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Wich Killer do you think needs a Rework next and why ?

I mean it in Nerf or Buff. Wich Killer really needs to be changed in your opinion Next.

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  • Member Posts: 1,297
    edited April 2021

    Its not a buff or a nerf but I want them to rework the huntress, addons and hitboxes. She really need it. For me she is the more buggy killer of the game, I love her story but she is my least favorite killer to go against because of hitboxes and red hatchets.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Freddy or Huntress.

    Freddy's kit is bloated with strong stuff that's way too easy to use. I would suggest a change that makes him stronger but way harder to play, but I think the devs are simply not doing that so I think he should get nerfed.

    Huntress could use a small buff to her base kit, she feels kind of outdated. Don't get me wrong, she is strong and all, but she has gotten stale with time. Her add-ons are either boring and weak or boring and extremely strong. Her 110% movement speed is also a pain in the ass and makes her way too map dependant.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    Buff Huntress, but fix her hitboxes, she seems to run off completely broken hitboxes rn

  • Member Posts: 1,720

    Nerf - Freddy. He's so simple and brain dead that it's absurd. He's not even terribly strong (while certainly still respectable), he's just unfair and boring to go against.

    Buff - Legion. I'm not going to pretend his nerfs weren't necessary, but given their power's status as non-lethal, there are punished far too much. Let's not even talk about the add-ons...

    Buff - Trapper... just make 2 trap capacity base. That's it. A simple numerical change would be the greatest buff ever

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Definitely Spirit nerf-wise, I want them to make it so survivors are able to tell when she's phasing or not. It would raise her skill ceiling as well.

    Myers needs a complete rework, he's outdated compared to GF.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Well, what could use a boost?

    Trapper: Needs like 2-4 minutes before the match starts to set up his traps.

    Myers: Needs like 50% more evil to suck off of survivors, so you're less screwed by teams hiding out your T3.

    Hag: Needs to teleport in facing the person who activated the trap, not just in any random direction as they get away.

    Doctor: Needs to shut off vaulting/throwing power the second the survivor screams, not like 5 seconds after the scream is over. This is so frustrating.

    Freddy: He feels great to play and I really hope any nerf doesn't screw with that. If you want to nerf him, make his Class Photo baseline and increase the CD on teleporting. That way, he can't just fake out teleports and every teleport becomes much more important to choose, rather than just spamming it all the time.

    Pig: Cut down the time till the trap springs by like 50%.

    Clown: More bottles. Like, 50% more bottles.

    Legion: Remove the stun effect when Frenzy ends naturally, but keep it if you miss an attack, double-tap a guy, or prematurely end it.

    Plague: Turn her puke into a flamethrower, not a series of invisible chunks, so it actually hits the target when the screen says it hit.

    Demogorgon: Let him track survivors near inactive portals.

    Executioner: Needs all new addons. His addons are the worst in the game (other than the 3 +range ones for his shockwave).

    But as to the main question: Who should get worked on next? I'm gonna say Plague. She's such a great killer artistically and thematically, and her power is built so poorly. She needs the biggest change (altering how her puke hits work), and she's already throttled by her lack of mobility and built-in pool weakness. Fix her puke reliability and the healing pools suddenly become huge advantages with RELIABLE blood puke.

  • Member Posts: 412

    Legion- If they made twins why not make it where all four members of the legion are in the match and after a survivor is hit by a feral frenzy for each member they do a 4 person feral frenzy or something special.

    Trapper- Give him the ability to hold more than 1 trap.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Spirit. Too easy and literally no counters.

  • Member Posts: 21,232


  • Member Posts: 2,929

    that isn't really a unpopular opinion, last I checked the general consensus is that Myers is balanced but really outdated and a huge victim of power creep

  • Member Posts: 1,327

    I actually agree. Myers is in awful state right now. His power doesn’t help much with chase at all, even when he’s tier 3, he’s not all that scary as long as you aren’t in a dead zone. It doesn’t help that he’s just completely overshadowed by Oni who is essentially Myers 2.0. Myers really needs some kind of mobility tool. Perhaps to differentiate him from Oni, Myers could get some mobility tool that he unlocks when he hits tier 3 for the first time and then he’d have access to the mobility throughout the game regardless of your tier.

  • Member Posts: 298

    The Freddy rework can't come sooner enough. It's not even because I have a hard time going against him, just that his reworked abilities aren't even original and just borrowed from other killers making him extremely boring to go against.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Nurse spirit or Myers but the most likely is spirit

  • Member Posts: 2,025
    edited April 2021

    Okay, here are my thoughts on buffs/nerfs/reworks.


