Stop giving killers pity hits at the exit gates.

Almost no killer sees it possible and almost everyone thinks it's disrespectful. Also, by doing this little thing the chase emblem gets hurt for that mini chase. Please just leave when all teammates are save. The killer can dispense these few points.
if Survivors are at the exit gates, Chaser Emblem is the least of the issues. If I have all 4 survivors at the exit gate, then I'll gladly take the extra BPs to help me (maybe, dang bloodweb RNG) get better perks for next time.
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Well... I personally think it's pretty nice of the survivors. If you're offended by it then don't go to the gates if everyone's safe I guess.
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THIS. if you don't want to see the survivors in the exit gates, don't go there.
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Then they drag it out till the last second.
Thx for wasting 2 minutes!
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The Killer gets points. The Survivors get points, and maybe possible WGLF stacks. No one loses in this situation.
Stop complaining, it takes 20 seconds to walk to the gate and force them out.
It's much more disrespectful when they don't take the hit, and instead just leave a second before you can hit them.
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those are 2 more minutes for your Gatekeeper Emblem. Think of those vital 200 BPs . . . lol
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I mean, if someone's bothered by survivors doing their thing at the gates then it's the best they can do. Go break pallets and doors, go check twitter, i dunno... Or you could suck it up and go get the darn hit points at the gate. The match ends quicker AND you get your points.
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Personally I see survivors waiting at the exit gates as the equivalent of slugging survivors when there is only 2 people left.
You get extra points from both though not everyone is a fan of it.
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its a waste of both players time. The amount of points accumulated do not make it worth while.
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I sit by the exit gate to give the other survivors who have not made it out yet extra time to open the other gate and leave, or heal, or advance their ability to escape in any capacity.
I can also confirm NOED if no one has been hit yet by sitting on the edge of the exit gate and being knocked out if it happens. (this also can ring true for Devour Hope)
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Uh so, basically if we want to give the extra points or wait in case someone gets hooked, screw survivors for it?
I've never seen somebody whine about BP gains.
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It can also helps both sides with their respective quests.
"Almost no killer sees it possible and almost everyone thinks it's disrespectful" - you are wrong; speak for yourself.
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I mean you could be banned for it yes? Since it must be seen as farming.
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Speak for yourself, i enjoy a good exit gate shenanigan from time to time.
My favorite is duckshooting with huntress where you stand as far as you can from the exit gate and try to hit the survivors running back and forth
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Even better if you are on Deathslinger . . .
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I usually do it to waste the killer's time so that the other survivors have time to reach the exit gates.
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Gatekeeper only gives points as long as there are gens remaining.
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Don't tell him that, he thinks chaser emblems actually matter if survivors are actually surviving . . . lol
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Survivors doing this, usually only hugged gens during the match. Hoping for some chase points instead of leaving with 11k points.
Not gonna reward them for that.
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Why are you letting them hug gens all match? You can't just chase 1 or 2 people and hope to get anything out of the match.
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It's not about the points.
It's about sending a message.
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At this rate, it won't take long before we have threads complaining that someone else was disrespectful for spawning on the map.
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I might have to steal that idea for the meme of it . . . lol
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speak for yourself, i'll happily take some free hits and few free downs before the end, if you see it as disrespectful then you are the issue, you must be salty after losing
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Honestly even if it’s a thank you hit I do feel a little insulted. Though I can never tell if it’s a pity hit or a “I’m going to let you hit me and you still can’t do anything about it!”
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Omg I thought I was the only person that did that with huntress 😂 glad to see its not just me being weird it's actually my favourite thing in the match as I suck as huntress so lightens my mood lol
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Yeah, it's a fun thing to do after missing every normal hatchet.
It's especially fun if survivors fully embrace duck mode and start crouching from one side to the other side
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Only do it if it's a Deathslinger.
I'm totally not an undercover agent...
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I mean if ima get 4 man escapes ill at least take the extra BP ######### it, you know?
