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If Killer is easier than it's ever been, why aren't people playing them?

Moxie Member Posts: 806

I agree Killer is easier than previous years. Yet we still have a queue problem and lots of Killer apathy.




  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    IMO it goes like this:

    Low skill killer: You mostly face brown, yellow and some green. Depending on how much experience the better survivor have in your game it's gonna be hit or miss. You'll either destroy noob survivor but you'll also waste so much time on survivor that are more optimize than you.

    Mid skill killer: You face the raimbow. You destroy any survivor that still don't know how to properly run tiles & aren't optimized at all, you'll face some survivor of your skill and you'll have fun playing against them and you'll face some survivor that are above your league and you'll hate playing against them.

    Good killer: You face some survivor that are weaker than you so even if you have the shittiest killer with the shittiest perk & add-on you don't have trouble against them, some survivor are on your skill and there are some mindgame and they'll fight for their death. Then you have those highly optimize survivor that you have to outplay or wait for their mistake to down them & not get genrush in the meantime.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Could be many things.

    It's apparent from these forums that a significant portion of kills still find it too hard.

    Bored (my reason, I just don't find it very fun anymore. They haven't innovated chases at all, no new mechanics for both sides. Just new, mediocre killer powers that are existing killer hybrids)

    They don't like the pressure of being the 1 Vs the 4. This is pretty common, some players get performance anxiety when its all on them.

    And finally, you can't play killer with your friends. That's a big one. Game are more fun with friends that why SWF is so popular.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I think another point is that a lot of new/intermediate killers tend to get used to either a 3K+hatch or 4K/12 hooks. So when they reach the level where most games will end in a 2-3K at most it annoys them and makes them feel like they underperformed.

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited April 2021

    The feeling when you chase a red ranked survivor for a minute or two into a match, land a hit and then lose them pretty much ruins the game. 3 gens are done, you don't have a hook, and the game is essentially over unless you resort to camping and slugging which brings on the toxic responses. I also have thousands of killer hours at rank 1 and lately just have been playing survivor to not deal with it.

    Watching survivor streams confirms what I have posted earlier - the undying nerf really has hurt and totems are ignored now unless it's glowing. Devs need to give survivors another objective, or better yet, make all totems glow.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    For me it depend. If I get 2k vs survivor with meta perk that saved their ass multiples time while making many mistake I feel robbed, game get sweaty and I don't like this at all.

    IMO relying on kills is not a good way to look at how balance the game is. As survivor I can get kill with over 160s worth of gen progression & doing a gen on my own, a combined total of 75s+ chase and some heals here and there and I feel like it's a win/I did my part even if I died.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    If you're chasing a single player for 2 minutes at game start you're doing it wrong. Drop the chase immediately if they make it to a strong central building or pallet farm and find a new chase.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Dude bet you feel so smart now that you asked this question, you made it, you cracked the code, you uncovered the secret that bhvr is trying so hard to keep hidden from us, the truth is revealed

    ... or actually because survivor appeals more to casuals who just want to play with friends, instead of solo. Mindblowing right?

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Idk man even survivor is starting to become a snoozefest I really don't blame people for starting to leave the game

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    Steam charts kinda show the opposite. According to steam's community hub, more than 49k players are online now. Thing is this is exactly what the casual playerbase is made of: people who come, people who go

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I've been here since release with over 9,000 hours and devotion 35 maybe it's just me starting to get burned out is why I have this opinion, most of the people I used to play with have quit this game and moved on to something different

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Yeah, to me killer games just split into 2 variations:

    ezpz victory didn't sweat


    there was literally nothing I could do no matter how did I play.

    and since I don't play on spirit or nurse (first isn't just something I can pull off well and second is too frustrating), I usually play killers like Phead or Ghostface and these killers, well, they have certain limitations they can't surpass no matter how good you are.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    I only dont play killer cuz i cant play with my buddys ):

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    At a certain point, you realize you either have to play to win and not have fun, or play for fun and not win.