    • [Buff] The Trapper || Make him able to carry 2 or 3 traps at a time and he should start with the max amount of traps he can carry.
    • [Rework] The Shape || Remove "Judith's Tombstone" and make "Tombstone Piece" an Ultra Rare.
    • [Rework] The Huntress || Make Iridescent Head an instant down only if she hits a hatchet from a 30-meter distance or more. And remove "Venomous Concoction" and make "Berus Toxin" an Uncommon or Rare.
    • [Rework] The Spirit || While she's phase walking, she'll show glimpses of herself once every 1.5 / 2 seconds. But the spirit will also see glimpses of the survivors, or the spirits screen will flash in the corners so she knows when survivors can see her.
    • [Nerf] The Deathslinger || Breaking the chain should not give deep wound or injure to a healthy survivor. But if the survivor already is injured, the deep wound effect can stay. Increase his terror radius from 24. to 28.
    • [Nerf] The Executioner || Rescuing or being rescued from a cage should activate Borrow Time, Decisive Strike Baby Sitter, Second Wind, Deliverance, Of The Record, and We'll Make It.


    • Trapper = He's weak
    • Myers = I don't really think he needs 2 mori add-ons. And being able to mori everyone seems a bit overpowered. I know it takes a lot of time to stalk that much. But he'll get there eventually.
    • Huntress = Iridescent head is really broken and boring to go up against. And she doesn't need 2 exhaustion add-ons, and I don't think an add-on should give longer exhaustion than an exhaustion perk. 90 is way too much, even 30 is really long. Because you don really walk in a chase.
    • Spirit = She needs some sort of "skill/mind game" counter.
    • Deathslinger = I don't think he should be able to injure someone over a pallet and get rewarded for a bad shot. I know he gets some sort of fatigue, but he also injures survivors with deep wound. And I don't think he should have a terror radius that small, but at the same time, it shouldn't be so big either, so I think 28 is fine. Because it's not too big, too small and Monitor and Abuse would still work pretty well on him.
    • Executioner = I'm fine with perks that counter perks, but not killer powers that remove perks.
    Post edited by Kira4Evr on
  • Member Posts: 1,927

    I think spirit needs a nerf but honestly the more I think about it I'm torn.

    As a solo survivor I think she needs a nerf to be able to have indicators in chase when she's using her power because she can destroy a bunch of solos.

    However I understand how unbalanced the game is when a killer goes against a SWF so they need a killer who is able to tackle those matches.

  • Member Posts: 955

    Myers should get a rework BUT I want him to keep the Scratched Mirror play style as well. It’s the most fun I’ve had as a Killer and as a Survivor and I don’t want it to never happen again because he gets reworked.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I think the top 3 I think need reworks are Legion, Twins and Clown. Legion and Clown are just extremely lame and their powers have nothing of interest, and The Twins are an abomination.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Hag already works like that unless you're using rusty shackles or mint rag. Your phantasm faces the survivor, and when you take control of it, you're still facing that direction. Doctor's power also already works like that. It won't interrupt queued fast vaults much like Freddy snares won't.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Twins - whole killer based on slugging which super not fun neither for the survivors nor the killer

    Clown - M1 killer who throws bottles, extremely unoriginal and boring to play as.

    Myers - probably most iconic killer who is made fun of, the power boring and he plays boringly.

  • Member Posts: 623
  • Member Posts: 3,486

    Trapper the poster boy deserves changes and buffs. He should be one of the strongest killers, not the weakest.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Everyone who says that Freddy is unfair to go against does not understand Freddy at all. He definitely does not need another rework or more changes. Unless they want to give him his old power back, that is change I would support.

    Now, back to the actual topic. I think Myers could see a change. Maybe getting his multi-stalk back. 

  • Member Posts: 965

    Myers needs a full rework not a buff Since BHVR renewed their license with halloween maybe a myers rework? with laurie's face changed? and haddonfield fixed? And a tome with laurie & michael that would be sick ngl

  • Member Posts: 1,049
    edited April 2021

    Mmm I get what they're saying though

    First of all, RIP old Freddy. Bring him back. Thanks.

    Secondly, I genuinely do not think Freddy is THAT strong, he's just completely braindead with VERY little room for mistake, which is why he's so effective and high on the kill rate stats. With having literally everything in his kit but requiring no effort to use any of it, he's always going to be a pubstomper as he is now.

    However, I think there are plenty of killers that are stronger than him, they're just a lot harder, more complex, have different playstyles depending on the map, etc. This gives them a lot higher of a skillcap but a lot more room for mistake, which as humans, we will always make. The best Nurses and Blights ######### up their blinks/rushes plenty, but they're still far stronger killers.

    So, you could bring Freddy to Blight level of strength, but make him 3x more difficult. His POTENTIAL is higher (as his current kit is just bloated and simple, not necessarily super strong), but his kill rate would likely lessen by quite a bit as he wouldn't be the "pick up and master immediately" killer. It'd feel better to play as him, play against him, etc.

    I'm not opposed to it at all. I don't think he needs a flat nerf. Ideally, I'd love for him to get a full redesign that brings his power closer to the original power, but that's never happening. He just needs to be far more difficult but kept at the same strength OR given more potential which would make him stronger, but in a fair way.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "but that's never happening."

    Don't lose hope like that. I am sure me and other Old Freddy mains will get our killer back eventually.

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    Freddy x 100 and preferably in a way where they go back to old freddy for a lot of it

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    As weird as it sounds, a couple days ago I had a dream about playing as Old Freddy on Haddonfuck against a swf, and somehow winning. It made me really miss Old Freddy.

