Can I get reported for SWF

Literally just went against a SUPER-hateful Legion who, upon me asking 'what did I ever do to you?', said 'you guys are OBVIOUSLY SWF. Your friends lists are private and you joined at the same time!'.
He said we were cheaters, how we shouldn't be playing together, how we weren't allowed to communicate (through outside resources, like discord? makes no sense. But, I was playing with my brother? We live together? tf was I to do?). He ended with 'enjoy the reports <3' and I wanna tear my hair out.
I have done nothing wrong. I did nothing to antagonize this player, besides literally playing the game. I reported him, but if he also reported me... My report actually makes sense (was a jerk, insulted and swore at us, general jackhole), but does his carry any weight? Seriously, I did nothing wrong. SWF exists for a reason.
What? No. It's obvious that you won't get in trouble for SWF.
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No, this report will do absolutely nothing. Using an in-game feature intended and supported by the developers will not get you banned, nor will having a conversation with someone you live with or through other apps like Discord.
You're in the clear and did nothing wrong, this Legion player just needs to get over themselves.
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Simple answer is no.
That killer just sounds upset that you guys are playing together, and is thinks that SWF is cheating even though its a option in the game.
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Not gonna lie. I snorted and laughed when I read the title lol. Nah, you're fine but it still makes me laugh when I see people still think SWFs isn't allowed lol.
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He has a point about Discord, since it would be breaking the rules, if the Devs hadn't literally said it was okay and set up multiple SWF discord chats in their official Discord server.
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You can get reported for anything.
Doesn't mean its taken seriously.
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Thank you all. I figured as much, but it's a relief to hear from other people.
I know, right?! I was baffled by this poor dude, who honest to the Entity thought that I was breaking the rules!
Nice to know, about Discord specifically. I'll keep that in mind in case I use it in the future! Thank you!
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You dont get banned for playing a game mode the devs put in the game.
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No, but remember that every time you load up with a 4 man squad, that is potentially one more killer that quits the game.
SWF is not fun to play against and the game feels different if not bad to play in as the killer. Even when you win it was probably not a fun experience.
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It was just the two of us.. And because the Legion was such a jerk, I think he got a 4k (while slugging, camping, hitting us on hook, etc.). Sorry, but just because we happen to be playing together.. it gives you no right reason to be rude. 'Not a fun experience', for sure... :I I'm sure that Legion, on the other hand, had a blast.
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As someone who plays killer and would rather go against a SWF team, I have to disagree.
Not everyone finds playing against SWF not fun.
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You do you. but we have a distinct lack of killer players for a reason.
Just spend a day checking survivor profiles and discover how many of them don't even have the 1000 kills achievement or killer past rank 10.
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In all honesty, I think the biggest factor behind killer numbers not being super high is because it's a solo experience. It's not something you can enjoy with friends or other people, and that is a massive part of almost every multiplayer game nowadays.
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SWF is in the game, use it. Anything in the game is fair game in my book.
Anybody who calls SWF cheating needs to either step up and deal with it or go home.
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Of course it was a legion (joke)
Nah, do SWF if you want to do SWF. You can't get banned for it.
I agree immensely with this;
I like playing killer sometimes, but I mainly play as survivor with my friends. I only solo queue insanely infrequently, and it's because the experience of sharing the game with someone you know is just wayyyy better. I'd much rather play a game with a friend where we talk about the killer, share our moves and laugh about what happens, and then die and die a glorious death than one where I just stare silently at my PC doing 3 gens and leaving.
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No, you can't.
Rule of thumb: you won't be banned in any game as long as you don't act like a dick, don't cheat, and don't use third-party programs to "assist" you in playing (bots, scripts, macros, and the like).
And before someone replies with "actually, you can use [insert thing I mentioned here] in games X, Y, and Z", look up what "rule of thumb" means.
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You can't get banned for playing SWF, is legit, not Fair but legit.
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As it has been answered already multiple times, I'm locking this. No, you can't be banned for being in a SWF, even if someone reports you. It's not a bannable offense.
You can read here more for bannable offenses: