Tunneling and camping killers

This is a PvP game. If you can't handle losing, go play something else.
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I can handle the losing tho but in my opinion killers must give atleast little bit chance to win otherwise whats the point for playing on survivor then if u cant win at all.
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I don't care about tunneling... to be honest that's just target prioritization... and I don't blame a killer for hunting down the wounded survivor.
camping, on the other hand is just lazy. it's boring and kinda ruins the game.
but then again...
iT's A lEgIt StRaTeGy. >.>9 -
God forbid the Killer actually tries to kill you!!! What an outrage, what an atrocity!!!!
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Even if some ppl say something else, we have a mostly balanced game here. so if the surv dont have a chance to win, and the killer seems to be OP, the surv is just not good in playing or doenst have much experience yet. Its balanced for swf groups (they say) so if you find 3 others and use TS/Discord, the killer doenst have an easy game with you 4 guys.
camping: its legit and a waste of time for the killer. the one who is hooked, is in a really bad position, but three others could finish 3 or 4 gens until the hooked on dies. so if killer camps. dont sneak aorund him with 3 ppl and wait for THAT ONE AND ONLY MOMENT to farm the hooked one, just let him hang and do gens. next round, another guy will get hooked/camped and you can do gens at your own. Additional info: camping remove some points from the killers overall points of the match. so if this system works correct, its harder for campers do rank up (pip) these days.
tunneling: its also legit and there are also perks for. Dying Light is only build for remove the obsession of the game. So all others got slowed down for the rest of the match. with skilled 4 swfs, sometimes the killer needs to tunnel to rise his chances of winning. because 4 skilled ppl are able to wreck the killers match really hard. so the answer is to decrease the number of "enemys". OR the killer just dont like a special surv because a nromal reason (sabotaged his hooks, has flashlightskills etc.) or because the surv is just a respectless a**ho*e and T-Bags the killer really often. who knows?
Finally: the killers job is to kill (as orion told us many times ;P ) and the survs job is to survive. Most times, noone takes care of the others gamefun. some killers (like me) try to play "friendly" after a creed of fairness (but its not honored by the most of the survivors), most killers dont because survs also dont. so your chances to get a "fair playing" killer increase, if you as a surv also play "fair" or at least not respectless.
this discussion happend in this forum many many many times but its still the same ending. Everything is allowed to reach the personal goal. the mastering of that fact is to react to the opponent and change your own playstyle to counter the situation instead of shouting for banable reasons in the forums.
This is not "my little pony". Deal with it.
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What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pips
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@ForsakenLemon said:
What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pipsSo, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?
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Sorry but if I have dying light or your team can't wait 30 seconds to get you off the hook, your ass is mine. I tunnel hard on the first hooked. Once you get the map down to 3 it's easier to manage.
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I've been facing these kinda killers mostly at rank 1 and now at rank 9 after the reset.
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And when i play with killer i do not camp or tunnel because i hate it myself so i don't do that to others.4
KOFF said:And when i play with killer i do not camp or tunnel because i hate it myself so i don't do that to others.
As a Killer, don’t complain about Looping. As a Survivor, don’t complain about camping or tunneling. Neither side is obligated to “play your way”.
This video is satire, but it accurately sums it up. No “why me?!” Also, as M.Cote says in the video, it’s not supposed to be fair. It’s balanced, but as a Survivor it’s not fair. Just as intended. You’re team mates have free reign of the map to Rush the Gens or do whatever, which makes it balanced. If it was fair, then it wouldn’t be balanced.4 -
@KOFF said:
Tunneling and camping killers should be ge get more easily banned because its unfair if killer tunnels only one survivor and doesn't seem to care other survivors and when the killer gets one or two of them to hook he starts camping and yesterday one killer said he camped because he didn't have perks and add-ons so he decided to camp and me and my friend died on our first hook when game was going on like 5 minutes and killers nowadays starts camping right away when they get the first hook and thats not fair.It isnt fair either if survivors genrush or loop, really annoying gameplay
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There's nothing wrong with tunneling or camping. It's a strategy. Unless the person is specifically targeting you during multiple games, then you can report them for griefing.
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Killer should give free unhooks and never hook someone two times in a row.
Survivor just deserve their benevolent points and safe unhook score events.
[/s]1 -
Stealth harder, and stay away from the killer to go after totems and gens.
The less the killer sees you, the better. And the less they can do to you.
Or build towards a stronger evasive character.
Or both.
Of course they kinda latch on to me when they finally do see me.0 -
When I get accused of tunnelling, it's not that I am actually tunnelling, its just that when someone gets unhooked and I turn around, I usually see the injured player first, I'm not going to waste my time searching for the person who did the unhooking.
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@Orion said:
@ForsakenLemon said:
What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pipsSo, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?
No, did you not read what I said? LOW RANK PLAYERS tunnel and facecamp, that is why I asked for OP's rank
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@ForsakenLemon said:
@Orion said:
@ForsakenLemon said:
What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pipsSo, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?
