The censor
it doesnt work
I know theyre working on it and tweaking it, but there are so many thing censored that dont need to be and a ton that arent that should
- biggest example: if you censor the F-word then sh-word should be too but its not
meanwhile things like facecamp is but face camping isnt? not to mention tunnel and tunneling are ignored (which I dont understand why censor one big complaint if not the other) then websites twitch is fine but twitter and youtube arent why?
then there are random censors that make no sense. Idk even know whats being said half the time because of how oversensetive it is and theres no option to turn it off in an M rated game? like theres killing and stuff in T rated games so is that what theyre going for? a lower rating? whats the point of forcing it?
I understand racial slurs or homophobic stuff or things of that nature but when you censor the game and game mechanics I.E. Crossplay being censored it gets to the point of being more annoying than helpful. (and yes just the word cross is censored too but I dont understand that if theyre not gonna censor any other religious tendency type words like hell and damned)
NOTE: this was just to vent publicly about my frustrations (which Ive chatted in post game with people about and we're more confused than anything else) this is not to start debate or have people yell at me. Id rather everyone ignore this post like you all do with 95% of my other posts
You are playing an 18+ game. You are by no means whatsoever considered able to make your own decisions about language and what to accept. You need a perverted political correctness bot software to make those decisions for you and protect your eggshell of an ego.
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Yes, "face camp" is really censored. This is beyond ridiculous and the person is charge of the integration of this garbage fire of a feature needs to be fired with extreme prejudice.
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The "Jin" part of "Yun Jin" is also censored.
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*laughs in console*
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That's utterly insane!
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Yeahhh apparently things like Myers, Reddit, and Crossplay are censored too. It makes no sense tbh. I thought they would stick with serious stuff like slurs and threats, not petty insults and random words.
It's like a Roblox chat filter.
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what are you even talking about? ego? did you just not read it or is this a joke I dont understand?
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pretty sure this was sarcasm my dude
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I am very VERY bad at picking up sarcasm so I literally had no idea
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Disable post game chat altogether unless you actively choose to enter it tbh.