Dr holding the game at a stalemate

This right here should be a war crime. He was running surveillance and over charge and NOED for some reason.
He basically chose his 3 gen at the start of the match and did nothing but glue himself to it, we all tried to break it at the start. We were on one of the pre school maps and he had a easy 3 gen layout.
It was definitely a change of pace but in the worst possible way. The match went on for about 40 mins until I sacrificed myself after getting a head ace. Someone brought in a key and all 3 escaped.
I understand there’s a strategy in there, but when he wasn’t committing to any chases or even hooking, what is the point. Best suicide I’ve even done.
To all the rebuttals about, it’s the survivors fault for making a 3 gen happen and how easy it is to break a 3 gen I will paste the best response to this made by PREDATED below.
Against a Doctor? No. Especially not with the build he had. You would essentially need perfect timing everytime an overcharge gets along, otherwise you lose 5%, let alone that he had iri queen, which, if you try to rush a gen with more than 1 survivor, means you get shocked and forces the Overcharge to trigger. Then he has surveillance to see which of his 3 gen is being touched so he can instantly go there and chase survivors off again.
For you to win this, you need to keep a killer at bay from 1 generator for 40 full seconds or for 60 seconds without failing any Overcharge skillcheck. You need to avoid him shocking you, because very shock and meeting with other survivor grants you half a madness point. Once you reach Madness 3, which is quite easy to do in a small area where you have a 3 gen, you need to snap out, in which time, you cannot work on a gen. Add in the fact that Doctor would keep smacking you whenever he can, forcing you to heal or be a free hookstate. Because once you are slugged, you cannot work on a gen.
To break this 3 gen against this build, you need at least 1 brand new part and prove thyself, all while you force the doctor to "waste" time hooking survivors instead of kicking gens.
So no, 3 gens are not always doable.
I wonder if that could count as holding the game hostage...
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Sounds like it didn't pay off for him.
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Its so annoying that technically the way he was playing he was defo holding us hostage however I’m sure someone would say, “on the contrary that’s a valid strategy”.
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Exactly he didn’t even make a profit in blood points for the add ons he ran
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3 gen hostage Doc is a pretty old occurrence, back when his terror radius gave passive madness buildup it was infuriating. The most important thing to do when you see a doctor is prevent a 3 gen.
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True, he could've held them there for 80 minutes instead of 40 if it wasn't for that key.
What a loss.
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Yeah, but OP says the Doc forced a three gen from the start.
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Yes, it does. When this happens, you should record the trial, report the killer in the post-game, and then send the video to support.
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Well that's DBD for you. Anything can be toxic if you try hard enough.
The one time I went against a 3 gen doctor, we just waited around in the corner of the map until he DC'd. We just stayed away from him to deny him bloodpoints.
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id usually expect freddy games to go like that
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I didn’t record it however did hit report.
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As a doc who often uses this strategy, I fell the need to offer my experiences defending 3 gens. This guy played a lot like I would of - not committing to any chases outside the territory of the 3 gens (although I typically don't pick out 3 gens from the start and camp the corner, it's something I develop later as the game progresses).
Every 3 gen can be cracked, it's just much more difficult. Sounds to me like you didn't spread out his attention among the 3 gens well enough. I find it's typical of survivors to just focus 1 gen when they are in situation like that when I'm hard camping a 3 gen.
However, if the survivors are actually really good about working the two gens furthest from each other, they will eventually crack my 3 gen and pop one of the gens.
He wasn't even running pop, so kicking the gens shouldn't of been getting him very far. And time he's spending on that gen or shooing people off is time somebody could be using on opposite generator. If you hover the gens aggressively, especially with 4 people, you are going to eventually overwhelm him and come out on top. He can't defend all 3 at once.
Not an ideal situation, but totally beatable. You just have to risk more skin than you are probably comfortable with. I'm often cracked if I percieve a survivor is in a weak position and I think I can get them down fast enough. So you may need to spill some blood and make yourself inviting prey and hope his greed takes over.