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Honestly I don't care if survivors give me pity hits or leave right away, but don't pretend like you're gonna give a pity hit then just leave. That's cold. Especially when you gen rush the [bad word] out of the killer (so basically Trickster gameplay).
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The only annyoying thing are survs spamming notifications with vaulting when they're invulnerable close at the gates.
Worse then tbagging. And even after 4 years, they still do it. Creative parrots.
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I think it's not really about the bp, for me at least I'd prefer to just not bother going to the exit as killer in the first place. Sometimes survivors are nice and give me points but the vast majority of the time, they just teabag, clicky clicky, or leave after waiting for no reason. I'd rather not deal with that crap, especially if my mood has already been soured by what's probably been an utter defeat. There's also the humiliation of it, no other game makes me feel THIS bad for losing. Probably because if I've lost in many other games then they just end immediately, whereas in DBD there's the long and tedious process of forcing the survivors out if they decide to make the killer wait. They can't really change this without reworking the way the endgame works as well as reworking all of the end game perks. So unfortunately, this long drawn out loss will remain.
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A lot of them are going to tbag and leave, no point going there just in case someone wants to give you points. I tend to capitalize the time they give me by wandering around and trying to remember the map design, because I can't get there on my own outside matches. I bet I get more out of it than the survivors sitting on the gates and waiting.
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you get distraction/protection points from it if someone near you is injured so... no.
also it gives the killer some points too so it's extra for both sides.
also, who cares about emblems? who even wants to rank up it's painful as hell being high ranks
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As a killer main, I don't mind this. I hate it when they butt wiggle and leave first.
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I don't bother going to open gates anymore and still they'll wait until the last second even though it's obvious the killer isn't coming
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There's actually a good tactical reason to force the killer to shoo you out of the gate UNLESS YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON. And that is to force the killer's attention on you and make them waste time while the other survivors finish up what they are doing (heals, hooks, opening another exit, ect)
I suggest you suck it up and learn to deal with it, it's a valid tactic.
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Look, if you play toxic expect survivors too as well. 🤷♀️🤷♀️
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If the killer did facecamp or tunnel me i sure will make him pay by wasting two minutes waiting and tbagging til the last second on gate :)
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If it is a game where the killer didnt even stand a chance I don't just give them hits I let them sacrificed me because they need it after games like that.
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Slugging at 2 last people usually makes sense when you want a 4k without playing hatch&exit gates gamble game.
Staying at exit gates when there's none survivors outside makes zero sense unless you just want to be petty.
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... with NOED ☠😈☠
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Here's a simple solution I don't think you thought of.
Just. Don't. Go. To. The. Exit. Gates.
A lot of killers appreciate the free hits and its not disrespectful at all. Don't be a Karen & look for reasons to be offended.
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It's only to get extra points
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I don't know why people have in issue with this, it's nice to give a killer a free hit I always do so they feel somewhat better after the game. I just can't stand survivors who run around at the gates and leave without giving a killer a hit I mean come on don't be an (BAD WORD).
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I agree but if you don't go to exit gates most survivours vault a close by window to make noise until timer runs out or you go over there so they can do there little tbags and leaves at last second so if you don't go to the gate the game just lasts longer lol.
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What's disrespectful are matches that you get stomped and you open the gate yourself and the survivors run to the other gate and you ignore it. Then they go to the nearest pallet or window or locker and start slamming them to try and draw your attention. Like when a killer opens the door take a hint. I think it's evident, just get the hell out. I'm done. It's actually really insulting.
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How about the survivors who stay at the gate during the entire time the timer goes down. I suppose I can be like you and say if you offended by that don't go by exit gate...F#$+ Yiu POS.
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Not exactly. Many times survivors who are injured take advantage and heal for points or they may have a challenge. So it isn't always about the killer at all.
My point is in that getting a 3k still means you've won. So getting that 4th person and slugging at that just to make sure they don't get hatch makes zero sense unless you actually have a challenge or something.