Please stop buffing killers... Better yet, revert the buffs
Just a reminder to everyone, be respectful and civil when commenting. There is no need to insult other users. Thank you.
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Better yet, just make SWF a separate thing entirely for private matches. I'm so sick of these toxic losers who want to cry and complain and harass every solo and killer player in the game.
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I'm not "beating myself off", I'm just providing exactly what you asked for when you claimed killer isn't as easy as I say it is and these things couldn't be done. I had no intention of recording gameplay or posting any videos until you and others trolled me saying I wasn't rank 1, couldn't dominate as Pig, couldn't dominate as Trapper, couldn't dominate as Trickster or get his adept, couldn't dominate without using the killer's ability or strong perks. The videos only exist as evidence that what I said is true because you and others asked for them as evidence of my claims.
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No, we asked for videos of your play because you were posting stats about how easy killer is without any kind of skill. No one asked about whether or not you were rank 1, you yourself said you've been playing at yellow/green ranks & that you haven't played killer for a while as evidence that killer is easy to pick up--then you started talking about what a good killer you are.
Honestly, dude, you really need to think about what you're saying, because here's a summary:
'I'm a high skill killer, everyone else is a low skill killer that's why they struggle at killer. But killer is a role that doesn't require skill and an unskilled player can easily dominate over high skill survivors. If your experience is different, then you're just a low skill player."
Do you see the cognitive dissonance? Everything you're saying contradicts itself.
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You're straight up putting words in my mouth. I never said that "everyone else is a low skill killer", I said that low skill killers can reach red ranks now because of all the buffs.
"But killer is a role that doesn't require skill and an unskilled player can easily dominate over high skill survivors" <-- This part I will agree with. I don't see how that's cognitive dissonance, though. (I question whether the term even means what you think it means; cognitive dissonance would be a feeling that I experience, not some kind of logical error in my argument.)
Yes, killer right now does not require much skill due to all the buffs, so much so that it's easy for killers who make a lot of mistakes (and whom I would therefore consider unskilled) are able to dominate even over survivors who play well. Obviously, this phenomenon would also include killers who are more skilled/experienced and were already doing well at killer before all the buffs (including myself, as well as many others, probably including this Sluzzy guy I keep hearing about), and now the scale is titled so much in their favor that those players, in addition to dominating games against high-skill survivors, are even able to do so while using suboptimal killers, perks, and items. What exactly is the error in what I've stated here?
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I clearly used the term loosely to point out your contradictory beliefs.
You're straight up putting words in my mouth. I never said that "everyone else is a low skill killer", I said that low skill killers can reach red ranks now because of all the buffs.
No, you insulted multiple people who said they had different experiences by claiming that they were low skill players & that's why they weren't dominating--while simultaneously saying there's no skill to playing killer.
Yes, killer right now does not require much skill due to all the buffs, so much so that it's easy for killers who make a lot of mistakes (and whom I would therefore consider unskilled) are able to dominate even over survivors who play well. Obviously, this phenomenon would also include killers who are more skilled/experienced and were already doing well at killer before all the buffs (including myself, as well as many others, probably including this Sluzzy guy I keep hearing about), and now the scale is titled so much in their favor that those players, in addition to dominating games against high-skill survivors, are even able to do so while using suboptimal killers, perks, and items. What exactly is the error in what I've stated here?
The error in your thinking is that you're honestly just wrong. If survivors are high skill, they'll usually pretty easily dominate over a killer that's of equal or lesser skill than them. It sucks, but good survivors playing optimally will almost always win. The game is designed around that. Optimal teamwork will always beat the solo player. Survivors with a lot of experience/skill know how to waste time, and they know how to capitalize on the time that their teammates are buying them.
You keep posting videos and stats and you seem to not realize that the fact that you have played a lot of killer in the past is what's impacting your view. If you're a "high skill" killer and you're dominating your matches then that's because you're probably better than the survivors that you're being matched against. You keep mentioning that you're playing with "handicaps" but that doesn't matter--the fundamentals of killer is the same across perks and across the killer you're playing. If you have skill and experience at killer then you know how to run tiles, you know how to predict survivor movement, that's 99% of playing killer well. Now, if you're put against survivors that are actually your level or better, then you're going to struggle in the same way that other people have described in their own games.
