Please stop buffing killers... Better yet, revert the buffs
Let me start by saying that I'm not a frequent flyer of this forum. In fact, I've literally never been here before and I just created an account to write this post begging the devs to please, PLEASE stop buffing killer.
I'm a killer main. I've always been a killer main. But I don't play killer anymore.
Why? Because it's just too easy. Laughably easy, to the point of being boring. It feels like I can mindlessly tunnel survivors, hardly ever use perks or abilities, give no thought to strategy and still rank up.
I came here to share my opinion, and I didn't even have to look 5 posts down to find other players writing about the same thing. So I know I'm not crazy for thinking this or the only person who has noticed a significant shift in balance with the last few updates.
I'm not sure what the impetus is for all the recent changes favoring killers and making life harder for survivors, and like I said I'm not the kind of player who's constantly on forums keeping up with news and posts from the devs. So if that information is already out there somewhere, please enlighten me. But this is the theory I have come up with...
In the past, survivor and killer were fairly balanced. However, at the higher ranks, survivors tended to play in premade teams using Discord, giving them a significant advantage compared to the way the game was designed to be played (without voice chat). The game was no longer balanced at the higher ranks, survivors won more often than killers, and maybe killer became less popular as a result. In order to counteract the apparent imbalance, the devs decide to implement patch after patch full of buffs for killers and nerfs for survivors, and now we are where we are today.
In my opinion, this was the wrong approach. Killer is now way too easy in standard matchmaking, and even when you "lose" a game (3 or 4 survivors escaping) you'll generally still get enough points to not lose pips. Hell, you can even sometimes still gain pips even though you lost.
If I'm correct and the reason for the killer buffs is to attempt to nullify the advantage of voice chat used by high rank survivor teams, then the only way you can ever make that fair is to put voice chat in the game as a standard feature for survivor players. I get that it ruins the immersion, but without that there will always be a discrepancy/imbalance between whether or not the survivors are using voice chat.
A second (and perhaps better) solution would be to rework the pip system for survivors to incentivize play that actually wins games. Combine Evader and Unbroken together into one emblem, then add a second emblem related to gen progress. For example, Lightbringer could be left how it is (points granted based on individual player's percentage of the team's total gen progress) with the second generator emblem being shared among the whole team based on the team's total gen progress so that survivors who distract the killer while their teammates do gens (especially if they are keeping the killer busy primarily through stealth/hiding and not spending much time in a chase) still get credit for helping the team. This would also solve the problem of survivors getting punished with low points/pips when they have a great game where they are never or rarely found/caught/hooked by the killer. Because let's be honest... Gen progress is what wins games for survivors, but it's not what gets you pips. Right now there's way too much incentive for people to everything EXCEPT gens, and people who are focused on actually winning the game (prioritizing gen progress over Altruism/Evader/Unbroken points) get punished with fewer pips.
But yeah, anyway... Regardless of what you guys think the solution is, the current state of the game ain't it. It's ridiculous how many terrible killers I see running around at rank 1 and 2 because it's so easy for them to win right now (or still earn pips even when they lose). And for those of us who actually know how to play killer well, it's just not fun anymore when I don't even have to strategize at all or make any kind of creative use of my perks/abilities/add-ons... I just mindlessly run at people and M1, and even on the rare occasion that the survivors escape I still get enough points to get pips. In other words: boring as hell.
I am a solo survivor main and i escape 75% of my games in red ranks. Game seems ok for me.
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*body is one character too short*
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I don't know if you're rank 1, but I escape every other match. So I just read the first paragraph of what you said and considered every thing after bullshit. I'm sorry. The biggest problem that may look killer's job easier now is having absolute boosted survivors on rank 1, but that's because the MMR doesn't work. If it worked, I'm sure some competitive teams would be testing your patience and you would be here complaining about survivors instead.
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I mean, yeah. But at this point I think people (especially newer killers coming into the game) really do want the game to kill for them. I've been here since the release in 2016, and I used to play Wraith when insta blind perma sabo no window blocking double BT no exhaustion etc etc was here. I know what it is to be actually frustrated because of the game being completely unbalanced in survivors' favour.
Today? Lol. That's all I can say.