    I wish there was an add-on for him that got rid of his snares and passive sleep timer in exchange for giving him his old power back. Honestly if the devs really wanted to, they could probably do that; since I find it pretty unlikely they completely just erased the code for his old power.

  • Member Posts: 1,049

    I mean, I have a little hope for it, but it's just so unlikely at this point. At the very least, a new killer with a similar concept that's MUCH more fleshed out and stronger is what I do see happening. But the return of the OG Fredster? I don't know...

  • Member Posts: 529

    I would like to see trapper get some love. He is currently extremely outdated killer. I feel like i'm more powerful using Wraith. Trapper needs to carry at least 2 base traps and his traps should be more threatening, giving survivors passive debuff's if they get hit by them, like permanent mangled effect, slower repair, maybe even slower movement speed for short time.

  • Member Posts: 285

    Rework Oni’s perks. They are so bad.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Ah, that truly is a good Dream. Which could have been real, at some point. It was possible, yet difficult, to win against a SWF on Haddonfield with Old Freddy.

    Yeah, there should be a way for us to play as Old Freddy again. Get rid of Snares, Pallets and Passive sleep. Dream Projection can stay. And give us our power back. Please, devs!

  • Member Posts: 655

    Demogorgon needs a big re-work, but he's next on the list for changes if I remember a dev stream correctly.

    Huntress and Myers need add-on changes to be standardized like every other killer.

    Freddy changes are coming at some point.

    Pig's ambush and stealth could use a buff.

    Twins might need looked at too.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I guess we can only hope that when they nerf Freddy they give us away to play as the older version of him.

  • Member Posts: 8,332

    Buff Trapper - he's getting nerfed with every map rework. He's face of the game, he should be stronger.

    Allow him to carry more traps at once.

    Darken his traps since areas to hide his traps have been limited from reworks and they now also stick out making them easy to avoid.

    Have traps spawn in more central locations instead of in the middle of no where. Traveling around collecting traps in area that pulls Trapper away from everything is pretty ridiculous.

    Already injured survivors that escape trap or disarm a trap with bloody coil should receive deep wound.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Trying to get back into her and the hitboxes are killing me. I'm seeing hatchets catch invisible corners every game and it's really frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    1 spirit- needs actual counterplay. youre injured, you dont have iron will and you hear her hairdyer phasing sound. youre dead

    2 nurse- once you master her, solo queue becomes a guaranteed depip for the survivors. mindgames often dont work against her blinks either

    3 myers- my main. has an outdated power. his power should charge up quicker & walk faster while stalking and other addons should be basekits. its sad considering hes one of the more iconic killers but everyone who plays dbd just sees him as a weaker ghostface

    4 bubba- hes basically billy without the speed boost. his chainsaw should not be able to down multiple survivors. LITERALLY everyone plays him just to facecamp. he definitely needs buffs, i just cant think of any.

    5 hag- 10 traps at a hook. her traps are invisible on some maps. hag should get an entirely new power instead of trying to fix her current power

  • Member Posts: 312

    Hint: it's your profile

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, and never lose such hope. Maybe the devs will do the right thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Huntress is the most frustrating expirience to play against. With spirit and nurse at least you know they're op. Huntress just hits you around the corner because dedicated servers

  • Member Posts: 38

    fix trickster. please. please.

  • Member Posts: 340

    You want to make a Killer that can damage you at range also be full speed?

    The 110% is not making her lose a large fraction of gens that you wouldn't have lost with a 115% Killer. The 5% difference is 0.99 seconds of difference for every 100m walking.

  • Member Posts: 340

    What's hard to understand? Chase a sleepy survivor around a loop dropping snares at no speed reduction, then when you catch them you hook them, teleport to the generator with people on it, pop, chase another survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    Not necessarily make her 115%, but give her tools to combat some of the more annoying loops. Like the idea Scott suggested a while back: Make it so that every hatchet reduces your movement speed by 1%, so at the start of the match you move at 110%, and the more you use your hatchets, the more your looping capabilities increase.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    Freddy, Legion, Spirit, or Twins

    For Freddy it's because his power does not require effort to activate and survivors are actively punished for something they can not control, he's an M1 killer, sure, but spamming fake pallets and slowdown pools can make him win any chase regardless of map or situation.

    Legion is outdated and has always been terrible, their power is draining to play against and the idea that there are "Legion mains" surprises me. The sound design is fine but running from place to place and clicking M1 doesn't sound fun. I think he needs a power overhaul and to become something fun.

    Spirit is nothing short of grating to play against, especially with Stridor, If you need 2 perks to counter a single killer with a single perk, then something is wrong. It also doesn't help that playing against a Spirit is obnoxious because there's no telegraphing where she might pop up from, leaving you feeling cheated when she hits you.

    Twins were bad, are bad, and are still going to be bad, they promote the most scummy tactics and are nothing but unhealthy. I think they need a complete overhaul

    I don't think these killers should be nerfed, I think they should be changed so that they're more fun to play as and against. Nerfing them to the ground won't help anything but keeping this as they are is stupid.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

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