Can I get reported for SWF

Literally just went against a SUPER-hateful Legion who, upon me asking 'what did I ever do to you?', said 'you guys are OBVIOUSLY SWF. Your friends lists are private and you joined at the same time!'.

He said we were cheaters, how we shouldn't be playing together, how we weren't allowed to communicate (through outside resources, like discord? makes no sense. But, I was playing with my brother? We live together? tf was I to do?). He ended with 'enjoy the reports <3' and I wanna tear my hair out.

I have done nothing wrong. I did nothing to antagonize this player, besides literally playing the game. I reported him, but if he also reported me... My report actually makes sense (was a jerk, insulted and swore at us, general jackhole), but does his carry any weight? Seriously, I did nothing wrong. SWF exists for a reason.



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