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I went against one the other night! It was obnoxious.
Could of been the same guy. I escaped by a miracle's chance after a very, very long game.
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Gens fly by and survivor's say "just apply pressure" or "learn to give up on a chase that isn't worth it"
The killer defends gens and the survivors say "Why aren't you chasing me?"
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I hear and understand what your saying. My problem with your defence of cracking the 3 gen is.... On the preschool maps a lot of the gets are 1 and two man gens.
We tried diligently to break it, I was playing solo q and we were all pretty much on the same page. His 3 gen must have been sent from the gods. A single man gen on top of the stairs in a house, a two man gen directly outside the house only separated by a pallet and another two man gen to complete the triangle.
As a Dr main you should recognise and know what each of the iridescent add ons do. Soon as you come into contact with another survivor both would scream. Dr would turn up hit one and then rinse repeat hitting one or two survivors, kicking a gen and shocking. Added with surveillance and over charge.
He did not need pop at all. The most we got one of the gen to was half.
I would rather get tunnelled than go against this play style again. This was literally a match of whom would crack mentally first, which he had the resources to win as he designed.
Question... Do you find it fun or amusing playing like this? Do you leave thinking, “yes I won that”.?
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that argument is valid however not in this context at all mate.
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Tbf this is a situation the survivors can’t really win. I agree that you should be punished for doing bad generators but this is overkill
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Then it's a problem with the map not the strategy and that should be addressed. And frankly, I've had worse builds cracked so I'm more inclined to blame the map and not the build. (I'm talking the pre-rework doc builds that would make people want to insert hot irons into their eye-sockets)
Do I find it fun or amusing to play like this? - It's a strategy, nothing more, and I will use whatever means necessary to meet my goal of making sure as few people walk out alive as possible.
Do I leave thinking "Yes, I won that?" - Depends on the result. If everybody dies, then yes (my doc has all the game perks, so Bloodpoints per minute are meaningless to me). If everybody gets away, my thought is "good team, gg"
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The killer did a 3 gen. I don't play doc but I main trapper. 3 gens are the fault of the survivors. The killer can try to push you off a specific 3 but he can't pressure 4 people at the same time. 3 gens can be beaten or even prevented from occurring. Did he refuse to chase people to protect his 3 gens? Yes but there's nothing wrong with that. The devs have not stated you have to chase a survivor if you see them. Did the match last too long? Most likely but I doubt it was actually 40 mins. The doc choose a particular way to play and they are entitled to that since it didn't break any rules. Like basement bubba. It's not fun but it's not illegal.
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If a killer 3 gen the game it is because survivors weren't smart enough to repair using their head.
Most of them just run from a gen to gen without thinking about that. The rush meta hurts some brains...
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Not really, he defended his gens and prevented survivors from escaping. He was a massive #########, but you could exit the game by running into him. If he were preventing you from doing gens at all by keeping you injured but never downing you, while having a 3-gen with ruin active, then yes, he would be holding the game hostage.
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"He basically chose his 3 gen at the start of the match and did nothing but glue himself to it, we all tried to break it at the start."
Guess you cannot read. If you cannot break a 3-gen from the start of the match because a killer forces it, it's not because the survivors gave him a 3gen. He literally forced it.
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If a killer could "force" a 3 gen then every single killer would do it. "The doc glued himself to the gens" How was he in 3 places at once? Gens aren't that close together. If the 4 survivors spread out they can beat this. As he chases 1 survivor off 1 gen 2 more are being worked.
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3 gen are doable especially at 4player. it take time & patience but it's not hard. Work on gen, wait till the last second before leaving the gen then come back when he move toward the other one. If he kick the gens it's even better, it give you more time to work on the other one.
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no because that is literally just playing the game smartly. 3 gens are the saving grace of most killers.