No, did you not read what I said? LOW RANK PLAYERS tunnel and facecamp, that is why I asked for OP's rank
I've been seeing a lot more of both at all ranks during the past month, for some reason.
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@ForsakenLemon said:
@Orion said:
@ForsakenLemon said:
What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pipsSo, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?
No, did you not read what I said? LOW RANK PLAYERS tunnel and facecamp, that is why I asked for OP's rank
Tunneling is the decision for the injured/hooked target in case you have a decision between different targets at all.
GIve me one reason not to tunnel, common sense tells me that I should always do it if I want to play well as killer
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Since I played DbD I get tunneled. Probably cuz I play dwight. However, I adapted on getting tunneled to that point, that I'm a complete time waste for the killer. If he doesn't realise this, 3 or even all of us will get out. Just learn to waste time and be optimal with pallets.1
I'm rank 1 and I tunnel/camp if I want to.
I have to be honest - I play every match however I feel like playing, without any regard for the opinions and feelings of others.
"Why'd you tunnel/camp me?"
'You spawned.'
Wild.3 -
Tunneling and camping is the equivalent to body blocking, flash-lighting and endless pallet looping. It annoys the hell out of each side, yet is considered valid gameplay strategy, and when each side complains about it the response is always "How dare the killer try to kill you/How dare the survivor try and survive".
At least with campers you can take advantage of it by gen rushing them while they are wasting time camping. But I often wonder what kind of player finds fun and entertainment in spending most of the match just standing by a hooked survivor waiting for them to die.
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Hello OP,
Camping was confirmed a legit "strategy" by devs as much as people disagree with it. Also you can be playing with new Killers considering the rank reset a day or two ago. Just try to rack up as much points to pip so you don't have to deal with it most of the time. I'm sure higher rank Killers have better things to do other than face camp, its pretty boring; not that I'm knocking anyones play-style.0 -
i screwed up and lost and now i want the player who beat me get banned.10/10. Thats how you play a PvP game!
cause who needs skill, if we can simply ban everyone who defeats me?2 -
@KOFF said:
Tunneling and camping killers should be ge get more easily banned because its unfair if killer tunnels only one survivor and doesn't seem to care other survivors and when the killer gets one or two of them to hook he starts camping and yesterday one killer said he camped because he didn't have perks and add-ons so he decided to camp and me and my friend died on our first hook when game was going on like 5 minutes and killers nowadays starts camping right away when they get the first hook and thats not fair.slrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
A:not a bannable cause
B:this is a game so who tha hell cares about tunneling/camping it annoying we know
C:IT IS FAIR, some killers will camp near exits is a good tacticmy opinion about this is people who report for camping or tunneling need to find a new game to play or
Git Gud (can somebody bring the DOCKTA picture in here?)4 -
@Master said:
@ForsakenLemon said:
@Orion said:
@ForsakenLemon said:
What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pipsSo, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?
No, did you not read what I said? LOW RANK PLAYERS tunnel and facecamp, that is why I asked for OP's rank
Tunneling is the decision for the injured/hooked target in case you have a decision between different targets at all.
GIve me one reason not to tunnel, common sense tells me that I should always do it if I want to play well as killer
How about I give you three, map pressure is a 0 when you tunnel, it promotes gen rush when you only chase one person, less blood points for a game where you dont do much in the game
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...0 -
Instead of punishing killers for camping and tunneling, how about give them an incentive to play otherwise?
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The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.
Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.
But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.
You know what.... I'm done.11 -
So a killer that doesn't play by your rules needs to get banned?
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Ive been seeing weird complaints about tunneling lately. Like yesterday, I had a guy tell me that I tunneled him. When really, I left the area after hooking him, but came back when i saw he was unhooked and he ran right to me, hooked him in the basement, go to leave and his friend literally jumps down as im coming up. He unhooks him, and i turn around and hit him... nothing. Borrowed time. i chase him, hit him again and when I go to hook him he disconnects then sends me a bunch of nasty messages about tunneling.
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In my opinion tunneling killers just suck at this game coz i get most of the time 3 to 4k without tunneling at all and i don't care about that if all survivors escape they were better player than me then...5
@KOFF said:
In my opinion tunneling killers just suck at this game coz i get most of the time 3 to 4k without tunneling at all and i don't care about that if all survivors escape they were better player than me then...It's fine if you want to purposefully handicap yourself and pretend those who don't are less skilled, but keep it to yourself.
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The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.
Dude listen, most killers run bbq chili, and if as a killer you can't see any or only one survivor in the far and there are no gens nearby you know the survivors are up to something. So of course you'll camp.
Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.
You wanna know why? Self care. Literally breaks the game. You just hit someone, the survivor runs far away and heals and goes back to being 2 hit again. You can't win games like this unless you run something that slows down the game such as ruin or overcharge.
