How is Solo Experince?

That is! Solo survivors have really bad games those days...
I only play solo survivor, it's a mixed bag you either get potatoes or people who sort of know what they're doing.
If the killer is red rank it's GG (I'm only a green rank).
Sometimes tempted to lobby dodge if the other survivors are Claudette/Blendette, once met a rank 4 Blendette with 2K hours that played like a rank 20. 🙄(no offence to Claudette mains)
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I am playing with both roles. Killer mode can be hard sometimes (against really good survivors or SWF) but solo surv is hard most of times. I am playing this game for years. Solo surv exp lives worst days ever.
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Yeah solo survivor is the hardest game mode lol, I'm never optimistic when playing survivor.
Teammates usually leave you to die on first hook while they hide in the corner of the map, or unhook you with the killer following them.. I wouldn't mind if the queue times were fast, but it takes ages to get into the next match 😓
When playing killer you go against so optimized survivors, I wish my solo teammates were like them 😅
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I can only second that. I'm playing this game since its release and killer can be frustrating, but only if you play vs a decent, coordinated SWF team. During other games I usually 3k-4k. In many games survivors only manage to repair 1-2 gens at most.
Solo, on the other hand, is horrible in 80-85% of all games. And it's probably not gonna change in the near future because ... who cares. That's why I barely play DBD anymore, DEVs don't respect their playerbase.
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I can confirm I swear a lot on solo Experience. I can’t even tell you how many times I die on first hook after doing most of the work and I see people coming out of the lockers 😂😂
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Yep, Solo Survivor is the hardest mode. Not to mention the wait times are bad..
I can't count the amount of times I've been left to die on first hook while the others urban evade around the map, or when a teammate tries to unhook whilst the killer is following...
With killer I go against really good survivors, it's like why can't I have these teammates. xD
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This is word by word my experience.
Solo survivor is borderline unplayable. If the killer is somewhat experienced (anything that isn't yellow rank or worse) it's a lost game already. People don't know what they're doing, they're put in purple-red ranks WAY too fast and WAY too early because they got carried by friends, keys, just crouching + hatch, and as I said, a really broken rank system. It's very often that I will get chased for a good minute or 2 before I go down, but that literally doesn't matter and nobody makes use of it. I have matches in which I will do 3 gens, unhook everyone, get chased, break Ruin, break NOED, literally EVERYTHING by myself, then I just can't help but go down and get hooked, and I've seen how 3 people look at me. On the hook. From the moment I get hooked throughout the whole hook sacrifice bar and struggle phase until I die. They still stand there looking at me. They sometimes don't even open the gate. They just crouch.
That's solo survivor in red ranks for you.
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That is so normal for solo. Oki i can understand when someone get hook you can hide in locker for seconds. Because of counter BBQ. But some people hiding all game :( What is fun with that. And no they are not yellow baby survivors
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I’m in purple ranks I found the babies did it less 😂😂
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Yeah, ranking need some tuning. In fact all DEVs have to do is fix the SWF/Solo gap and tune the ranking system. Right now you rank up mostly depending on how often you play, skill plays a secondary role. And the severity of the SWF/Solo gap is denied by the DEVs, although it's certainly the biggest balance issue in the game and the community is pointing it out for years already.
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Solo queue is fine if you don't care about the outcome of your matches and you play to make your own fun and not to win.
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Killer is fine if you don't care about kills then? Ofc you will care about escape and win. I mean ofc you will not win always and lose too but solo survivors are like easy sacrifices those days. Game is hell for solo and i dont know how devs will fix and i dont know are they care or not
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And that's the problem. Why should certain players be robbed of a chance to actually win (escape/kill) and be forced to seek for other ways to have fun in the game. I can't imagine the same with killers: "in most of the games you won't kill anyone, but you have to learn to live with it and find other ways to have fun in the game". That's not how you balance a game and it shouldn't be this way.
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Well that's some strong double standards right there.
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The majority of my hours are solo and while it's usually fine it can be bloody annoying when you get a useless team.
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How is the solo experience in this game?
There is a way to make the game more fun for everyone, and I try to follow that rule. It is don't be an #########. Meaning don't drop the killer on other players, lead the killer away from those doing gens, or someone on the hook. And try save that person on the hook before they get to the second stage. It is also about not being an ######### to the killer, there is no need to use exploits to try last longer or win.
