior in the game. If the killer wasnt scary during the game, there is no reason for the killer to also be scary during the EGC.

    I've had people practically ######### their pants and make them second guess my next move the entire match because the power being very strong as long as no one had the option to get out of the match, where the EGC meant they could finally escape.

    All the EGC/post-last gen means is that anything goes. Bodyblocking the killer to help a teammate out of the game? No problem. Killers facecamping the hook with noed? They have nothing else to do, so why not?

  • Member Posts: 54

    Wouldn’t making it basekit take away from the strength it currently has? If I knew every killer had it, I’d never take off Detective’s Hunch. Not knowing if a killer has it, is what makes it so strong / makes some survivors neglect to do totems. I think this would technically be a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Not only that, the more enticed and easier it is the higher the chances people will cleanse dull Totems and the less theyll work on gens, getting all 5 Totems is 70 seconds of not working on a gen, not counting time spent searching and moving around, its like having to fix an extra gen per trial. Why would any Solo player try to cleanse 7 Totems? or try to find 5 totems in super hard places? is better to rush gens, after all NOED is not that common anyway, make it harder and youll get more and more genrush.

    One of the reasons I dont go searching for Totems against NOED is because I know I wont be able to find all of them and I cant trust the other Solos so I just play defensively on the 5º gen, once its fixed I linger near the doors, wait until someone gets hit, rush the switch and 99% the doors, then I decide if I go for saves/conga lines or I get out (NOED is always get out ASAP). I survive more times playing scummily around the 5º gen like this than going for Totems.

    P.D. I do cleanse dulls if I happen to pass by them but I dont go out of my way searching them, its not worth it.

  • Member Posts: 1,927

    If they added a totem counter I honestly wouldn't have a problem with it being base kit.

    It would also highlight to survivors that this is actually a second objective.

  • Member Posts: 427

    No lol

  • Member Posts: 3,448
    edited April 2021

    So solo survivors should have to waste an entire perk slot (possibly even a perk slot per survivor) just to get the information that SWF get for free? Takes like yours are why the game will never be balanced properly

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Use a perk to get information that SWF get for free, and you then wonder why this forum complains about SWF all the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    50% of the killers i go against already have noed, i dont want that number to be 100.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    I can see I triggered alot of bad survivors. I am sorry you cant handle the extra work or haven't actually played this game at high mmr. If you're experienced you know maps and totem spawns, if it's that much of an issue use perks or items to help you instead of the usual meta. Buffing solos is the worst possible idea. Swf breaks the game why are you wanting that default? A simple action debuff to swf is the smarter choice. But I know most of you are probably survivor mains let's be real it's the forums...

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Oh dear lord no. The delicate balance of this game is pretty much at its best so far (which isn't great but you take what you can get).

    I don't think we need radical changes to equalize perceived inequalities. It would be better to directly nerf those aspects, instead of adding a counter-buff. Would you rather nobody have nuclear weapons, or everybody have nuclear weapons?

    If gen speeds are a problem, then 1) play a more viable killer or 2) mix up your play style to apply more pressure (which is the nudge nudge wink wink way of saying tunnel).

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    You cant at high mmr, simple as the game is based around bad players who cant loop efficiently, dont do gens and will selfcare or hook trade constantly. Besides I'm asking more as a survivor, it's too easy unless I'm paired with players that never touch a gen which shouldn't even be a thing at rank 20 let alone 1... the game is no way balanced, just looks it with god bad players. 4 people like me = 3/4 man escape every game no coms needed... not trying to be cocky but it's just the way it is..

  • Member Posts: 1,878
    edited April 2021

    Well I it doesn't really matter if you're talking as a survivor, a cultist in the basement of a DC pizza shop, or as the hot waiter at femboy hooters. If survivors are based around bad players who can't loop, are racist against gens, and self-care in the corner, there is no reason to add NOED. It's already a strong enough perk on its own, and if it becomes basekit (which would absolutely necessitate a totem counter), it should take away a perk slot (just for the sake of balance), which would be very much unfun for both the killer and the survivor. I'd much rather run Devour Hope and three other perks than NOED.

  • Member Posts: 75

    It's an opinion. The game will never be balanced for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Sure, if you give unbreakable base kit to survivors. Because its going to be a slug fest.

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