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Against a Doctor? No. Especially not with the build he had. You would essentially need perfect timing everytime an overcharge gets along, otherwise you lose 5%, let alone that he had iri queen, which, if you try to rush a gen with more than 1 survivor, means you get shocked and forces the Overcharge to trigger. Then he has surveillance to see which of his 3 gen is being touched so he can instantly go there and chase survivors off again.
For you to win this, you need to keep a killer at bay from 1 generator for 40 full seconds or for 60 seconds without failing any Overcharge skillcheck. You need to avoid him shocking you, because very shock and meeting with other survivor grants you half a madness point. Once you reach Madness 3, which is quite easy to do in a small area where you have a 3 gen, you need to snap out, in which time, you cannot work on a gen. Add in the fact that Doctor would keep smacking you whenever he can, forcing you to heal or be a free hookstate. Because once you are slugged, you cannot work on a gen.
To break this 3 gen against this build, you need at least 1 brand new part and prove thyself, all while you force the doctor to "waste" time hooking survivors instead of kicking gens.
So no, 3 gens are not always doable.
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If 3 gens are given to you, sure. Forcing a 3 gen from the start of the game is essentially admitting defeat.
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You do realize almost all killers can force a 3 gen right?
And Gens are closer than you think. Even if you spread out, there is only so much progress you can make. Overcharge can be forced by Doctor by shocking a survivor as soon as they hit a gen. Madness 3 forces gens to regress. That is enough to force a 3gen.
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What??? thats like saying spliting up on gens in the begining is essentially admitting defeat. The no 1 piece of advice I would give to killers struggling with how fast gens are done is thinking about their 3 gen.
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Ew... what a disgusting build. 🥱🥱🤮
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Yes, survivors working on 4 seperate gens from the start on purpose are survivors who are essentially too afraid of being overpowered.
You're literally trying to force the game in a state(through vanilla mechanics) that the opponent cannot do anything about unless they brought very specific items and/or perks to break those situations. How is that any different than basically admitting you're losing from the beginning?
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Sounds like none of you gave up any hook states or anything. He did nothing to hold the game hostage, the only reason you all were in the game that long is because you all decided you just had to leave at all costs. Its funny how you only showed the killers score and nothing else, that just seems a little fishy to me.
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Overcharge skill check are not that hard to hit & no Hex: Huntress Lullaby. Surveillance doesn't pressure gen and let's be hones on a 3 gen that doesn't change anything since without it you either SEE survivor working on gen or HEAR them.
Like I said, it take time and patience but it's doable, beside walking up the stairs of the house take away some precious time which give you more time to work on the furthest gen. There were 4 survivor alive, two for healing and 2 pressuring the furthest gen apart and voila.
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To be fair, missing an Overcharge when the perk is at level 3 is 16 seconds lost. That's the same time it takes to cleanse a totem. And those overcharge skill checks WILL turn backwards due to the Doctor's innate madness abilities (moreso given the addins he's running)
Still doesn't change the fact there was 4 of them present. They should of still been able to overwhelm him.
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Didnt you read? I said: "he had iri queen, which, if you try to rush a gen with more than 1 survivor, means you get shocked and forces the Overcharge to trigger."
You literally cannot hit the skillcheck if you're being shocked.
"Surveillance doesn't pressure gen" No, but doctor's power does.
"Like I said, it take time and patience but it's doable" Oh, like "holding the game hostage back in the day by walking around as a survivor hiding in lockers forcing the game to last 2 hours"-doable? Sure. But oh, whats this? Killers complained too much and got the EGC introduced to prevent that situation because 2 hours simply is too long? If a game lasts more than 20 minutes because of a build, it's essentially hostage keeping. The fact that this killer was actually killing was the only reason this game was not being held hostage.
A 3 gen that takes longer than 10 minutes to break is not doable.
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Thanks for such a detailed reply. You’ve hit the nail on the head. I’ll copy and paste your quote on the top of the original post.
