Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

If you were to buff Trickster, what would you change about him?

Member Posts: 40
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been thinking about this for a while and I can't come up with any solution that wouldn't break him and make him OP, but I can't help but think in his current state he's a bit... underwhelming. He's the most fun addition to the roster in my opinion but if you find winning to be your main source of fun then you'll struggle to have any with him. I thought about changing the number of knives to injure, changing his movement speed, reducing recoil and/or spread when throwing loads of knives but they all seem like they'd make him too strong. 8 knives feels like too many but anything less feels too few. One thing I can say probably wouldn't break him is allowing him to save his secondary ability instead of having about 5 seconds to activate it. It's really annoying to feel forced to use it only for the survivor to run behind a wall after the wind-up. Or, it's really annoying when you don't activate it because you think "Ah hell, they'll get away when I start this" and then it turns out a few seconds later they're in a perfect spot for you to machine gun the living hell out of them. What would you change about him?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 2,785

    One thing that would make him much more tactical imo is making it so that laceration doesn't decrease. If that's too confusing or too strong, just make him 115 as he isnt strong enough to be a 110 killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    I personally would just rework the whole power entirely because at first, I thought he'd have a music related power that he can change occasionally each having several effects similar to Lucio from OW. I also think we have enough range killers IMO.

    As for now, maybe his main event shouldn't have that awkward period of time you "need" to activate it because it just pops up in quite inconvenient times and if you don't use it then... oh too bad. Survivors who have laceration should have a 5% debuff to gen repair/healing so it can help somewhat spread some hindrance to the survivor team.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Yeah, I think ScottJund said something similar about having trick knives basekit. It'd either be a very nice change or it'd have absolutely minimal effects on him. It'd definitely be more fun. But I can entirely get behind everything else you said, apart from maybe no slowdown while throwing knives, at that point he'd kinda just be Plague.

  • Member Posts: 2,184

    right now, I just want his power to be less clunky and hope they at least tone down or remove the recoil. I really hope they don't just abandon him and give him the legion treatment and make him generic + 115%.

  • Member Posts: 1,009
    edited April 2021

    Knives bounce on base kit, add on can be +1 bounce. It's fun and helps him in loops or around tall obstacles.

    Base Movement speed increased. He struggles with map pressure and his slower speed + slowdown when throwing knives makes him lose ground way too fast.

    Laceration meter takes way longer to start decreasing, being outside of chase for extended time will make it start decreasing faster.

    Main Event when earned is saved and can be activated on demand. It's honestly not that amazing to begin with, and the current use or lose aspect usually comes up when you can't use it anyway.

  • Member Posts: 494

    I got 15 ideas and all you got to do is play mix and match till something works (obviously some should go together depending other factors but whatever):

    1. Decrease laceration meter counter from 7/8 to 4/5. (fill/injure)
    2. Injuring a survivor through laceration begins their injured laceration meter at 1. (Likely add/change an addon to increase this)
    3. Injuring a survivor through laceration denies the survivor the invincibility and speed boost usually received.
    4. Laceration meter does not begin decaying until a 12 second action similar to mending is performed by the survivor that resets if interrupted. (Which mean will probably never decay during a chase)
    5. The Trickster is slowed to 4.2 m/s when holding and throwing knives outside of Main Event.
    6. Main Event no longer has a charging period before throwing knives.
    7. Main Event once achieved is no longer limited and can be activated at any time.
    8. Main Event allows the Trickster to move at 4.6 m/s and is not slowed by holding or throwing knives
    9. The Trickster does not automatically throw knives while using Main Event (Means they can also M1 while in Main Event if needed)
    10. Ending Main Event early retains any left over progress, decreasing the number of hit knives required for the next Main Event
    11. The Trickster is lit up by a spotlight when Main event is ready and while its active.
    12. Stunning the Trickster out of Main Event ends the power early allowing them to retain any left over progress.
    13. If stunned out of Main Event, the pallet is instantly broken and the Trickster recovers from the stun 20% faster.
    14. Knives ricochet once and any hits made grant additional blood points.
    15. Ricochet addon (Trick Knives) changed to ricochet twice and grant 100% extra laceration if hit by the second ricochet.
  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Basic bounce will make him not stronger but better. It will increase a skill ceiling and we will see bigger difference between good and bad tricksters. That would be a minor but good change.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I would remove his recoil and spread, decrease the knife speed, increase his movement speed while holding his knives, and make it so that laceration is mended away instead of passively decreasing.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    His power. He has 16 knives he can throw at the ground and teleport to them within his teror radius. When he teleports the last 2 knives thrown before the one he's teleporting to will spawn illusions with collision identical to trickster. Once teleport is finished the illusions wil disappear and trickster wont be able to move for about a second. Hitting survivor directly with 3 consecutive knives will spawn trickster's illusion at survivors location that will damage him for 1 health state and will follow that survivor for 10 seconds. While it's active trickster's terror radius is transfered to the illusion