Most of the games I play are fun, some of the best ones are thrilling. The frustrating games involve players who seem to know how to play the game but are playing for reasons I don't know, like to annoy the killer or troll other survivors, I have found that last one to be rare. I don't mind losing if I am teamed with new players, we were all new once and it is a tricky game to learn. In fact I'm still learning all the time in it.
Overall solo is enjoyable, games that I am teamed with other solo survivors who play similar to me, as in get the gens done and try get everyone out alive, those games stand out. Even against really good killers who pretty much massacre the whole team promptly, there is nothing you can do when you are outplayed, perhaps try and figure out mistakes you can improve on.
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Playing both roles, I actually enjoy it more than co-op! On comms just defeats any sense of immersion for me and I'd rather be able to hear where the killer is coming from, as opposed to some uninterested voice nattering away like they think they're in Special Forces or whiny sods screeching over comms like a spoilt brat demanding dessert before the main course.
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Kindered is must have it perk for solo survivors if they don't want to dye on first hook. Other survivors can see killer and what other two " friends" doing. That perk save it your live in solo mode.
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That's why it should be base kit.
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Where did I say it was fine? You 3 just missed the point completely and wanted to go straight to an argument but whatever. If you go into solo Q survivor without the intention to win and you focus on practicing chases etc, you'll have a better time than playing purely to win because relying on random people in an online game is always a dice roll. This statement applies to literally every team based multiplayer game on the planet and there's no real way to make it better.
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I play killer and survivor in equal measure. When I go into the game as a survivor, I'm 90% solo.
It's a mixed bag of team mates. The particularly bad ones for me are the following:
1. hatchcamper: I saved you from the hook several times, took the killer from you and tore generators. I've been hooked maybe once, usually it's the first hook you let me die on. You get out of the closet while I'm hanging there and point for me to let me die while the killer is looking for you on the other side of the map. You disappear back into the closet and sit this out until I die. Thx 4 the fish!
2nd Urban Evasion user: no idea what you do the whole game. Generators trigger allergic reactions in you, hunts do though. Your teammate is hooked with Kindred? That's not your problem, you crawl around on the edge of the map, if you get hit with sloppy butcher you heal yourself with selfcare in the corner. Why you play this game is a mystery to me.
3. selfcare users: see point 2 - but at least they try to save you again and don't avoid every chase or the gens. But they waste time and instead of healing themselves, they should have made two totems.
4. flashlight clicker: It's already absolutely annoying as a killer, but be sure, if you run behind me clicking because I should heal you, then you can wait a long time. I'm also sure I know what I'm doing and where the next generator is, you don't have to run after me like a clicking monkey because I don't play the way you want me to. I may also not want to heal you under the hook right now because the killer is running towards us right now?
5. 2s or 3s SWF: Yeah, what can I say? You help each other and I get into the second hook phase after busting my butt for you before? Better not get me down, because the rest of the game I'm going to be the best Antimate you've ever had.
6th Farmer: The bad version. You farm me right in front of the killer and don't even take a hit? When is the option finally coming that you can kick your savior in the face and refuse to tick off? XD
TLDR: It's really mixed, but those are so common stereotypes that you see every day. Not to mention that sometimes you just get matched with bad players that you have to protect a little bit and you just do the work for them because they haven't been playing that long. They are still preferable to me than the 6 guys up there, because they want, but do not know - yet - how.
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You know your in for a bad game when
First 15 seconds killer hits survivor, 3 seconds later killer downs survivor.
lf l had a dollar for everytime this has happened in solo, l would be saying “move over bill gates, there is a new sheriff in town”. You
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But there's ways. People are constantly giving ideas. Like Kindred as base kit. And more ideas along those lines. Make it perfect? no way. Make it better? absolutely.
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I must admit that, sometimes, I am the farmer. But I am a farmer with BT and WGLF and I will take the hit.
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And 5 seconds later the hooked survivor commits suicide on the hook, the game ends with no gens done.
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I have nothing against it, but if such a Meghead (or insert any other name here) comes running towards me with the killer right behind him, I know in advance that this will end quite stupidly for me. XD
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Or they 2 SWF. And him/her partner trying save before killer leave. Congrlations, you lost 2 survivors with 5 gens.
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Yeah, I know exactly how that feeling is XD. I got farmed off the hook many times, most of them by players that didn't have BT. It feels bad.
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The biggest problem with Solo Survivor is you are not 4 v 1, you are more likely 3 v 2, or if you're really unlucky 2 v 3 (survivor/killer sided) because your survivor teammates are sometimes actually MORE of a threat to you than the killer is.