You have killers that literally require 0 input for you to 4k every single game. I don't play survivor anymore because it just makes me angry, and I can only play a couple killer matches before I start yawning uncontrollably and get bored.
A lot of the people screaming for nerfs and more nerfs just want a graphical adventure. Like an interactive story game. "Press M1 / Press spacebar" = win.
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Congrats. I am now mostly playing survivor and also escape 75% of my games in red ranks. But I'm not just concerned about my own win rate, and even if I was I win 99% of my killer games which just doesn't seem fair (can only remember losing 1 game so far this season, and it's because I totally yolo'd screwing around with survivors to have fun and not caring about winning).
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I've been rank 1 on both killer and survivor. Not currently because I didn't play for several months and decayed all the way to ~17, but I'm back up to red ranks in the current season and have only been back for a couple weeks.
So if you want to call bullshit on my opinion that's fine, but I will do the same with yours. I know that I know what I'm talking about; I've been to rank 1 on both sides and it's not just conjecture.
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Trapper need buff! Say no and he will visit you while you are sleeping
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We need stronger Killers. If you watch and play at a high level - hell, even at a medium level - you will know that Survivors are the blindly obvious power role. Even without perks, ala the Depip Squad (granted that experiment is from an older version of DBD with much stronger Survivors who still had old Brand New Part and stuff).
We need Killers to be stronger, but not overpowered. Killers aren’t the ones who should be under pressure in a match, it should be Survivors, but here we are with anxiety because everything is against us. If a Killer makes a single mistake or wastes any time they lose - if a Survivor makes no mistakes, the Killer loses a vast majority of times.
Then again we don’t have a definitive win condition. Hooks? Kills? Points? Escapes? Pallet slams? Flashlight blinds? Hatch?
The mentality of this player base has not changed much - entitled survivors demanding more power to bully Killers who themselves are gimped, and are tortured for basically playing the game.
Just remember that you do need Killers to play the game you spent $20(AUD) on. Be nice to your Killers; they’re already trying their best with so little going for them.
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Too easy huh? Have you tried Legion without perks and addons? While killers like Spirit and Nurse would be fine, Legion would struggle to get a 4K.
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So you say you win with both roles most of the time? So could it be that maybe not the balance between killer and survivor is the problem? Could it be the matchmaking?
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You're playing against bad survivors. Show me gameplay of you easily 12 hooking a team of 4 really good survivors because you know, it's so easy.
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I disagree. I got my rank 1 killer achiev long before all the recent buffs (over 1 year ago) and had no problem doing it. It did take a lot more thoughtful strategy (and maybe some more powerful add-ons) to beat the teams who were clearly on comms, but IMO that's the way it should be.
It should not be the default condition that killer wins unless the survivors play perfectly and the killer absolutely dominates if they bring any powerful add-ons. But that's what we have now. The survivors have an inherent disadvantage by nature of not being able to communicate, and the only exception to that is when survivors form premade groups and use third-party comms, which I already addressed in my original post. But the solution to that is not to just make killers ridiculously strong, because now people who don't use comms (which is the large majority of players) are at too much of a disadvantage. The game is currently balanced around the exception to the rule, which is survivor teams who use 3rd party comms.
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Does that exist? It does. How often do you face these survivors? Once every 100 matches? You do.
Once every 100 matches you have difficulties winning. Yeah, I believe that.
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pretty much.
the killers in this game have their hands held so much by devs.
when people try to say survivors are the power role, they are thinking of the rare SWF 4 man red rank matches where they had to sweat for that 4k instead of mindlessly play like normal
sadly it's just business, killer is what brings in newcomers and their wallets, why do you think they haven't nerfed spirit yet or they neglect balancing and prioritize MTX, our fun doesn't make money for them
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But its not that way at the highest level? Killers lose unless they play nurse and spirit because any other killer either has lack of map pressure or lack of anti loop so you just abuse what they lack. For instance pyramid has anti loop but not map pressure. Feel free to watch any top level matches you won't see any killer except nurse and spirit winning. Mmr actually showed this because it put dowsey whos a amazing twins player against a tournament team. And he got dumpstered.