  • Member Posts: 715
    edited April 2021

    Let's be real guys, BHVR would probably just tweak his power a little like you get an injure with 6 knives now and maybe move a little faster with his knives, That's it! Don't expect any substantial Power Rework. Remember these are the Devs that took 6 months for the Hud Layout Design and 2 Chapters to Adjust Blight's Vision.

    Edit: These are all the same guys who buffed Thanathophobia Slowdown Stack from 4% to 5%, Removed Oni's Flick but returned it and insisted the MMR system last year was alright until they removed it. Most of our feedback will probably be ignored anyways.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Woah. That's one hell of an idea. Probably too complex for them to implement, though. Sounds like it'd make him a very high skill floor AND ceiling killer rather than just "knifeknifeknifeknifeknifeknifeknife".

  • Member Posts: 40

    Was thinking the same thing, sadly. To think it took so long to change a camera perspective is just... ridiculous, to say the least and in the least vulgar way possible. I honestly like his power and was only hoping for some changes to make it stronger though, not a ground up rework already.

  • Member Posts: 757

    They seem to listen to us now.They wouldn't want to make us mad by adding a few tweaks CONSIDERING they faced huge negative backlash when he came out.

    I have hope.

  • Member Posts: 51

    -Base movement speed increased to 4.6m/s

    -Number of blades necessary to injure a survivor decreased from 8 to 7

    -Base kit ricochet (Trick blades now makes blade ricochet twice)

    -Laceration meter does not go down in chases when injured and never goes down when healthy.

    -No recoil

    -Slower throwing speed

    -Number of blades decreased from 70 to 60

    -No slowing down when throwing blades (fixed movement speed 3.96m/s)


    *Main event changes*


    -You can choose when to activate main event

    -Slightly faster throwing speed

    -Blades now cause 50% more damage

    -Slightly adds recoil

  • Member Posts: 117

    I'd change main event to be like Oni's power. Triggered on command and stops when it runs out or he picks up someone.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    1 ricochet as basekit (variation is the spice of life, interesting gameplay options, but more skill ceiling)

    Smoother transistioning from throwing knives to Main Event

    Main Event, once build up, is kept and can be used on command (if needed for balance it can be tweaked how long it takes to build it up)

    That is what I would start with.

  • Member Posts: 1,378
    edited April 2021

    I dont agree with this, seems completely opposite if what he is currently trying to be.

  • Member Posts: 479

    I don't think he needs any buff. He seems quite powerful and the few times I found him he got at least two kills.

  • Member Posts: 40

    ... I'm not gonna say this is bait, but... You can see why I'd think it is, considering the unanimous, community-wide opinion that he sucks. But, hey, if you find him to be ok then you can find him to be ok.

  • Member Posts: 737

    his presence in the game

  • Member Posts: 25

    I'd just make Trick Blades base kit and let us keep Main Event.

    Changing anything in his kit will make a big difference in most matches especially when add-ons are involved, he's underwhelming only because so many handicaps are piled up.

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