You've mentioned that you and your friends have been struggling in matches lately--and honestly? You're probably just not as good at survivor as you think you are. If you're struggling and you're getting frustrated in your matches by low skill killer plays (like camping, tunneling), then you probably need to learn the counters against those things. You're not playing perfectly and losing anyway. You're making mistakes, even if you don't know about them.
Now because I know you're going to say that I don't know what I'm talking about: I've been both a rank 1 survivor and a rank 1 killer. And I lose games all the time on both survivor and killer, but I can usually pinpoint the mistakes that I've made pretty easily in a match that lead to my loss. There's almost always a point in a match where you made a mistake and the enemy team capitalized on it. You need to start looking for that moment, rather than assuming you/survivors 'played perfectly.'
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Nah I actually don't think I'm very good at survivor at all. Only reason I do decent at it is I know how to spot a bad killer. I really have very little interest in playing survivor other than when friends want to play together, which obviously is only possible on survivor.
I've only ever really enjoyed playing this game as killer and that was before all the buffs. Now it's just boring to me. As I've said, the videos were not to "brag", they were to disprove all the trolls claiming that I'm "probably a survivor main just trying to get killers nerfed", etc. Or which one was yours? That I couldn't get Trickster adept even though I did it on my first try? I'd say they were pretty effective since most everyone has stopped with the stupid accusations and insults. It's really just you left.
The whole point of this post was because I want the devs to bring back the way killer used to be which IMO was way more fun and actually challenging. Because I want to play killer and actually have fun doing it, not because I want to keep playing survivor and have it be easier.
But apparently that opinion is limited to me and whoever Sluzzy is. Or maybe there are just a bunch of killer mains desperately clinging to their overpoweredness because they love winning even when it's not fair. I suppose only the devs can say what the real numbers are, but for me the killer win rate is way too high right now for the game to be fun at all. More often than not I just feel bad for the survivors I play against since 90% of them have no chance of winning.
So fine, you win. Keep your killer buffs, keep beating up helpless survivors if that's fun for you (or don't, I guess, since apparently so many people on this forum still struggle with killer even after all the buffs) and I'll just F back off to some other game that's actually challenging and not completely one-sided. DBD just isn't fun anymore. RIP
Post edited by Taijitu on0 -
Okay, have fun. Good luck in your next game.
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I still think the main reason it is "easier" to do well as Killer is that the emblem system currently allows bad Survivors to climb the ranks too easily, which means that bad Killers will run into bad Survivors and win.
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Queue times were only bad (and are still only bad) for survivors.
Gee, I wonder why.
Because of people like the OP who are constantly calling for killers to be worse and worse and less desirable to play for a majority of the playerbase.
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Playing solo is the least desirable gamemode in DBD, period. There's No incentive, your odds of earning less than 10k BP is staggering. Its not about surviving, its about quality of the game. I'd like at least 1-2 hooks per game before I die. Does that happen? 80% of the time it does not. Killer sits there or proxy camps then tunnels off the hook. Why the HELL should I be required to take DS every single freaking game? I'm so sick of the garbage Meta BHVR forces on us. And the killer base doesn't help anything. But I guess let me take Boring Strike because I know it's going to get used due to a bunch of toxic muppets from both sides of the field.
I have 2 options playing Survivor according to killer mains like yourself. Don't play or play SWF with comms and completely stomp most killers. There is ZERO(0, nada, none, zilch) challenge in playing SWF.
"huehue dont get caught first" Bruh, BHVR has literally made it so you HAVE to get into chases. There is NO actual stealth category. You earn nothing unless you throw yourself at the killer or hold M1 for 99% of the trial. If i get a game where the mf isn't tunneling like he's digging to China, I'm absolutely shocked to the point Im at a loss of how to react. Hell, i've readily bought DLC for players who werent sacks of hot toxic garbage.