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How do you know i only face teams like this 1 out of every 100 games i play? You can't prove that's true or not because all you did was pick random numbers.
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Because we're playing the same game as the same role. You're a red ranked killer right? I'm from Europe. I play around the evenings. Our experience must be similar.
So 1 every 100 games is challenging, I agree.
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Nerf Trickster he is OP
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But does it matter? When the survivors are bad, they should be getting demolished. They shouldnt have a chance when they dont learn the game. The player with more experience/skill wins. And when someone has over 2000 hours in dbd he has most of the time a advantage bc of the matchmaking. That goes for both roles, only in solo survivor bad teammates can change it.
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I am... Curious about what is being said here.
I'm also wondering what rank the op of this thread is in and what survivors are they playing against.
Honestly... I wanna see some recent gameplay of this so called killer being "Ez Mode" from the op.
Don't be scared... Drop a link. I wanna see some gameplay and I wanna see ranks but I mainly wanna see how the survivors you verse play for you to be like this.
(yes I know rank doesn't mean much)
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Good clarification. Except solo survivor. That's coincidentally what I play. Which is why I keep complaining and the main issue I have. Solo survivor experience is -awful-, unplayable. If I had 3 people to play with I'd be sitting here saying the game is all good and has "a few minor issues" and the "DS nerf seems fair tbh". Which is what people who 1. Only play killer 2. Only play SWF, say. When all you get is matches you have to carry yourself while 3 people look at you on the hook at some point you have enough.
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I disagree with pretty much everything that has been said here, but you have my attention. Which killer buff should we revert?
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Youre actually outside of your mind if you think killers are too strong rn. They literally just added in one of the weakest killers to ever exist in game. Pop got nerfed, undying got nerfed a month after release, the only reason killers win is when a team isnt coordinated. However in red ranks survs know when its appropriate to go for save and when its better to work on gens. Even aolo que survs in red ranks have a huge advantage if the killer makes 1 or 2 mistakes.
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The emblem system was designed to incentivise survivors to interact with the killer. Without it every game would end in 4 minutes as the depip squad recently showed.
Killers are still weak if survivors don't care about pips or have coms.
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I play mostly solo survivor, too, and my experience was a lot better in the 24h-MMR-test. I had good survivor almost every match. So i hope MMR will fix this problem.
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Well then I truly do hope this is true, I wasn't playing during that test, and you can imagine why. When all you get is frustrating matches over time you play less and less. But my hope for Behaviour is zero. So, even if in theory it's a good change when is it gonna come into play? In 3 years?
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The nurse and hillbilly buffs would be a nice start
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only 2 killers in this game are viable at dealing with competent red rank SWF
if anything ALL OTHER killers should be buffed to match spirit and nurse's power level.
either that or nerf SWF and this game will be healthy for all
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Or buff solo Q to be comparable to SWF and then buff all killers and perks according to that.
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That's the issue with solo Q for me. I'd consider myself above average (at least i do hope so, with having more than 4k hours), but you simply cannot carry a team. If the other 3 or 2 survivors are bad, it's pretty much a gg, not because of your skill, because of the lack of it from the rest of the team.
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Killer is getting alot of buffs because half the killers are practically useless or promote an unhealthy playstyle, like Trickster
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It's ridiculous how many terrible killers I see running around at rank 1 and 2 because it's so easy for them to win right now (or still earn pips even when they lose).
Here's my baseless belief: The average Survivor in any given rank is potato tier. There are enough Survivors in high ranks who REALLY shouldn't be that it becomes easy to just win as a low-tier Killer running a meme build against the average non-SWF Survivor team. This results in not good Killers moving up the ranks too and being in ranks they should not be as well. Basically, at high ranks, bad players still exist on both sides, and when bad players square off against bad players, the edge goes to the Killer because one bad Survivor can sink an entire team if the rest of the team isn't really good to make up for that. The issue is exacerbated when bad players run into GOOD opponents for obvious reasons.
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Don't nerf killers. Nerfs just make people mad. Something does need to be done about Survivor, but it's not nerfing killer.
Nerfing would just ruin the experience for one whole side. We need to seriously buff Solo Survivor, somehow, to be near the level of SWF. Nerfs make people angry. That's why people are always talking about nerfs rather than the constant buffs.
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This is a good point that a lot of the community doesn't get. The game doesn't have a difficulty slider, if you equip the meta perks, only play SWF, and pick the best killers of course you are going to win a lot. Get a 99% win rate with a perkless Trickster if it's so easy for you.
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I've only had the game for 2 weeks. Though I've had some wins as both killer and survivor, I more often lose. I've had two matches just this morning in which I was annihilated. Same with my teammates, all of whom were between rank 16 and 4 (why this massive discrepancy, anyway?)
I played a match against Leatherface that lasted all of three minutes. He knocked me down, the other survivors came near, and as he carried me he somehow managed to race around and knock down all three other characters. One of the lamest games I've ever seen. I played the saloon against Wraith and while the game lasted a good 12 or 15 minutes, he had magnetism and was able to find me no matter how far away I'd seen him hooking a survivor with my perks and no matter how well I seemed to be hidden.
Played a match against the Demo which went like 20 minutes. Three players down within probably two minutes, one disconnected. The other three of us lasted for about another ten. Then it was down to me and another person who railed me after the game. "What a ######### team", he said. "Thanks for doing nothing Mike, I really appreciate it". Despite the fact that this person was loaded to the gills and bragged about having gotten 4 of the generators "by himself", which meant that I had to spend the rest of the match desperately trying to find the last one and evade an expert Demo player which I've never seen before, so I was in a maze AND trying to avoid a killer with powers I'm not very familiar with because everyone plays Trickster AND I don't know the map layout well because I've gotten the hospital all of probably 7, maybe 8 times out of the whole 16 days that I've owned the game.
So yeah, for any killers complaining about how hard it is for them because there are people who do nothing but loop and coordinate through Discord and exploit their meta builds (and I'm with you, that would annoy the hell out of me too) just remember that there are also solo players who, based on their stupid rank, may LOOK like they're going to offer a challenge but are really just new people trying to honestly learn and do their best but who do not have the hundreds or thousands of hours in this game that the rest of you do.
Post edited by miketheratguy on1 -
You mean nerfs, right? And yes, they should be reverted. They were unnecessary changes to begin with.
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About 4/5ths of my trials, unfortunately. Though I'm not entirely sure if you would call them "good", they do mostly predrop pallets and hold W while the others are on gens.
But, that's the price of playing in the evenings: everyone cheeses to win. I've been considering turning crossplay off so I at least lose to people that are better in a chase than me.
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Demo guy, is that you?
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Most of my matches if I'm not playing Spirit is 2 gens popping before I even see my first survivor & then chasing people only for them to immediately run to every single pallet or loop on the map. I have to sweat my ass off to do anything.
Meanwhile as a red rank survivor I just load into the match, dance with fellow survivors & press m1 or W depending on the situation.
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only 2 killers are viable against red rank swf why you trying to get the killer community to quit.
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How can I get my server to change to Europe? Ss here in SEA region, Thailand, Japan and Korea are turning this god damn game into an Esports. I'm playing most of my games against good survivors that can do 5 gens in 5 mins. I even do tournaments here as Philippines host them commonly and I assure you no Killers except Nurse and Spirit will win against a Top Competitive SWF as in my tournaments, Its either be Spirit or Nurse and get 2 Kills or Be any other Killer(That includes Freddy, PH and Oni) and get a 4 escape.
Here in tournaments, Survivors will wait out that Corrupt intervention, Spread out and Do gens individually, Bring Maps and Detectives Hunch to get that Glowy totem 30 Secs in the game and will loop you at least 60 secs getting 60 secs in 3 Gens.
For Context the rules in tournaments are like the DBD japan Tournaments where Killers only get 1 point per Survivor Kill and how many gens are left remaining and Survivors Get Points per Escape and how many Gens were done. I assure you every Great Killer player I know were Gen Rushed.
Here is Otzdarva getting Rekt as a spirit with decent Add Ons by a competitive team
Complain about Killer being too easy after you win a tournament other than Nurse and Spirit as right now you're still too green.