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He did not hold the game hostage, he did not block you in a corner to prevent you from moving.
The way to deal with a 3 gen is to heal up, split up and work on all 3 of the gens, when he comes to pressure you, run away, let him kick the gen, then go back and work the moment he walks away.
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I did read, you didn't.
Let me explain it again. One person doing the gen upstairs in the house, 1 doing the gen furthest apart from that one and the 2 other survivor resetting (getting rid of madness 3/healing.
Do I need to write in an other language? Maybe I should write it in 3 different way, maybe you'll understand one. Or maybe you just need to read the entire post before replying and sounding like an ass...
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I don't know what survivors you face but the only time I get a 3 gen is because the survivors are potatoes. Anyone survivor with a decent amount of playtime, swf or random, knows not to do all the gens on one side of the map. I can chase them off a gen or kick it with pgtw but I can't guard gens and chase survivors at the same time. There's 4 survivors and only 1 killer. Like I said earlier. If even 3 survivors take one of the 3 gen they will complete it. I can push you off the 3 gens but unless I am able to down someone I am getting no where. If your constantly making me jump between gens your still making progress by repairing some of them. If your competent you can beat a 3 gen. No matter what I do as killer a 3 gen will only slow you down, not stop you completely. If you lose to a 3 gen you allowed it to happen or your randoms were crappy.
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Its almost like survivors just don't try anymore or something and expect to be let out of the match. If its come to a point where we blame killers for trying to win by being "sweaty", "try-hard", or even blaming them for "holding the game hostage" what's the point of playing killer anymore.
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If you read what I said in its entirety you’d remember me saying I killed myslef out of frustration which caused the hatch to spawn and the 3 got out with a key.
Absolutely nothing fishy here, I only intend to show his full build, nothing to do with score. I would have gotten a pic of the full screen but when you disconnect for the server it boots you back to loading screen.
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Thanks for the post, now I have a new build and strategy to try.
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Since you didn't mention anyone getting hooked, i can only assume you were all too afraid to be injured and kept the status quo. If you were willing to shed some blood it would've been very possible to break his 3 gen.
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Please let me know if you enjoy it.
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I actually agree with your sentiments, it's just one of the mods have already confirmed that if the killer refuses to commit to a chase for a long time, they will be regarded as holding the game hostage. I don't agree with it, but it is what it is and no use arguing about it.
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I wouldn't use that build for a 3 gen on a Doc. His build is actually kinda amatuerish if you are going for a full-on defensive 3 gen build.
If you are serious about doing a 3 gen, it's Distressing, Disturbing Presence, Overcharge, Surveillance. The Distressing and Disturbing Presence combo is really powerful in a confined space and guarantees all regular skillchecks will be half-sized on top of your already oppressive madness.
Stacking the Iri's is a waste, I'd go with one or the other then pop in an interview tape so I can shock the gens at long range and interrupt people on them. For the purposes of a 3 gen though, I'd go with the Queen over the King due to how it discourages survivors to clump together and spreads madness if they do. You won't be getting all the best benefits of the King running it in a confined space
Haven't done that since the dock rework though as Distressing/Disturbing isn't as effective for normal games without 3 genning like it used to be due to how his static blast works so you're much better off using something else.
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It's amazing how many people consider a 3-gen a valid strategy and ignore just how many killers will do nothing but defend it and will never chase or down anyone unless they are in their little slice of territory.
That's not a valid strategy. That's holding the game hostage. Because you are not trying to complete your objective at all, you're simply trying to stop your opponents from completing theirs.
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He got his first hook during the back and forth of the three gen. He stayed in the Center of the triangle and hooked in the Center. I didn’t go into too much detail in the first post as I tot it would be implied that we tried all that we could. We were all injured for the most of it. It was futile.
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You make survivor work for their win and they scream your strategy is too strong or it was impossible to win
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It's an old response though.