You basically said its OP and people like OP's fault survivors have a high queue time? Whatcha smokin' there bro? It couldnt have anything to do with the huge drops in pbase because people are sick of BHVR's priorities? Nah that couldn't be it. How absolutely atrocious the coding for maps are, the constant invisible barriers, couldn't be the huge amount of bugs, some in game for years(STILL). No no, it's people like OP making the queue times high. The fact you wouldn't even touch on anything else I said besides queue times says a lot. gg tho.
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I'd touch the rest of what you said if it wasn't an incoherent rant. I picked out something direct and obvious.
I'm also not a killer main, I play both sides, at red ranks, thanks. Do you play killer at red ranks?
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I might have very few posts but i have well over 4k hours in DBD since 2016. And Oooh boy do i.
None of it was incoherent. You just have zero answer.
lemme TL;DR it for you. Solo queue is the worst game mode. You obviously play SWF when you play Survivor and you probably main Spirit as killer, because there is no balance to the game. And he's actually right. Instead of nerfing everything into No Fun for killers, do something to incentivize playing Solo. SWF is literally the cancer of this game and I can honestly say I play survivor way more than I play killer. Yet I'm on most killers side.... Why? Because they have to introduce more and more crap in a woeful attempt to kneecap SWF, which is an actual disembowelment of Solo Queue, because Comms cannot be countered. Period.
End "Incoherent Rant".
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It's a very hard line to balance, but I agree that it is skewed in killer favor. Obviously some survivors things needed to be re-worked, such as exhaustion all those years ago, and stuff like Mettle of Man. Those were understandable changes.
Then vacuum pallets. Understandable change again.
Killers still have their vacuum hooks.
Killers can just ignore pallets in the current patch half the time.
Hitboxes almost always will lean towards killer favor, especially since the locomotion update.
So why do survivors want to play still? Most of the time when they play they'll get cheesed out by a killer running unrelenting to swing through pallets or hit your desynced hitbox. They don't have many things to counter the killer, and stealth options are limited due to the massive amount of Aura readings in the game now.
Even when things work as intended, it likely will only work once per trial, like pallet stuns.
I'm ok with them buffing killers who need it. But there's a point when one side has too many buffs, universal or directly (more often universal buffs), that it makes certain characters quite unfun to play against.
I play both sides fairly evenly, red ranking in both, most of my survivor in solo queue. I often don't feel like being in red ranks means anything, other than I have played this game too much. Somedays I have a "good streak" but it's more I get weird hitboxes and people giving up. If I can barely go 5 games without someone wanting to give up on the match, I think there is a problem with the balance of certain powers, perks, etc.
I understand the learning curve of characters. It's why I want Huntress to have accurate hitboxes. I don't feel like I'm outplaying people in PvP when I'm just shooting fish in a barrel. It's why Nurse can be so fun to play, because she's probably the only killer in the game that actually has a decent skill floor that takes time to get used to, then has one of the best skill ceilings. Sure she can be annoying to go against, but it feels more interactive than taking a guessing game on where is the killer going to appear from, due to it being more telegraphed, and having some counterplay depending on the skill of the Nurse player. It's part of the reason why people hate Deathslinger, his speargun isn't very telegraphed when he aims down sights, unlike any other killer with a ranged effect.
So, where is survivor counterplay? What can they do? Drop pallet? Desync and they get hit, 10% chance of pallet stunning, 80% chance of getting hit, and 10% chance of both happening at same time. Vault window? Desync and they get hit after they hit the ground and lithe activates. Same goes for Balanced Landing. Head-on is probably the most interaction I control when playing survivor, but sometimes the game decides to not let me out of the locker despite spamming the buttons to do so. Stealth is an option, but not every map is stealth viable, and then there's the billion and 1 anti-stealth perks and add-ons for killers.
Then you hit a killer with a head-on, decisive strike, or even a pallet, and they're ready to throw the entire match just to make sure you die, then pop up wherever they can to ask for more survivor nerfs.
Killer has had it's share of bad moments. But I don't think that's any reason for survivor to be as miserable as it in it's current state.