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This is it, exactly. I solo survivor (I solo everything, I have no choice because my few friends who do most of their gaming on PCs are generally uninterested in the game) and my matches are complete crapshoots. Utter randomness. No predictability or consistency whatsoever. My rank doesn't matter, my low experience doesn't matter. If the game thinks I'm rank 18 then by god, I'm gonna be facing rank 4 players and like it. Hell, it doesn't make a difference when my rank 18 (or 19, or 20) opponents are just de-ranked players or alt accounts of people who have put thousands of hours into this game. I've got less than 200. Sometimes I get a good cooperative team and have a great time. Sometimes as a killer I get 2-3 kills, rarely all 4, and it feels like I accomplished something. I don't even have to win, I don't care if I win. I just want to have fun and not be barked at for not being "g". Of COURSE I'm not g. The game is throwing my raw ass against a bunch of hardened veterans, how the hell am I supposed to gg?
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This is it, exactly.
I solo as a survivor (I solo as everything, my PC friends don't seem very interested in the game). Who I wind up with, and against, is a complete and total crapshoot. Utterly random. Because I enjoy the game and put in a lot of matches my rank inevitably goes up, so the game figures "why NOT stick him in a room full of people that are 7-10 ranks better than him"? I'm facing rank 4 killers at rank 18. Not that it matters, being that others who are rank 18 (or 19, or 20) could just as easily be de-ranked experts or alt accounts of people who have put thousands of hours into this game. The slight majority of my matches are fun and feel competitive win or lose (and I don't care about losing, just having a good game as I TRY to win), all the rest are embarrassments because I need to "gg". Of COURSE I need to gg. I've had the game all of 16 days and I'm being put up against people who have been playing the game for a literal half decade. How the hell is a newcomer supposed to "gg" with a matchmaking system like that?
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If you think killers should be nerfed you just need to get better at the game.
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I agree completely. This game is just not fun anymore. Killers tunnel like never before and escaping has become ridiculously hard when teammates dont do gens. The game seems to be balancing more and more towards 4 swf sweat squad which I think most survivors are not. Its just not enjoyable. Killers are not afraid to tunnel (thanks to ds nerf) and will tunnel someone out of the game instantly. Escaping for a survivor now seems impossible. Its also not balanced towards 2ks but 4ks. Killers complained enough. Playing killer for me is also boring because its too easy. Yes occasionally there are games where gens just fly but majority of times its easy games. Too easy. Probably explains why survivor queues are instant while killer you have to wait a few mins. Survivor is just not fun anymore. It all depends on how the killer plays if you pip or get bloodpoints.
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Where are you playing that survivor games are instant but you have to wait for killer rounds?
There are constant threads on here about survivor lobbies taking forever. I play survivor multiple times a week, 5-6 hours a session, and NEVER have gotten an immediate game. Playing killer, however, is an instantaneous match, no matter what time of day or night. This is in NA, for what that's worth, and it's been that way for the whole year I've been playing (exception for the day of DLC release, since people are inevitably trying the new killer out).
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Sorry, but this is such a dishonest take on what happened with Dowsey's game. He went against EMA who were stream sniping him just so he wouldn't be sat in queue for even longer (after getting over 200 wins with only 1 person escaping). They knew what perks he had, what killer he was bringing and what items / tactics were needed to go against him. Without that I'm fairly certain he would have got a 2k at least. This nonsense dialogue that only spirit and nurse are viable needs to die, and quickly. The highest levels of play aren't even remotely comparable to public lobbies, particularly given that tournaments have all sorts of rules in place to stop killers and survivors bringing in OP items or just slugging everyone off the bat. Balancing around tournament play would be the absolute death of this game.
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Fellas, I think I've spotted a Freddy main!
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Sounds like your life is a tournament? Every single game for you is a tournament. You're living in a tournament?
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Killer is not easy, if you play low Tier killers you will see how difficult is for them to Chase survivors and hook them faster.
The problem in red ranks is the amount of boosted survivors that we can see, SWF players, carried by their teammates but with Green or Brown rank level.
If I get matched against this kind of players and I destroy them because my red rank is real.... That doesnt mean that killer is OP, that means survivors Need To Git Gud and improve their playstyle.
If I make 4k on Puzzle map with Legion against red rank survivors, killer is not too strong, that survivors are garbage.