Survivors shouldn't be allowed to drop pallets while kidnapping Victor

I was just in a match as the Twins and a thought came to me while a survivor was kidnapping Victor, they shouldn't be allowed to drop pallets. It would fix the kidnapping issue in a big way.
Not being able to Drop Pallets sounds like its way to easy to tunnel for the Killer. Its one of the reasons many People hate Doctor. Because he just takes away your Ability to defend yourself with the normal chasing tools.
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I think this is a dumb idea
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i Main twins, Charoltte and Victor Deshayes are the only killers i really play other than mabye clown every once and a while, they defiently need some buffs like mabye a slight boiled over affect (i mean slight litterly if it was as massive as the perk it would be 2 strong), but to stop them from dropping pallets is not the way to go at all...stop them from vaulting, allready throw down pallets, mabye, but thats about it
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Wait... can you drop pallets while you have Victor on? I can’t.
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You're meant to be able to but it wouldn't shock me if the game didn't let you
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Dropping pallets while kidnapping Victor isn't defense, its dragging a toxic method out longer than it should be
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I mean I’ve been only playing survivor for a short time, I think I faced Twins like... 20 times, approximatively? But i am 100% sure that I can’t interact with anything (PS4) while I have Victor on because if I press R1 my character will only interact with victor - even while I’m running.
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Don't have to be mean about it
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That seems like a problem with console that would need you to rebind either your interaction button or pallet button from R1, if that's even possible to do on console (it's been so long). Shame that the devs still don't know how to get the console versions of their game working but oh well.
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Okay wait I don’t know how PC works but on PS4 it’s the same button for every interaction. Pallets, Vaulting, Gens, SC, Unhook, Chests, Totems, Recover, Heal and Victor are all on R1 isn’t that always M1 on pc? I can’t remap one of these interactions to a different button.
edit; misspelled buttons
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At least with Doc you have to be skillful with your shocks and need to be able to time them correctly.
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By default, the interaction button (Healing, Victor, Snapping, Repairing, Cleansing, Searching, etc) is M1, and the Vaulting and Dropping buttons by default is space.
Even when I stick my controller in, I can split them apart:
(I use a PS4 controller so RB is R1, RT is R2, A is X, B is Circle, and X is Y)
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"You toxic survivors! Trying to use strategy is TOXIC"
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Or you use shock detonaiton delay add-ons and all skill just gets yeeted
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If you have Victor on your Back and The Killer is chasing you. Its not trying to kidnap Victor, its just running from the Killer. And if you're running from the Killer you need to have resources to defend yourself
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Then that’s the problem because by default the Pallet/Vault button on PS4 is the same as Interactions. I don’t know if I can change that but I doubt it - and it would be so hard to adjust muscle memory. Will check the settings as soon as I can
my god what is it with all these edits I’m using the forum on my phone and I can’t for my life, I even quoted you twice and don’t know how to undo that
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Sucks when your power is stolen by a kidnapping.
Also sucks when a survivor drinks a healing fountain when you just broke them through poison
when survivors quick drop pallets and won’t let Oni get any blood, essentially stealing his power.
Survivors erasing Hag traps with a flashlight that the game decided to gift them freely by opening a chest...
My point is, Killer powers are not omnipotent and should have drawbacks, downsides or counter-play. Since we can call back Victor in 30 seconds, and the survivor is limited to their actions plus Victor still reveals nearby still sounds reasonable to me to have him kidnapped.
Doesnt seem necessary to also make survivors nearly defenseless too.
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Its not strategy, to my knowledge it was never encouraged by the Dev to kidnap Victor, its just something some survivor main came up with and people have been ripping it off ever since.
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This isn't true, the survivor is trading a health state, their ability to repair generators and their ability to hear the terror radius in order to stop the killer from using a pretty strong power. You're also forgetting that the killer can chase you with Victor on your back, do you just expect them to crush Victor in chase and therefore essentially give the killer a free down?
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Yeah... since people can't run and remove victor at the same time, and removing him stops you completely, I am going to say no. Also you can only kidnap victor for 30 seconds after that, you as killer are letting people keep victor.
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The idea is bad, yea.
But that doesnt have anything to do with tunneling. You cant tunnel healthy survivors.
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No, you’re meant to still be able to be able to interact with vaults and pallets, otherwise that would be broken in instances of NOT kidnapping, where Charlotte unleashes Victor at close range, meaning she’s close by after a successful pounce on a healthy survivor, and engages in a legitimate chase where the survivor is genuinely trying to get Victor of ASAP. It mean trying to run once Victor is on completely pointless, which isn’t fair.
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Ok, fine, forget it
it was just an idea, its not like its the worse one someone's put on
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Survivors should have a 5 percent speed penalty at least. It's stupid to have Victor attached and assume you can run and vault at the same speeds as before.
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The concept that there should be some penalty to performance if you gave Victor attached is reasonable.
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I'm on ps4, you can change the controls in settings. I changed actions to circle after dropping too many pallets when trying to heal someone off the ground. I also changed drop item to square since default it was circle, I didn't want to accidently drop an item instead of vaulting mid-chase. If you change buttons just check if it's already used for something else to make sure it won't screw you over some other way. It sucks for first few matches but you get used to it quicker than you think.
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Yes, let's make it absolutley impossible to do anything at all while having victor.
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Im sure you've already gotten this answer but that's a horrible idea
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Oh yeah make twins even more broken, next what? Reduce victor respawn time from 6 seconds to 1?
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The survivors should not be able to be downed by Victor, period. It promotes slugging and that's no fun to go against, especially against twins. He should only be used to latch onto and locate survivors. This is just my honest opinion.
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the timer to recall victor should just be 15-20 seconds
increase the time victor holds you in a locker by a little bit, just a couple seconds.
they'd be in a decent spot imo.
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I think straight-up preventing drops would be too much. Greatly slowing down the interaction, on the other hand, could work.
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Thank you very much. But if you rebind circle to pallets you won’t be able to move your camera when you have to drop a pallet and honestly I could never play the game like that. I suggest you don’t do that unless you play claw.
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Who would kidnap a baby? Don't get me wrong I love babysitting Victor so I agree with you. If you kidnap the baby, no pallets. However if you're just babysitting, you should still be able to drop pallets.
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I've had my buttons set this way for atleast a year if not longer and it hasn't hurt my looping/pallet dropping abilities in the slightest while also working the camera. Dropping a pallet is a quick tap of the button, it doesn't take away from moving my camera where I need it. It's not like working on a gen or healing which can take awhile, dropping a pallet is not even a second worth of time.
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Not really important, but that's an Xbox controller.
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I can assure you, it's a PS4 DualShock
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Id settle for "having victor attached to you prevents fast vaults through windows"
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If they kidnap Victor then that means they can't work on gens. They're hurting their team.
Best thing for you to do is ignore that player and go for their teammates.
Plus after a certain amount of time you can call Victor to come back.
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yeah, maybe.
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I'm an idiot lol. I saw the picture, but not the bottom explaining.