Add Z walls to inner map deadzones.

Z walls suffer along the edges of the maps.
Im tired of deadzones.
Thoughts on more Z walls, Solo L or T walls, and filler pallets to the inner regions of maps instead of deadzones or the same constantly safe loops? Z walls are so lonely along the edges and need the love
More Z-Walls? And have the strongest loop in the game be more prevalent?
It's like you dont want killers to stand a chance!!
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True. Shame you've seen through my elaborate ruse
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I've been hoping that Z walls would come into the map for a while. They're actually a really cool tile, and I think if you made them just slightly bigger, they could have some very interesting impacts on gameplay and help to keep things a little more fresh.
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Definitely! Or at least put them somewhere but purely the edges of the map
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Are z walls really that strong?
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Agreed. It's a shame to see that they're rendered entirely useless in the games current state. While I think they're too small and one sided at the moment, I think with an increase to the size of the tile it could become a really cool new addition to the gameplay loop.
Hopefully the devs stop being so shy towards it and give this Z wall idea a shot.
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Definitely. I hope we seem them get love by the devs
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Infinite power to those who know their true uses :D
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The only true infinite that remains in the game
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Seriously? They're infinites?
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Absolutely OP!! You can run a killer for so long the window never blocks, they're so unbelievably OP and have to be nerfed ASAP!!
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I got ran for 12 minutes on a Z wall once. I shudder everytime I see one.
God have mercy on any poor soul who has to chase a survivor at a Z wall
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Well then the devs better get rid of them
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what the heck is a z-wall? literally have been playing for 3 years and never heard anyone refer to this imaginary tile
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So you know around the edge of the map, there's a tile that looks like this:
(Yes I spend 5 seconds doing this)
And from the top it looks like this:
That's the Z-wall, getting it's name from the fact it looks like a- you guessed it- Z. Just like how L-T walls got their names from looking like an L and a T.
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ohhhhhh, the useless thing that dumb people get looped at, gotcha.
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Dumb people?? They're an infinite loop!! They're really op!
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Woah woah woah, no need to call people dumb for being looped at an OP infinite
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Upvote you receive. Good idea.