Fix for SWF without penalizing Solo players

In my experience one of the biggest issues with SWF groups is that they communicate the location of the killer in a game that was not intended to have that level of communication.

This removes the killers ability to hunt effectively a lot of the time, as advanced knowledge of where the killer is or where they're headed makes it really easy for the survivors to evade, rescue, or be secure in sitting on a Gen.

My proposed solution:

Any time the killer is in a chase with a survivor who is part of a SWF group, ALL other SWF members have their aura revealed to the killer. This persists 5 seconds after the chase ends. Note this would not reveal the aura of the person you are chasing, so they'd still be able to break LOS and escape.

This way, a solo player being chased doesn't suffer any other disadvantage, and the killer gets the same level of information that the SWF groups are able to share.



  • Dramzar_Myers
    Dramzar_Myers Member Posts: 131
    Nice idea
  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    Thanks, A few hours on here and no one hating on it, maybe the Devs will actually listen.

  • Whispers23
    Whispers23 Member Posts: 111

    Amazing idea.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Except anything that gets the rest of the survivors killed faster means the solo is going to have a hatch game every time. No thanks - even if they are swf, I'd rather not have the other survivors killed out from under me faster.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    The only issue I foresee is if you're chasing a SWF and you see that two of the others are on a Gen, thus you abandon chase and rush to interrupt those peeps instead. The notion you could argue is that they might only be on that Gen cause they know you're chasing their friend, but it still affects the game in a way that is very unintended. It would also somewhat invalidate certain perks and Killers as you wouldn't need to track people as efficiently at all, you'd be able to tell where at least two people are so long as you're in a chase with one of them. So while a fair idea, one that does make sense given that the SWF's know where you are at all times since they've got a friend telling them via voice, it still can break the game in unintended ways.

    I say this as a Killer main who more often than not has very toxic experiences from SWF's, which is quite inane when they're pretty much set to win with their enormous advantage yet feel that calling me hateful things and t-bagging at every opportunity is the most fulfilling experience. Sometimes I fear for humanity if these people are the norm...

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    @Aerys said:
    The only issue I foresee is if you're chasing a SWF and you see that two of the others are on a Gen, thus you abandon chase and rush to interrupt those peeps instead. The notion you could argue is that they might only be on that Gen cause they know you're chasing their friend, but it still affects the game in a way that is very unintended. It would also somewhat invalidate certain perks and Killers as you wouldn't need to track people as efficiently at all, you'd be able to tell where at least two people are so long as you're in a chase with one of them. So while a fair idea, one that does make sense given that the SWF's know where you are at all times since they've got a friend telling them via voice, it still can break the game in unintended ways.

    I say this as a Killer main who more often than not has very toxic experiences from SWF's, which is quite inane when they're pretty much set to win with their enormous advantage yet feel that calling me hateful things and t-bagging at every opportunity is the most fulfilling experience. Sometimes I fear for humanity if these people are the norm...

    I think I mostly agree with the outcome of what you're saying it does, but I don't think it breaks the game, I think it changes the game. It removes some of the advantage that SWF players have and makes it a bit more balanced for the killer.

    Our job as a killer is to apply pressure to the survivors, and create a tense environment to make the game fun for both sides.

    SWF groups already invalidate a lot of killers and perks which rely on mind games or stealth. Take Insidious, you can hook someone, hide behind a corner, get rid of the heartbeat, and ambush an altruistic Survivor. I know Survivors don't like camping, but I don't consider that Camping, I think thats more Mind games. SWF groups negate that tactic, as their buddy is just on mic letting them Know I'm there.

    Its not great, but its one of the only ideas I had other than putting SWF in their own queue, which people always say won't happen cause no one would chose to play against them.

    My feelings, is that if they're broken enough that no one wants to play against them, why are they making us play against them?

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    And I do agree with you, something definitely needs to be done, I just can't help feeling that it'd change the game for the worst. I had recommended awhile back that each SWF member should have their repair speed debuffed by 15/20/25% for 2/3/4, while leaving the solo players at their natural pace. This isn't the best solution I admit but it's one that leaves the game intact while still giving the Killer more time to do their job. I kind of think that should be applied in general atm though lol. But apparently devs have said they don't wish to increase Gen time since it'd be boring, and that may very well be true too.

    I think the best solution is to just give the Killer bonus BP for going against SWF's and to mark them clearly in the lobby, if someone doesn't want to play against them they don't need to and can dodge. As for balancing the game that needs to take place in a separate way from SWF's and in doing so I think they too will be balanced out a bit.

  • milo77727
    milo77727 Member Posts: 44
    I think this would just ruin part of the game. I'm a survivor main (who plays killer too) and I usually play with one other person as survivor because I'm bad at running the killer around and hes bad at not being noticed. We balance each other out but we lose a lot of games too. Even when we have a 4 man group we lose just as much as we win because we all have our strengths and weaknesses. If killer can see where others are during a chase it promote tunneling injured survivors and going after weaker players. My friend usually runs the killer around while I do gens and if the killer sees my aura at a gen nearby then he goes after me. I get put on hook and another player unhooks me. If the killer is chasing my friend during that unhook the killer now sees me running away and getting healed. He now runs for me again because I'm weak and injured. It's a good idea if it didnt make current issues worse as well.
    Also as killer I like going against swf (even if I'm terrible) because that means it will be a challenge. People say swf have the advantage because of their teamwork but more often than not it's because the killer gets stuck on one survivor too long or forgets anything other than the goal to sacrifice. Swf have a small advantage in comparison to a killer who knows not to do that.