  • lkalin91
    lkalin91 Member Posts: 150

    the stress just isn't worth it, I don't even do killer dailies anymore, because I'm too tired of sweating every killer game, unlike survivor which I play (and escape) with half my attention diverted towards some tv show or youtube on the side.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    When I see T-bagging/Flashlight clicking I try to give them a bad experience by slugging the ######### out of them, tunneling and letting them bleed to death. My games haven't been sweaty at all lately so I had the chance to do it.

    I got one game today on Rancid Abattoir and I tunneled the person (ate the new DS) & one game on Suffocation Pit and they left 3 gen on the same side so I was able to come back with STBFL and ended up keeping the flashlight clicker for the end and letting him bleed to death. When I do that I just open a video on my second monitor and watch a youtube video while keeping an eye so he doesn't heal or get the hatch.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    They've had years to add game-wide mechanics and in that time we've had breakable walls and totems. They only want to add new gameplay in the form of perks or specific killers, most of which suck.

    It's stagnant, that's all.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Survivor difficulty scales directly with killer players skill aswell as the killer itself. That's all. A good looper will destroy a killer who can't play tiles or red stain mindgame, against a killer who can they'll have to start taking risks and trying to figure out what the killer is more likely to do.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    Some map are still very strong for survivor who know how to loop properly. Take the middle of Suffocation Pit for example. Plenty of T&L + Jungle Gym right beside each other and if they have good window placement you can't do ######### as killer regardless of your skill. A survivor at the highest skill will beat a killer at the highest skill because there are so many things a survivor can do to waste a killer's time while killer have so little to slow down survivor.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Well that's a bit of a faulty conclusion to draw from there being a dearth of killers. Just remember that DBD is an asymmetrical game and some people will prefer one side over the other by nothing but natural tendency. Sometimes, I feel like playing survivor, but I'm just a natural born killer (main). Some people are going to enjoy the experience, some won't

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674

    I can agree that playing killer has gotten to be an easier experience. My biggest gripe is having a ton of perks and still only some being useful. Many killers perks have no incentive to use them over better options and sure the devs are buffing other perks but its just not quick enough imo. There is no reason Monstrous Shrine has had no changes despite being a perk that barely anyone runs. Lots of perks can be good in theory if they had certain values buffed up, or cooldowns reduced to make them consistently usable throughout the match.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I honestly just play whatever role my Lord and Master, THC, tells me to play.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Because survivor will always be more popular due to its team factor, and ability to play with friends. The game needs to have a larger survivor population after all.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Playing killer is too much energy for not enough reward / fun.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    You're punished with teabagging and insults for losing so you play to win which is very stressful

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    When you lose as killer, you lose by yourself. When you lose as survivor, you have 3 others to share the pain? LOL!!

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    When playing as killer I always try to play nice cause I play both sides so I know how killer tactics can be unfum to play against. But oh boy, if during my first chase and first down I notice all remaining survivors running towards me I know something will go down...yeah SFW groups, protecting their fellow survivor by any means...which means breaking hooks, bodyblocking etc...I immediately know this will be a long match but if they decided to play this way, I'm going to play this way too.

    I'm rank 10 BTW and facing red ranks is just pain, even purple ones.

  • fatbabyslayer
    fatbabyslayer Member Posts: 105

    I like it, but the toxic survivors saying vulgar stuff in post chat makes me take 3 month long breaks every once in a while.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    The biggest reason is survivor players (and I say this as a red rank survivor main). I'm a new rank 10 killer and get purples and reds as my opponents all the time. It's not uncommon to get totally crushed by them and way too common that they are jerks about their win. Refuse to leave the trial and start making noise at the gates if I don't show up to watch their tbagging. Those people are simply not fun to play with.

    Killer is not easy, but getting to green ranks as killer is way too easy. I've ranked up from horrible matches, and then the game thinks I'm good and ready to face high rank survivors, which is not the case.

    As a survivor, there's time to chill a little bit. As a killer, no way.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Stomping is boring.

    Soloq might be really stacked against you but that just means you have always room to play better to have a chance to win.