Leading the killer to you, failing skill checks, not helping, healing when they should be unhooking, not bothering to unhook at all, wasting pallets, running around aimlessly - all of this happens constantly in Solo Queue.
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I like solo queue. No obligations.
I just go for WGLF stacks for the points though, that's my win condition.
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Same. 4 WGLF stacks truly is a victory.
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I always have Kindred with me in solo, rarely BT, because I also take Iron Will, Detectives Hunch and Lithe with me. I also save without, but I make sure that I either don't bring the killer with me or that I take the killer with me. I manage a clean hook rescue 90% of the time.
But I have to tell you that the Hatch campers annoy me the most. XD
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My survivor build is: BT, Spirnt Burst, Adrenaline and WGLF. It is not the best build out there, but it works.
Ah, don't even get me started on Hatch campers. I've lost count of how many times I had to kill myself because it was obvious that they were not going to save me.
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ngl I just kill myself anyways so they can get hatch or have a shot at it. Unless I know they have BT and the killer is being awfully generous going super far from the hook which is rare.
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Och, I hit the button and survive as long as I can and sit in front of the screen, firing at the killer so that he still gets the camper in time, when he finally goes down, I can die in peace. XD
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I am not seeing camper killers so much actually. I dont remember when i see last time one of them.
I have that build for camper killers but i am not using this build because camping is not common.
Deliverance, DS, BT and DH
I am saving my teammate with BT. And then saving myself with Deliverance. DS saves me from second hook and gives me loop chance. And then we are starting dance with killer. So many times i made them DC.
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TBF he's playing it time when survivors are terrible. Solo exp in right time is fine, but killer is miserable
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Not gonna lie, I usually kill myself to give the last guy a chance to escape. It is rare for a killer to camp me when there is only 2 survivors left, they usually just go find the hatch, so I don't see why I shouldn't help the last guy escape.
Sometimes I run a similar build with BT and Deliverance, but only because of the "Not Today" achievement.
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No, this is the behavior I exhibit with Hatch campers. XD This is reserved exclusively for them.
If my mates have played normally, then I don't begrudge everyone the Hatch. <3
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I see. To be honest, this is the correct thing to do, but I really don't mind giving Hatch campers a chance.
Like that one Jake a few days ago, camping the Hatch instead of helping me or repairing the last gen. I killed myself on hook, and he got out.
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Yes but so many times that build useless because not so much campers here. Because camping is worst tactic. You are losing game. Killers are not using usually, maybe only in egc. Because of that i am not using Deliverance and BT anymore. Also DS.
PT, Adrenaline, Spirint Burst and Iron Will good perks for me. Those days i am using this build.
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SOLO QUE is in just 2 words: "######### impossible". Totally unfair and unbalanced. 9 out of 10 matches killers gets 4k easy. Or 3 kills at least. If killer is more or less good, survivors dont even reach ending phase.
Solo ques MUST BE BUFFED in order to get a more tied, funny and balanced game experience. I dont care if i die on game, but im tired of not having even a chance.
Solo ques should be buffed. For example, all of them starting with FAMILY extra perk. Because is impossible to coordinate with teammates to have a chance.
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I nearly only play duo or more these days (yes, I finally gave in and found some people for SWF). Solo is HORRIBLE. Even duo is.
I rather play killer when I am solo than survivor.
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Solo Q is killer!
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If u kill the 4 players ez pz doesnt mean game is great. Is like phising in a barrel. Game is exciting when the game is paired and a challenge for both parts.
Solo que must be revised and buff, because is horrible to play.
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It's impossible to win as solo queue unless the killer is brain dead. Killers are so overpowered only a coordinated sweat team can win. Survivors nerfed too much, killers buffed too much.
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Its a living gambling hell
you either get survivors with 2 brain cells or complete potatoes
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Since I stopped to use BT, I do better unhook as well. Before, I used to unhook in front of the Killer because I knew Endurance will do its job.
The Killer tunneled the unhooked one because of me, or they downed me instead and I basically traded hook, which doesn't help the team at all.
Now, I got safe unhook, I even have time to heal, because I've learnt to manage my time. And if needed (like Killer staying near the hook), taking the aggro so the Killer follows me and someone else get the save.
BT is awesome tho.
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Yes, I understand this, and have often stated that my preference is for a fun interactive game over arbitrary numbers of kills or escapes.
I was just making a joke. Honestly, I meant playing killer was the best solo experience.
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Terrible, I always get sweaty rank 1 Tinkerer + Ruin Bubbas along with potato teammates.