You know what.... I'm done.
Good to know your limits
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@Whateverthefuck said:
The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.
Dude listen, most killers run bbq chili, and if as a killer you can't see any or only one survivor in the far and there are no gens nearby you know the survivors are up to something. So of course you'll camp.
Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.
You wanna know why? Self care. Literally breaks the game. You just hit someone, the survivor runs far away and heals and goes back to being 2 hit again. You can't win games like this unless you run something that slows down the game such as ruin or overcharge.
You know what.... I'm done.
Good to know your limits
it's your limit, no skills in traking down people. Git good
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Camping killers is STILL an issue even though they already "addressed the issue in the last patch."
Well guess what, it's obviously not enough since its still a problem and turning people off from a game like this where survivability is already minimal.
I'm killer main, but when I want to try my luck at being a survivor, encountering these players makes this game so bad, especially since they're rewarded for such terrible play style.It's a trash play style.
Stop defending it.4 -
If the killer does that, it just means he really likes you
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Here u go!2 -
The player paid for the game just like you did therefore he has the right to play however he wants as long as it's not cheating, exploiting glitches, hacking or being EXTREMLY disrespectful to other players
Post edited by PhantomMask20763 on5 -
@PhantomMask20763 said:
The player paid* for the game just like you did therefore he has the right to play however he wants as long as it's not cheating, exploiting glitches, hacking or being EXTREMLY disrespectful to other playersFixed.
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S0ckenSchuss said:
camping: its legit and a waste of time for the killer. the one who is hooked, is in a really bad position, but three others could finish 3 or 4 gens until the hooked on dies.
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I hate when my camped hook DCs. I feel robbed.
I do camp....when I need to secure a kill. It just works (sometimes).
If you don't like it, don't get hooked.4 -
Killers will camp and tunnel, survivors will loop and immerse. It's the game. Either get used to it or play a different game. I'm not being rude but those are literally your two choices because they are all allowed tactics and nobody is going to get banned for them.
End of story.
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@ReneAensland said:
Camping killers is STILL an issue even though they already "addressed the issue in the last patch."
Well guess what, it's obviously not enough since its still a problem and turning people off from a game like this where survivability is already minimal.
I'm killer main, but when I want to try my luck at being a survivor, encountering these players makes this game so bad, especially since they're rewarded for such terrible play style.It's a trash play style.
Stop defending it.So killer should be forced to play stupid?
Maybe you need a bot mode to play. A nice AI, that plays by every crappy survivor rule.
Don't camp, don't tunnel, respect the 4%, don't use Noed, etc.7 -
ShrimpTwiggs said:
Instead of punishing killers for camping and tunneling, how about give them an incentive to play otherwise?
there is make your choice.
there is devour hope.
On top of coordinated survivors being able to simply say “do the gens (s)he is camping”
there are lots of incentives to not camp. Adding more won’t stop people from doing it.0 -
Tunneling and gen rushing are one and the same thing
Getting the objective done as fast and efficient as possibleGen rushing can be combated by putting pressure on the survivors
Tunneling can be combatted by taking a hit for a fellow player1 -
@Sonzaishinai said:
Tunneling and gen rushing are one and the same thing
Getting the objective done as fast and efficient as possibleGen rushing can be combated by putting pressure on the survivors
Tunneling can be combatted by taking a hit for a fellow playerWrong. Tunneling is playing efficient. Gen rush is just bad game design.
Gens are done way to fast. If the survivor play well, the killer can't do crap about it.
If a survivor is a decent runner a single hit takes 30-40 seconds, so 2 hits plus carry to a hook is about the time it takes to do a gen ALONE without any toolbox or great checks.
If the survivor spread out and do gens all on their own, that's 3 gens done on the first hook.
The problem about gen rush is that the Devs choose to balance the game for low rank/low skill survivor, that mess around and can't "walk the killer" and can't do great skillchecks.
Every other game is balanced top down instead of bottom up.1 -
@Wolf74 said:
@Sonzaishinai said:
Tunneling and gen rushing are one and the same thing
Getting the objective done as fast and efficient as possibleGen rushing can be combated by putting pressure on the survivors
Tunneling can be combatted by taking a hit for a fellow playerWrong. Tunneling is playing efficient. Gen rush is just bad game design.
Gens are done way to fast. If the survivor play well, the killer can't do crap about it.
If a survivor is a decent runner a single hit takes 30-40 seconds, so 2 hits plus carry to a hook is about the time it takes to do a gen ALONE without any toolbox or great checks.
If the survivor spread out and do gens all on their own, that's 3 gens done on the first hook.
The problem about gen rush is that the Devs choose to balance the game for low rank/low skill survivor, that mess around and can't "walk the killer" and can't do great skillchecks.
Every other game is balanced top down instead of bottom up.I'm not saying it's balanced or not
Just saying it's the same thing
Rushing the gens is doing the objective fast and efficientwether this is balanced or not was not my point